Does Push, Youtube and Location service work after moving to 3.0 with pwnage 3.0? Thanks!
Does YouTube and find your location work (Maps) work on the Pwnage 3.0 builds?
pwnage tool crashes while buildingany idea's?
Pwnage Tool keeps quitting in the middle of building the custom firmware. Any ideas? I'm running Tiger.
Edit: After reading through copious comments on the blog, it looks like it's not working for PPC Macs right now.![]()
Jailbroke my 3g no probs but just installed backgrounder from cydia and its not working with any apps![]()
Where are you guys getting the 3.0 firmware?
Okay, I downloaded the custom firmware from here, tried to restore using it, but it didn't work. I got the MUST RESTORE iPHONE message, so I'm in that process now.
Anyone else have a custom firmware for the 3G with no custom logos that they can share with me? I don't know what went wrong, but I'm assuming it was the file.![]()
Do you mean the standard IPSW that PwnageTool spits out when using simple mode? If that's what you're looking for, I have it, and I can upload it to my public Mobile Me folder if you want it.
Yes, please.![]()
Can't install SBSettings with 3.0? Anyone else having same issue?
After pwnage and using apple's 3.0 firmware, my weather app doesn't work. Just keeps saying that it's updating but never actually updates. Anybody else?
After jailbreaking, I am not getting any service wether it be on edge or 3G, yet I am still getting my WiFi, any clue on why this is?