do Not Use Quickpwn If You Wish To Software Unlock In Near Future!
It is very can tell from all the stern warnings they are posting.I wish the unlock was included with this release... It is coming I can smell it.
Read their website...I guess it's been a while since I JB...memory is fuzzy...right now I have a 3G JB 2.1
Do I just upgrade to 2.2 in iTunes, run quickpwn and that's it?
Nope, once you have updated to 2.2, you have updated your baseband and lowered your chance for unlock.if i restore back to 2.1 can i use pwnage tool and still have the possibility for a sot unlock?
i havent jb'd my iphone before
Nope, once you have updated to 2.2, you have updated your baseband and lowered your chance for unlock. then it doesnt matter if i use quickpwn or pwnage tool right?