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Hmmm...sort of.

I have an original first day 8gb iPhone. BL 3.9.

i also have a recently acquired 16gb iPhone. BL 4.6.

I can easily imagine that Apple knows that no 16gb iPhones were sold with BL 3.9, and therefore if I showed up for warranty service with that 16gb iPhone and it had BL 3.9, Apple would know it had been hacked, and probably refuse warranty repair.

What do you mean, "sort of"? He's talking about original iPhones with 3.9BL. You're talking about a 16GB iphone with 4.6. Learn to read.
Well, this stuff is neat, but I don't expect it to have nearly the same audience that jail-breaking has had up until now.

By the time the iTunes App Store is up and the iPhone is being sold in all countries I think we'll find that far fewer people care about messing around with stuff like this.

Sure, some people will continue to do so, but it won't be the wide-spread phenomenon that jail-breaking has been.

maybe if you chose to not be ripped off by apple and its partner carriers, and instead unlocked your iphone you would not be saying that :p
this, along with other iphone hacking threads is probably one of the most complicated threads out here. geez, ever since the iphone came out a whole new language and terminology developed.
even though idk what most of this means, it all seems to be really interesting.
this pwning thing seems to be pretty big.
Hmmm...sort of.

I have an original first day 8gb iPhone. BL 3.9.

i also have a recently acquired 16gb iPhone. BL 4.6.

I can easily imagine that Apple knows that no 16gb iPhones were sold with BL 3.9, and therefore if I showed up for warranty service with that 16gb iPhone and it had BL 3.9, Apple would know it had been hacked, and probably refuse warranty repair.

Sorry I was unclear. What I wanted to say is that anybody who got their phone pre 1.1.2 has nothing to worry about. I think they started shipping bl 4.6 in november last year.
So if i use ZiPhone to only jailbreak my iPhone, does that mean i can't restore? Or can i restore and use iPlus/Liberty+
not too smart of them

Sounds like this will just make it easier for Apple to study what they did and either block them or Brick them.

I guess they feel very confident that Apple will not be able to stop them.
Anything that will allow me to enable me to mount an iPhone /Touch as an external disk, without channeling Kevin Mitnick abilities is something I'm interested in seeing developed. I presume a pwned device will open the door for this dropped feature that's keeping me in Classicland.
this, along with other iphone hacking threads is probably one of the most complicated threads out here. geez, ever since the iphone came out a whole new language and terminology developed.
even though idk what most of this means, it all seems to be really interesting.
this pwning thing seems to be pretty big.

Nah, it's big to like 1% of less of the diehard hack0rz who don't like the near pitch perfect form and function of the current iPhone OS and would rather downgrade it to some clunky crappy OS and kill it's ability to do certain functions, you know, like acting like a PHONE (the knuckleheads not clear on the Phone part of iPhone). Sure I could then put my Sprint sim in it, but then I just lost my ability to get email pushed to it, my browsing experience is going to suck on any other browser but Safari, no more syncing well with iCal, etc.

These morons are like a cult who just don't like Apple and AT&T and feel the need to whine about and break stuff to feel smug and self-important. They are exactly like the people who are all whine whine whine "OS X won't work on my Dull Chumput0r, Apple should make it's OS free (and kill their hardware line) whine whine" geeks from good homes that listen to repetitive same sounding angsty songs by wimpy white "rappers" [sic] like Linkin Park (a bunch of ******* from good homes who need a good smack up side their heads). But reality, how many people are out there running OS X on a peecee? Yeah, like .00001 maybe.

I mean, c'mon, they're calling their tool Pwnage, does that give you an idea of the maturity and mindset of these people? It'll be a big deal to those who like to use Warez to steal software, steal other things, probably live in mummy and dada's basement (but resent them for denying them a whiffle ball bat when they were eight) and cheat on tests in college and try to have everything for nothing. In other words, far from the average person and a super small percentage of iPhone users.

In short, move along here people, seriously nothing to see here.
Nah, it's big to like 1% of less of the diehard hack0rz who don't like the near pitch perfect form and function of the current iPhone OS and would rather downgrade it to some clunky crappy OS and kill it's ability to do certain functions, you know, like acting like a PHONE (the knuckleheads not clear on the Phone part of iPhone). Sure I could then put my Sprint sim in it, but then I just lost my ability to get email pushed to it, my browsing experience is going to suck on any other browser but Safari, no more syncing well with iCal, etc.

In short, move along here people, seriously nothing to see here.

This is truly a fantastic post and I think anyone who wants to more fully understand the mindset of an apple diehard should study this carefully.
Excellent! Take note, Apple. This is what you get when you cripple hardware ad nauseum.
That's ridiculous. Of course there is. What if you got it as a gift and it was a defective unit out of the box?

In Apple's eyes, you wouldn't know if it was defective or not unless you activated it.

Now if it won't turn on to begin with, that's a different case.
That's ridiculous. Of course there is. What if you got it as a gift and it was a defective unit out of the box?

jav is correct. Until your activate your phone it is not registered with apple, they have no record of purchase except for your sales receipt....

....sales receipt covers you for a defective out of the box unit but only for the store you bought the phone from's policy.

In the UK O2 store policy is 14 days, Carphone Warehouse is 7 days and Apple is 28 days as far as im aware.

If you have had your phone for longer than sales warranty then you have NO, repeat NO WARRATNY for the iphone hardware from apple.

Trust me, its been proven on other forums. When an unlocked phone that was restored to factory condition was returned to an apple store they point blank refused the customer saying they had no record of his purchase/register of his iphone therefor cannot offer applecare or warranty.
As others have said.

This is going to appeal to a small percentage of individuals overall. The majority will be outside the U.S. looking for alternative ways to unlock the iPhone so they can use it in their country.

I think once the SDK comes out officially, the interest in the Jailbreaking component of the iPhone hacking community will dwindle down to a much smaller number of individual. Unlocking interest, of course, will remain, but requires a little more technical inclination than the general consumer market will care to deal with.

I think the concept surrounding this tool is interesting, however.

jav is correct. Until your activate your phone it is not registered with apple, they have no record of purchase except for your sales receipt....

....sales receipt covers you for a defective out of the box unit but only for the store you bought the phone from's policy.

In the UK O2 store policy is 14 days, Carphone Warehouse is 7 days and Apple is 28 days as far as im aware.

If you have had your phone for longer than sales warranty then you have NO, repeat NO WARRATNY for the iphone hardware from apple.

Trust me, its been proven on other forums. When an unlocked phone that was restored to factory condition was returned to an apple store they point blank refused the customer saying they had no record of his purchase/register of his iphone therefor cannot offer applecare or warranty.

i thought in the EU there is a 2year warranty by law. and it that case it doesn't matter if apple doesn't exchange it. the store you bought it will have to.

and in the US i thought it's 90 days. again the store you bought it will exchange it.

as far as i know the EU law at least superseeds store policies. correct me if i'm wrong.......
...I think once the SDK comes out officially, the interest in the Jailbreaking component of the iPhone hacking community will dwindle down to a much smaller number of individual. Unlocking interest, of course, will remain, but requires a little more technical inclination than the general consumer market will care to deal with...


I agree. I've unlocked and jailbroken my phone but once the App Store is out, if there is a way to use that with my phone (gain access to the store legitimately) then I will probably not have to pay much attention to the hacking community either. The unlock was great and installing others apps has also been fantastic but I think that once Apple starts distributing apps (assuming I can get equivalent apps to what I already have) then I won't need to worry about adding additional functions via hacking.
Ugh. Leave it to hackers to make it abundantly clear why Apple does what it does.

What in God's name is "Neuter" and "FakeBlank?" Do I need an instruction manual to use this?

I can just see it, "Look my iPhone runs Linux!" "That's great, so you voluntarily beat your phone with the ugly stick?"
Nah, it's big to like 1% of less of the diehard hack0rz who don't like the near pitch perfect form and function of the current iPhone OS and would rather downgrade it to some clunky crappy OS and kill it's ability to do certain functions, you know, like acting like a PHONE (the knuckleheads not clear on the Phone part of iPhone). Sure I could then put my Sprint sim in it, but then I just lost my ability to get email pushed to it, my browsing experience is going to suck on any other browser but Safari, no more syncing well with iCal, etc.

These morons are like a cult who just don't like Apple and AT&T and feel the need to whine about and break stuff to feel smug and self-important. They are exactly like the people who are all whine whine whine "OS X won't work on my Dull Chumput0r, Apple should make it's OS free (and kill their hardware line) whine whine" geeks from good homes that listen to repetitive same sounding angsty songs by wimpy white "rappers" [sic] like Linkin Park (a bunch of ******* from good homes who need a good smack up side their heads). But reality, how many people are out there running OS X on a peecee? Yeah, like .00001 maybe.

I mean, c'mon, they're calling their tool Pwnage, does that give you an idea of the maturity and mindset of these people? It'll be a big deal to those who like to use Warez to steal software, steal other things, probably live in mummy and dada's basement (but resent them for denying them a whiffle ball bat when they were eight) and cheat on tests in college and try to have everything for nothing. In other words, far from the average person and a super small percentage of iPhone users.

In short, move along here people, seriously nothing to see here.

This is the most bizarre, distorted view I've ever read on the iPhone dev community. Not to mention how much false information you managed to cram into the post...

For what it's worth, I don't like the name, either.
This is huge and 90% of the people posting in this thread have no clue what impact this has. The fact that you can install on the iPhone a CUSTOM ipsw (instead of an Apple released one) is major. This means you can build your own ipsw and release it for others to install with say a different boot screen or whatever.
i thought in the EU there is a 2year warranty by law. and it that case it doesn't matter if apple doesn't exchange it. the store you bought it will have to.

and in the US i thought it's 90 days. again the store you bought it will exchange it.

as far as i know the EU law at least superseeds store policies. correct me if i'm wrong.......

Yes but when you purchase the iphone you enter into an agreement with the store that you will not do anything against manufacturer wishes, etc.

Carphone warehouse actually get you to sign to say you agree to the terms and conditions... not sure about O2 stores and i know apple have it posted all over the store about hacking the iphone.

One question for those who may be in the know....

...can legit iphone contract owners use this tool for boot logo changes and the like without doing any harm/changes to their bootloader/basebands/etc!?

One question to those who may know....

....Can legit users use this without causing any unnecessary harm for things like boot logo changes and the like?

To be honest if the store suspects foul play its their right to refuse a refund or return/repair, just as we have rights to do so with honest claims. I think a lot of people forget about the rights of store owners and concentrate on consumer rights.

The next step after a refusal would be court and that is just a step too far in most people's opinions!

All in All i think the PWNAGE project is awesome and is the best news for iphone users in countries that don't yet have the iphone.... and for those who cannot afford the contract.
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