100% some people have issues with PWM it's real! But there are other factors too, in fact I once thought it was just PWM causing issues. It was 100% my shoulders/neck and also not blinking enough, even though I thought it was PWM. Later when I solved it, it freaked me out, because I found it started to became psychosomatic! I was so sure I knew what it was, my thoughts of it effected my reality. It's amazing what the mind can do, I could bring it on pretty quick, and also go away knowing my other screens were not PWM. It was not what I thought, once I started stretching, looking away, moving more...honestly it took a lot but all started because I assumed it was just PWM causing it, now no screen bothers me...ever! So happy.
So I'm sure there are some that got that new device whenever, over used it, too bright, not enough blinking...whatever, got a headache or eyestrain, said what? looked online found PWM and said bingo! because I did exactly that, and it wasn't..LOL, could have contributed to my actual issues and pushed it over the edge..
So I am NOT trying to say people don't have issues with "just" PWM, but I know some don't, they think they do and many can be helped if they "believe" or find out it's their neck muscles, normal eyestrain from not blinking, different brightness settings lower or higher etc.. or a combo with the PWM! But blinking, looking away at a distance..a LOT, neck and shoulder exercises, could help, I use to use eyedrops but they freak me out with all the recalls, but I don't even need them now.
I'm a firm believer now that we can bring on or perpetuate problems by thinking we know exactly what the cause is. I went back to another screen and poof it went away, but of course I 100% thought it would ago away, I thought I knew for sure, I did not and it was a revelation. I was super happy to know it was not just PWM it was a combination of things and my mind surely perpetuated it further. It's real thing, it taught me a lot, and maybe PWM kicked it off, who knows but at least for me I found it was not the main issue.
If I just help one person, I'm happy, so please try other cures before thinking you know it's only the screen tech. Thank God I solved it, another interesting thing I noticed, I got up looked in the mirror without thinking too much and noticed one shoulder was higher than the other! what?? yeah the chair I was sitting in I guess I leaned to the left a lot! You might want to check that, noticed my t-shirt sleeves weren't level..one side was higher, ask someone to look at you as you stand relaxed.
Crazy but these devices are rough on the human body, doesn't take long either. The screens on eyes, I forgot to blink, now I look away and also raise my shoulders hold tight, then completely relax and drop them, repeat a few times.
It's funny because I lift weights, I run, I thought shoulders/neck shouldn't be a problem, but 1 hour of working out and 8 or 10 hours looking at a screen obviously don't work out well, so I look away a LOT, it was hard to do, and I take lots of breaks and stretch a LOT...
Don't take this the wrong way, I just know how happy I am I can look at anything now! LCD, OLED, LED, 120hz 60, 30 lol nothing bothers my eyes now! So I thought I would share, there is hope.