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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 10, 2003
If you've completed the 3.0 pwnage process, please post here with any problems you ran into, any bugs on the iPhone itself, or if it went completely smoothly and you haven't had any problems yet.

Please don't post here asking about how to unlock your 3G, this is for early-adopters to let everyone else know how it went.
ill give a full rundown for 1st Gen iPhone users....only thing is I cant download pwnage ................


Pwnage just finished downloading...Be back in a bit to tell how it went
I'll make a custom firmware later and restore to it. I'll report back what, if anything, went wrong.

I wont be able to do it today though, probably the weekend if I get times. Loads of coursework to do, tests to revise for. Ugh. :(
Original iPhone which was previous unlocked by practically every method in its life time.

Just used Pwnage Tool 3.0 to do a restore. Just got it up and running and everything seems to be working fine at the moment. Will restore all my previous settings and applications and give it a more thorough working out to check later on.
jailbroke my black 8gb 3g iphone and my girlfriends white 16gb 3g iphone, no problems what so ever. Also am using Snow Leopard
I tried using pwnagetool 3.0 for a iPhone 3G through iTunes 8.2

However I don't think I entered DFU mode correctly. So I was unable to restore using the custom firmware.

I hope someone can help me out.
hey guys i have only one question this wont automatcily unlock ur phone right? i just want to jailbreak and it should all go smoothly right?
thanks sorry for stupid question just want to make sure

Here is the rundown on my phone. I have the 1st generation iPhone bought in the the US. It has been jb and unlocked since 2.0. to be used in the Netherlands. I was running the latest firmware 2.2.1 before pwning to 3.0.

I can happily say all went well and the update was under 5 minutes. My phone is successfully updated to 3.0/unlocked/jb :D

Good luck people!:D

Oh and thanks again Dev team!
hey guys i have only one question this wont automatcily unlock ur phone right? i just want to jailbreak and it should all go smoothly right?
thanks sorry for stupid question just want to make sure

Nope, this will only Jailbreak it. yellowsn0w and now ultrasn0w are for unlocking.
Ugh, after the install, my phone in now locked! I live in Greece, and the iPhones here are unlocked, so now what do I do?

Yeah, they told you in the first line of the instructions that would happen. No idea how to help you out. Sorry.
Building my IPSW now, although if anyone whose already done this is happy to upload it somewhere i would be very grateful! :D
Pwnage Tool keeps quitting in the middle of building the custom firmware. Any ideas? I'm running Tiger.

Edit: After reading through copious comments on the blog, it looks like it's not working for PPC Macs right now. :(
Jailbroke my 3g no probs but just installed backgrounder from cydia and its not working with any apps :mad:
Does Push, Youtube and Location service work after moving to 3.0 with pwnage 3.0? Thanks!
I didnt use anything to unlock my iPhone, it came like that from Vodafone. All I did was restore it from iTunes, and it worked fine. Im going to attempt to do this again.
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