Did you read that paper? It's not new and is from the Russian Academy of Sciences of all places; it does not set out to prove the link between PWM and these symptoms.... it
presupposes the link and then lays out methods to measure and alter PWM characteristics.
Did you read any of the citations that this paper uses to justify that presupposition?
...which is not publicly available in it's entirety, but the abstract ends with: "
The experiment did not find significant differences in concentration levels resulting from the different lighting conditions."
That study is cited to bolster the claim the "This issue is extensively studied," but seems to insinuate (rather unscrupulously IMO) that the cited study found a link between PWM and these symptoms, when if found no such link.
So again, I'm not doubting the reality of your and other's lived experience. I am merely not convinced that you really know what's causing your symptoms.