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Is this true if you use ziphone only to jailbreak it? Does it change it the same way if you only jailbreak?

No! Just jailbreaking does NOT change the bootloader. I just did some research and checked my own phone for reference.

Also there's some misinformation around here. I've heard of a lot of people taking in their iPhones for service even after they unlocked it and Apple accepted them. Also the vast majority of people out there just Jailbreak and don't unlock their phones.

Even I've taken in my phone for service (before it was jailbreaked) and the Apple tech didn't bother checking my bootloader before handing me a replacement phone.

Nah, it's big to like 1% of less of the diehard hack0rz who don't like the near pitch perfect form and function of the current iPhone OS and would rather downgrade it to some clunky crappy OS and kill it's ability to do certain functions, you know, like acting like a PHONE (the knuckleheads not clear on the Phone part of iPhone). Sure I could then put my Sprint sim in it, but then I just lost my ability to get email pushed to it, my browsing experience is going to suck on any other browser but Safari, no more syncing well with iCal, etc.

These morons are like a cult who just don't like Apple and AT&T and feel the need to whine about and break stuff to feel smug and self-important. They are exactly like the people who are all whine whine whine "OS X won't work on my Dull Chumput0r, Apple should make it's OS free (and kill their hardware line) whine whine" geeks from good homes that listen to repetitive same sounding angsty songs by wimpy white "rappers" [sic] like Linkin Park (a bunch of ******* from good homes who need a good smack up side their heads). But reality, how many people are out there running OS X on a peecee? Yeah, like .00001 maybe.

That's really condescending. Some people out there just like playing with their gadgets. Most people out there who have unlocked their phone live in places that haven't yet released the iPhone.

The iPhone won't accept a Sprint SIM, and my jailbreaked phone operates just like any regular iPhone but with added functionality. I still use Safari, Calendar, and my iPod portion of the phone, and I get to have a ToDo list, Sudoku, and a virtual Piano on my iPhone (I'm a pianist, it's fun). I'm also looking forward to loading Linux up on my phone. Just to play around with it, use it as a WiFi tablet for a bit, and then reflash it with the regular iPhone OS. I've hacked my PSP and my old XBox, and enjoying those too.
Anything that will allow me to enable me to mount an iPhone /Touch as an external disk, without channeling Kevin Mitnick abilities is something I'm interested in seeing developed. I presume a pwned device will open the door for this dropped feature that's keeping me in Classicland.

If you are jailbroken you can install AFPd, which makes your iPhone/iPod touch show up in the Shared Computers section in finder. Browse and read/write at your leisure.
I am not worried about it because I have never had an apple product fail on me, but if apple ever tried to deny me warranty service on my hardware because I did not activate with AT&T, I will be taking them to small claims court or doing a chargeback with AMEX.
Being an extremely long time Apple fan and living in Canada I have depended on these developers, or should I say hackers, to enjoy the iPhone and all of its greatness whereas without them I would not have the opportunity. Can I say that if the iPhone was available in Canada that I would still "hack" it especially with the legitimate 3rd party apps right around the corner? Chances are I probably would go legit because why go through the extra hassle of all the crap involved jailbreaking, unlocking, etc... All I can say for sure is that I can't thank them enough for their work otherwise I wouldn't be able to have the greatest phone out there. For those who have a hate on for the iphonedev team and any other developer producing apps the "improper" way, need I point out that chances are you wouldn't be getting your 3rd party apps in June because chances are Apple wouldn't have released a development kit to compensate for the demand.

When push comes to shove, yes hacking is bad and goes against Apples intentions, however it has forced further innovation and evolved the iPhone into more than it was originally intended for and has resulted in benefit for all iPhone users both good and bad.

Just my two cents...
Tell me again why I want linux on my iphone?

I have no concept of why the iphone needs another OS. The thought of being SIM unlocked is cool, but IMHO (yes I am wearing a fanboy hat) the whole apple controls it end-to-end does make for a nice packaged experience. I think they've done a cool job on the device as is and some sweet stuff is coming with the 2.0 update. ;)
Nah, it's big to like 1% of less of the diehard hack0rz who don't like the near pitch perfect form and function of the current iPhone OS and would rather downgrade it to some clunky crappy OS and kill it's ability to do certain functions, you know, like acting like a PHONE (the knuckleheads not clear on the Phone part of iPhone). Sure I could then put my Sprint sim in it, but then I just lost my ability to get email pushed to it, my browsing experience is going to suck on any other browser but Safari, no more syncing well with iCal, etc.

These morons are like a cult who just don't like Apple and AT&T and feel the need to whine about and break stuff to feel smug and self-important. They are exactly like the people who are all whine whine whine "OS X won't work on my Dull Chumput0r, Apple should make it's OS free (and kill their hardware line) whine whine" geeks from good homes that listen to repetitive same sounding angsty songs by wimpy white "rappers" [sic] like Linkin Park (a bunch of ******* from good homes who need a good smack up side their heads). But reality, how many people are out there running OS X on a peecee? Yeah, like .00001 maybe.

I mean, c'mon, they're calling their tool Pwnage, does that give you an idea of the maturity and mindset of these people? It'll be a big deal to those who like to use Warez to steal software, steal other things, probably live in mummy and dada's basement (but resent them for denying them a whiffle ball bat when they were eight) and cheat on tests in college and try to have everything for nothing. In other words, far from the average person and a super small percentage of iPhone users.

In short, move along here people, seriously nothing to see here.

Speak for yourself, I live in Scandinavia and have waited a year for the iPhone, and probably would have to wait another year if not buying from the US and hack it to work in my country. I love Apple products [insert 500 reasons here] and want to use them, and am convinced they will, in combination, help me in my professional work.

Your statement is wrong, immature and unfair.
This is huge and 90% of the people posting in this thread have no clue what impact this has. The fact that you can install on the iPhone a CUSTOM ipsw (instead of an Apple released one) is major. This means you can build your own ipsw and release it for others to install with say a different boot screen or whatever.


And unfortunately disagreed, because if it's really true that the Dev Team will release a hacked 2.0 Software, then we are in deep trouble.

We will never have the right to whine about Apple's secrecy again.
NOT GOING TO BE RELEASED ON March 30,2008, as originally planned.

They will release "sometime in the next week" to add some more features.
It would be interesting to see if someone can manage to get Google Android to run on the iPhone.
Yes but when you purchase the iphone you enter into an agreement with the store that you will not do anything against manufacturer wishes, etc.

Carphone warehouse actually get you to sign to say you agree to the terms and conditions... not sure about O2 stores and i know apple have it posted all over the store about hacking the iphone.

In the UK the applicable law is the Sale of Goods act.
The law is pretty much on the consumers side..if its broke then the seller has to replace or repair it, whether the iphone has been activated or not.
Your right about the sales of goods act but why make life more difficult and give Apple an excuse not to change/fix it for you by making changes that are permanent?

If you took your iPhone back and unactivated in its factory condition but it was clearly faulty then you could try your luck with the SOGA - but you would most likely have to write Apple a letter and plead that its a gift you never opened until now!

The hacking shouldn't change your statutory rights but like I said why make life more difficult by admitting to it when you can using pwnage or iliberty go back to factory settings?
so i can just change "unlock" to no and it locks it self again?

or i can just change the bootloader from 3.9 to 4.6 just like that?

please explain
Nah, it's big to like 1% of less of the diehard hack0rz who don't like the near pitch perfect form and function of the current iPhone OS and would rather downgrade it to some clunky crappy OS and kill it's ability to do certain functions, you know, like acting like a PHONE (the knuckleheads not clear on the Phone part of iPhone). Sure I could then put my Sprint sim in it, but then I just lost my ability to get email pushed to it, my browsing experience is going to suck on any other browser but Safari, no more syncing well with iCal, etc.

These morons are like a cult who just don't like Apple and AT&T and feel the need to whine about and break stuff to feel smug and self-important. They are exactly like the people who are all whine whine whine "OS X won't work on my Dull Chumput0r, Apple should make it's OS free (and kill their hardware line) whine whine" geeks from good homes that listen to repetitive same sounding angsty songs by wimpy white "rappers" [sic] like Linkin Park (a bunch of ******* from good homes who need a good smack up side their heads). But reality, how many people are out there running OS X on a peecee? Yeah, like .00001 maybe.

I mean, c'mon, they're calling their tool Pwnage, does that give you an idea of the maturity and mindset of these people? It'll be a big deal to those who like to use Warez to steal software, steal other things, probably live in mummy and dada's basement (but resent them for denying them a whiffle ball bat when they were eight) and cheat on tests in college and try to have everything for nothing. In other words, far from the average person and a super small percentage of iPhone users.

In short, move along here people, seriously nothing to see here.

I will never understand this mentality people have where they insist on telling others what they can/should be doing. Why do you care if people want to play around with their device? Its theirs. People mod their cars all the time and it potentially destroys the car, people take their electronics apart to see what they can do with them, so what? Thats their choice, why does that bother you so much? I think you are so narcissistic that you can't imagine people not having the exact same needs as yourself.
In the UK the applicable law is the Sale of Goods act.
The law is pretty much on the consumers side..if its broke then the seller has to replace or repair it, whether the iphone has been activated or not.

I hear you, but... If you break the iPhone due to hacking activities, is it ethical to use this law to your advantage?

I know, ethics is one of those things that most folks around here choose to ignore, but that is probably because integrity and ethics are dificult to fake.

When apple tightens the knot a bit, then the wining begins about how apple dares to hidrance the exercise of unethical behavior pseudo-justified by worship in the altar of personal freedom.
I hear you, but... If you break the iPhone due to hacking activities, is it ethical to use this law to your advantage?

I know, ethics is one of those things that most folks around here choose to ignore, but that is probably because integrity and ethics are dificult to fake.

When apple tightens the knot a bit, then the wining begins about how apple dares to hidrance the exercise of unethical behavior pseudo-justified by worship in the altar of personal freedom.

Is it ethical that many companies out there try to tie people down much more than what the consumer is by law?
Nah, it's big to like 1% of less of the diehard hack0rz who don't like the near pitch perfect form and function of the current iPhone OS and would rather downgrade it to some clunky crappy OS and kill it's ability to do certain functions, you know, like acting like a PHONE (the knuckleheads not clear on the Phone part of iPhone). Sure I could then put my Sprint sim in it, but then I just lost my ability to get email pushed to it, my browsing experience is going to suck on any other browser but Safari, no more syncing well with iCal, etc.

These morons are like a cult who just don't like Apple and AT&T and feel the need to whine about and break stuff to feel smug and self-important. They are exactly like the people who are all whine whine whine "OS X won't work on my Dull Chumput0r, Apple should make it's OS free (and kill their hardware line) whine whine" geeks from good homes that listen to repetitive same sounding angsty songs by wimpy white "rappers" [sic] like Linkin Park (a bunch of ******* from good homes who need a good smack up side their heads). But reality, how many people are out there running OS X on a peecee? Yeah, like .00001 maybe.

I mean, c'mon, they're calling their tool Pwnage, does that give you an idea of the maturity and mindset of these people? It'll be a big deal to those who like to use Warez to steal software, steal other things, probably live in mummy and dada's basement (but resent them for denying them a whiffle ball bat when they were eight) and cheat on tests in college and try to have everything for nothing. In other words, far from the average person and a super small percentage of iPhone users.

In short, move along here people, seriously nothing to see here.

What's wrong with you? :rolleyes:
I would say that if you BREAK the phone hacking it then they do not have to replace it as it met all the conditions of the sales of goods act from their end.

It is because of you it broke and so they most likely have no duty to fix it any longer even under the law.

But lets say you start getting air bubbles under your phone screen (a rare but known possible defect in some screens) then do you want to have the option of them replacing it or not? because hacking it to make permanent changes will most likely mean they won't accept it... even though the product is faulty (though strictly speaking that shouldn't matter as it wasn't of the required quality under the law).

Of course if you wrote letters and complained then maybe your would still get it swapped BUT if you could restore it back to factory condition and then use the present excuse they would certainly change it for you and if they didn't then they would have no means to stop you taking them to court for a replacement. and you would win!


As far as the bootloader issue goes - honestly we have no idea until the DevTeam explain!

What does the bootneuter app do to the existing bootloader? what is the "neuter" option?

How does it effect 3.9, 4.6 and the FB versions? Can it reflash all bootloader versions and upgrade stock 3.9?

Does it change the bootloader normally when it is run the first time (or every time?)

We will have to wait and see!

That video waisted nearly 6 minutes of my time. I was expecting something cool to happen.
I personally believe that pwnage is reversible especially when you consider that the DevTeam made special efforts to make the modified 3.9 bootloader in the first place for that very reason so it makes sense they would continue this with pwned.

"Cusoon959 March 30th, 2008 5:54 AM
Yes, you have these options when choosing bootloaders:
1) 3.9 stock
2) 3.9 fakeblank
3) 4.6 stock
4) 4.6 fakeblank

The bootloader version will always be 3.9_M3S2 or 4.6_M3S2…
and if you want to send it back to an Apple store, just use BootNeuter to flash a 4.6 or 3.9 BL without the neutered or fakeblank options on."
What do you mean, "sort of"? He's talking about original iPhones with 3.9BL. You're talking about a 16GB iphone with 4.6. Learn to read.

He was making a full logical point, I'm sorry if you couldn't get that. But, whatever somebody says, learn to be KIND..
That guy seems to be totally random and not have any special information about the phone so I don't see how he can say that is what it does! His first comment is "cool" which shows that he has no clue! and he is not listed as being part of the DevTeam!

Also what is the point of having "fake blank" as an option IF you can flash the standard bootloaders either way!? That makes no sense!

It seems more logical to me that you can go from 4.6 to 3.9FB or 3.9 and from 3.9FB to 4.6FB or 4.6. And neutering does something that means the phone "ignores" the bootloader altogether... but I am guessing and have no clue!

Of course that is what it looks like from the video but things are not always as they seem....
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