Sooo I did the expert mode, booted it up to 1000... built the ipsw. Restored phone> put it into recovery mode> option clicked "restore">selected ipsw built from pwnage and it starts up then boom "iphone could not be restored an unknown error (21) occured" rebuilt the ipsw twice now and still the same thing.
Kinda freakin out here, as im a novice at best, havent had any problems pwning phone since ive bought it and have done the updates as they have become available.
Guess I didnt, how do you do that then?
Well thought I had JB but I cant have ive not got Cydia on the springboard. Nor did I have to change the root partition
Was using this guide - only change was I had to upgrade via iTunes rather then selecting the firmware from the pwnage folder that you create.