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Yay my 1st gen iphone is again unlocked at 2.2 fw. Thanks dev team.:D

Regarding the podcast, why can't it allow subsription to update? I'm not about to type search for each one?:mad:
There is a way to use MoibileTerminal to delete Installer. I don't know what it is offhand...maybe someone who knows can post it.
Please help this newbie. I would love to upgrade to 2.2 tonight but I am really confused as to which steps I should take. I used Pwnage Tool to jailbreak and unlock my iPhone 2G because I use T-Mobile. What steps and utilities should I use to take my iPhone up to 2.2 unlocked and jailbroken? Step by step directions would be very appreciated and I am not concerned about losing any existing data or apps on the phone.


To upgrade from an already jailbroken iPhone:

1) Download the new Pwnage 2.2 tool
2) Download the new iPhone 2.2 firmware update restore (you can download from here
3) Run Pwnage in Expert Mode
4) After selecting the firmware that you've downloaded, select General
5) Increase the root partition to 1000Mb
6) Go back to the main page and select Build
7) Pwnage will start creating the custom firmware update (and will ask you for your computer's password at one time)
8) After Pwnage is done, close it out.
9) Turn off your iPhone (by holding the power button down) and unplug your iPhone from the computer (if it's plugged in)
10) With the iPhone turned off, hold the iPhone home button down then plug in the iPhone to your computer.
11) iTunes should start automatically and give you the restore screen.
12) Holding the option key down, click on the "Restore" button in iTunes.
13) Select the custom firmware update that Pwnage created. Your iPhone should start the Restore process. It will take several minutes for your phone to restore.
14) After the iPhone restarts twice, you will be given the option to restore your old settings or create a new setting. If you restore your old setting, all of your information will be on your newly upgraded iPhone except for your music (if you manually manage your music). Check on all of the iPhone settings in iTunes since somethings are not checked by default (such as using custom ringtones and manually managing music).

Hope this helps. For a picture by picture reference, go to
Yay my 1st gen iphone is again unlocked at 2.2 fw. Thanks dev team.:D

Regarding the podcast, why can't it allow subsription to update? I'm not about to type search for each one?:mad:

It won't automatically update your podcasts, but if you go to the podcast area of the iphone, you can click on "Get More Episodes" which will launch the iPhone iTunes page for your particular podcast.
Unlocked on Vodafone UK?

The process worked fine for me - but I don't get any signal and it looks like it doesn't recognise the SIM card.

Can anyone help me?
yes. I've only been having problems with cydia a bit, kind of annoying. I am thinking about restoring my phone and then re-jailbreaking it.

That did it for me. I realized that when I downloaded all the packages I wanted in my Custom Firmware (Unix Tools, UIKit, etc) that I packaged Cydia in there. Must have been an older version so I unchecked, re-pwnd and I am now working fine. :)
To upgrade from an already jailbroken iPhone:

1) Download the new Pwnage 2.2 tool
2) Download the new iPhone 2.2 firmware updater restore
3) Run Pwnage in Expert Mode
4) After selecting the firmware that you've downloaded, select General
5) Increase the root partition to 1000Mb
6) Go back to the main page and select Build
7) Pwnage will start creating the custom firmware update (and will ask you for your computer's password at one time)
8) After Pwnage is done, close it out.
9) Turn off your iPhone (by holding the power button down) and unplug your iPhone from the computer (if it's plugged in)
10) With the iPhone turned off, hold the iPhone home button down then plug in the iPhone to your computer.
11) iTunes should start automatically and give you the restore screen.
12) Holding the option key down, click on the "Restore" button in iTunes.
13) Select the custom firmware update that Pwnage created. Your iPhone should start the Restore process. It will take several minutes for your phone to restore.
14) After the iPhone restarts twice, you will be given the option to restore your old settings or create a new setting. If you restore your old setting, all of your information will be on your newly upgraded iPhone except for your music (if you manually manage your music). Check on all of the iPhone settings in iTunes since somethings are not checked by default (such as using custom ringtones and manually managing music).

Hope this helps. For a picture by picture reference, go to

What do you mean by point 2) Download the new iPhone 2.2 firmware updater restore?

Also does that guide work with 3G iPhone?
Hey all!

I am currently on a 2G iPhone (first gen.) with 2.1 jailbreaked using quickpwn for windows. I would like to upgrade to jailbreak 2.2 but I have a few questions first:

I have to restore my iphone to 2.2 instead of hitting the update button, right? Or should I restore to 2.1 and then hit update to 2.2 in itunes?

Also, after I have 2.2 installed (but before running quickpwn), are there any other files I will need to download to complete the jailbreak? I believe I remember needing to do this with quickpwn 2.1...

I realize that its pretty soon after the release, but any help at all would be greatly appreciated!!


Same situation.
It's really simple guys. Download the update..DO NOT Download and install. Let your phone perform a backup. Once the download is complete, just press RESTORE. The phone will do the rest. Once activated it will ask you to restore from backup...At this point go ahead and Jailbreak your phone first using Quickpwn. Once complete restore from backup and you will have all your apps/notes/SMS/etc... back on your phone.

aptbackup does NOT WORK so don't waste your time with it.
for some reason i can't download backgrounder... maybe server's down? everything else works perfectly, and i didn't install installer this time. i have no use for it.
updated to 2.2 and ran quickpwn with no problems. AptBackup did not work at all, but I only have a couple Cydia apps that I use so it wasn't a big deal. Has anyone figured out a way to get QuickGold to work with 2.2? I saw on another forum that people had it working, but the new homescreen feature trumps it on mine.
What do you mean by point 2) Download the new iPhone 2.2 firmware updater restore?

Also does that guide work with 3G iPhone?

You download the firmware update from Apple (sorry, I had a typo with it saying "updater" instead of "update"). To download the firmware update file, go here: and select the correct update.

As for the 3G iPhone, I haven't really researched into 3G iPhones, but the use of Pwnage seems to be the same for 3G as well as 2G.
You download the firmware update from Apple (sorry, I had a typo with it saying "updater" instead of "update"). To download the firmware update file, go here: and select the correct update.

As for the 3G iPhone, I haven't really researched into 3G iPhones, but the use of Pwnage seems to be the same for 3G as well as 2G.


Just JB, now restoring from my latest backup. Before I JB, I synced, and the bar at the top of iTunes, said it was backing up and after that I then right clicked iPhone and selected backup. But now iam restoring from my latest backup which is the 11th Oct??? Pretty ****ed off with this, anyone know why it didnt backup today properly?

So ive lost over a months texts, contacts etc :mad:

Just JB, now restoring from my latest backup. Before I JB, I synced, and the bar at the top of iTunes, said it was backing up and after that I then right clicked iPhone and selected backup. But now iam restoring from my latest backup which is the 11th Oct??? Pretty ****ed off with this, anyone know why it didnt backup today properly?

So ive lost over a months texts, contacts etc :mad:

Did you let the phone perform a backup before you Restored?
Unknown Error

Sooo I did the expert mode, booted it up to 1000... built the ipsw. Restored phone> put it into recovery mode> option clicked "restore">selected ipsw built from pwnage and it starts up then boom "iphone could not be restored an unknown error (21) occured" rebuilt the ipsw twice now and still the same thing.

Kinda freakin out here, as im a novice at best, havent had any problems pwning phone since ive bought it and have done the updates as they have become available.
Sooo I did the expert mode, booted it up to 1000... built the ipsw. Restored phone> put it into recovery mode> option clicked "restore">selected ipsw built from pwnage and it starts up then boom "iphone could not be restored an unknown error (21) occured" rebuilt the ipsw twice now and still the same thing.

Kinda freakin out here, as im a novice at best, havent had any problems pwning phone since ive bought it and have done the updates as they have become available.

Seems like most of the issues I see posted are from people using not using Quickpwn. I haven't tried the other method so I can't comment, but I have never experienced any problems with Quickpwn.
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