Nah, it's big to like 1% of less of the diehard hack0rz who don't like the near pitch perfect form and function of the current iPhone OS and would rather downgrade it to some clunky crappy OS and kill it's ability to do certain functions, you know, like acting like a PHONE (the knuckleheads not clear on the Phone part of iPhone). Sure I could then put my Sprint sim in it, but then I just lost my ability to get email pushed to it, my browsing experience is going to suck on any other browser but Safari, no more syncing well with iCal, etc.
These morons are like a cult who just don't like Apple and AT&T and feel the need to whine about and break stuff to feel smug and self-important. They are exactly like the people who are all whine whine whine "OS X won't work on my Dull Chumput0r, Apple should make it's OS free (and kill their hardware line) whine whine" geeks from good homes that listen to repetitive same sounding angsty songs by wimpy white "rappers" [sic] like Linkin Park (a bunch of ******* from good homes who need a good smack up side their heads). But reality, how many people are out there running OS X on a peecee? Yeah, like .00001 maybe.
I mean, c'mon, they're calling their tool Pwnage, does that give you an idea of the maturity and mindset of these people? It'll be a big deal to those who like to use Warez to steal software, steal other things, probably live in mummy and dada's basement (but resent them for denying them a whiffle ball bat when they were eight) and cheat on tests in college and try to have everything for nothing. In other words, far from the average person and a super small percentage of iPhone users.
In short, move along here people, seriously nothing to see here.