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Sooo I did the expert mode, booted it up to 1000... built the ipsw. Restored phone> put it into recovery mode> option clicked "restore">selected ipsw built from pwnage and it starts up then boom "iphone could not be restored an unknown error (21) occured" rebuilt the ipsw twice now and still the same thing.

Kinda freakin out here, as im a novice at best, havent had any problems pwning phone since ive bought it and have done the updates as they have become available.

Guess I didnt, how do you do that then?

Well thought I had JB but I cant have ive not got Cydia on the springboard. Nor did I have to change the root partition :confused:

Was using this guide - only change was I had to upgrade via iTunes rather then selecting the firmware from the pwnage folder that you create.
Well I was simply stuck in recovery mode and getting an error message everytime i tried to restore with pwnage ipsw, just went and downloaded quickpwn, NO problems what so ever.
couldnt tell you file wise but it recognized my phone and did everything by itself (with the exception of me hitting power and home buttons) ALOT easier, and i thought pwnage was easy (it is) but this was even easier
Hey everybody, I just got my iPhone about two weeks ago so I've never gone through these fashionable jailbreaks. I did just update the firmware via iTunes to 2.2 the morning it was released. I now realize I would like to jailbreak the phone. From what I'm reading I won't have any issues (other than having difficulty unlocking it down the road if I so desire to do it (is this correct?).

I have some noobish question about the whole process. If I jailbreak my iPhone does it wipe out the current apps I have installed?

Is there a way to backup everything on my iPhone to a file not associated with iTunes (so I can keep it secret and keep it safe)? I'm running a fully updated Leopard/iTunes. Thanks
Hey everybody, I just got my iPhone about two weeks ago so I've never gone through these fashionable jailbreaks. I did just update the firmware via iTunes to 2.2 the morning it was released. I now realize I would like to jailbreak the phone. From what I'm reading I won't have any issues (other than having difficulty unlocking it down the road if I so desire to do it (is this correct?).

I have some noobish question about the whole process. If I jailbreak my iPhone does it wipe out the current apps I have installed?

Is there a way to backup everything on my iPhone to a file not associated with iTunes (so I can keep it secret and keep it safe)? I'm running a fully updated Leopard/iTunes. Thanks

if you use quickpwn, all your apps will stay on your phone but you will flash the baseband meaning if you wanted to possibly unlock it so you can use another carrier, you are out of luck

with that said, you already flashed it by upgrading to 2.2 so just use quickpwn

I'm new at this jailbreaking stuff, and I do want to be able to unlock my iPhone 3G in the future.

I just bought a used jailbroken iPhone 3G (firmware 2.1) from eBay last week and thinking about upgrading to firmware 2.2. I'm using the iPhone on AT&T right now using my plan for Treo 750 (unlimited data, not on iPhone plan). Now my questions are:

1.) Do I need to Select or Deselect "Activate the phone" when using PwnageTool?

2.) After restoring the custom IPSW using iTunes, will iTunes ask me to activate the phone; if so, then what do I need to do?

Thanks in advance

updated to 2.2 and ran quickpwn with no problems. AptBackup did not work at all, but I only have a couple Cydia apps that I use so it wasn't a big deal. Has anyone figured out a way to get QuickGold to work with 2.2? I saw on another forum that people had it working, but the new homescreen feature trumps it on mine.

Seeing as aptbackup doesn't work on 2.2, any other way to backup the cracked apps to itunes?

itunes doesn't recognize or sync any of the apps I downloaded with cydia.

Im on itunes 8.0.2 , iphone 3g jailbroken with Quickpwn 2.2

Thanks guys
new to jb and running at 2.1

hopefully this will make sense

currently running 3g 8gb 2.1jb

if i backup first then restore then update to 2.2 then jb it using the new 2.2 jb..will i be able to restore my current 2.1 jb settings?

or will i need to start again - reapply the apps/themes etc from cydia?

aptbackup does NOT WORK so don't waste your time with it.

For the record, aptbackup worked perfectly for me after jailbreaking 2.2 using pwnage. I backed up using aptbackup in 2.1, updated/jailbroke, reinstalled aptbackup via Cydia, and then restored in aptbackup. Viola, all of my stuff was back.
hopefully this will make sense

currently running 3g 8gb 2.1jb

if i backup first then restore then update to 2.2 then jb it using the new 2.2 jb..will i be able to restore my current 2.1 jb settings?

or will i need to start again - reapply the apps/themes etc from cydia?


you can upgrade via itunes, download quickpwn select the file (os files) then jb, once you have jb'd your phone, itunes will start up and say "set as new ipod or use old settings"
I upgraded to 2.2 through iTunes at home. Can I use QuickPwn at work, or do I need to perform the JB on the same computer as the upgrade was done?
if you use quickpwn, all your apps will stay on your phone...

So I already have stock 2.2 installed. if I use quickpwn to JB it, will all of my current app settings be erased or will they remain? I have SplashMoney and I have a few transactions that I haven't synced back to my PC yet. I'm at work but I was wondering if I JB it before I get home, will it erase all of my info in SplashMoney?
To everyone wondering whether to upgrade or not, I just upgraded my first generation (G2) iPhone from 2.1 to 2.2 using pwnage and following the instructions at

My iPhone works great, seems quite a bit faster than with 2.1, and all jailbroke things work fine.

I was reading this thread and was just going to ask that question. I see everyone excited about upgrading to 2.2. But I want to know if it is even worth it. What do you gain? has anyone noticed a big performance difference? are the apps working better? less dropped calls? anything? I am seeing a lot of posts about jailbreaking but not much about whether 2.2 is worth it.

any thoughts from people with 2.2 jb?
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