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you mean i could take my iPhone and the totally worthless slick interface it has now and replace it with a LINUX kludge!?!?!?! zomg!!!!eleventy-one!11!

I don't quite understand why people on this forum attack Linux like it's Windows. Linux has it's uses, especially for servers, security, and a free Windows alternative. Sure, it's nowhere near OS X on the iPhone, but some people may want it to mess around on. I was a Linux user before I switched to the Mac, and still own and use a Linux laptop.
I know, ethics is one of those things that most folks around here choose to ignore, but that is probably because integrity and ethics are dificult to fake.

I'm still laughing at your post - not because of your stand on being ethical in general. Just because the history of Apple was at times plagued with truly unethical behavior (as well as brilliance) - even by the very ethical Woz (the blue box being an example) - not to mention SJ himself who often felt that vision trumped ethics.

I love using Apple products, but if you've read any of the history of this company you might question their ethics and also understand why some of the posters believe that hacking an iP is not unethical at all. Maybe the opposite. Maybe even creating and going to another level. Which is what Apple did.
I'm on 1.1.4 unlocked on AT&T. The only reason I unlocked is that iNdependence downgrades the Modem Firmware to 04.02.13_G and that is the only one I've gotten to work (or lower) with my AT&T SIM.

How will I:
A) reverse the unlocking
B) use this new tool to restore and downgrade the Modem Firmware
C) Use my existing AT&T SIM

all while trying NOT to unlock?
Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/4A102 Safari/419.3)

This is pretty cool for anyone interested in getting things on their phone that Apple does not allow in an unjailbroken phone.
Seriously, though.

Sorry if I didn't have the time to read through all of the posts, but, really?

Aside from myself thinking the iPhone is an amazing piece of electronics, what the f*ck is the big deal with 'pwning' it? It's fairly amazing as it is, and will only be better as more 'legal' updates come along. I, for one, can wait for the real SDK is released, etc. Kudos to the hackers and such, but I don't think it's a big deal to your average user.
Sorry if I didn't have the time to read through all of the posts, but, really?

Aside from myself thinking the iPhone is an amazing piece of electronics, what the f*ck is the big deal with 'pwning' it? It's fairly amazing as it is, and will only be better as more 'legal' updates come along. I, for one, can wait for the real SDK is released, etc. Kudos to the hackers and such, but I don't think it's a big deal to your average user.

People want features that Apple is unwilling to offer, and your 'average user' would probably benefit from VoIP on EDGE and even an unlocked phone.
without PWNED there will be NO ONE ON FIRMWARE 2.0 unless your on an official contract and then you can't jailbreak!

ZiPhone/iPlus/iLiberty+/Independence all do not work on firmware 2.0 or the betas of it because the ramdisk exploit that all those tools use has been fixed by Apple for 2.0 and the beta versions.

So if you ever want to use the new firmware non-officially or unlocked or even jailbreaked then the pwnage tool is the only method.


All you need to do to reverse your unlock is reflash your baseband to the version from 1.1.4 - right now it has the baseband (phone bit) from 1.1.2 which is the only baseband that new phones on bootloader 4.6 can use unlocked without a bootloader downgrade.

If you are in no rush to upgrade I would wait for pwnage to be released later this week, but if you can't wait then you will have to use iLiberty and downgrade your bootloader to get the proper baseband for 1.1.4.

This tool however will unlock the apple firmware BEFORE its on your phone - it uses iTunes to put the patched unlocked etc firmware on your phone.

So as long as iTunes lets you restore your phone (which everyones does - although sometimes its does fail due to computer issues) then it WILL work on your phone.

It is an amazingly safe method to use - as it does not mess around with the phone AFTER it has been set up by iTunes and risk wi-fi or other problems but it restores from the patched firmware and then to get back to original state all you would do is restore to the original apple firmware.

No more messing with warranty issues - just restore and your back to your locked phone!

(I do not know how the BootNeuter works and until the DevTeam tell us no one will! But considering they made the 3.9 Fake Blank bootloader specifically so you could reverse it I am sure that anything it does is also reversible!)
I don't quite understand why people on this forum attack Linux like it's Windows. Linux has it's uses, especially for servers, security, and a free Windows alternative. Sure, it's nowhere near OS X on the iPhone, but some people may want it to mess around on. I was a Linux user before I switched to the Mac, and still own and use a Linux laptop.

i was a linux user first as well. that is why i know what a useless kludge their UI tends to be. servers? hell yes! secure? yeah! UI that makes vista look useful. sadly, yeah.....

deal with it.

so the chance to install linux on the nicest little gadget i have ever owned? laughable. :p
You are forgetting that millions of iPhones came with bootloader 3.9 from apple, and therefor have nothing to worry about when using ziphone.

And if you imported an iPhone into a country where apple does not sell the iPhone, you do not have a warranty anyway.

Hmmm...sort of.

I have an original first day 8gb iPhone. BL 3.9.

i also have a recently acquired 16gb iPhone. BL 4.6.

I can easily imagine that Apple knows that no 16gb iPhones were sold with BL 3.9, and therefore if I showed up for warranty service with that 16gb iPhone and it had BL 3.9, Apple would know it had been hacked, and probably refuse warranty repair.

Actually, since my 4 Gig iPhone was purchased at an Apple Store, and was never activated with AT&T, when I look up the Warranty online with Apple, it says that this model has not been activated with AT&T and shows no warranty.

So it really doesn't matter what I use to unlock it, Apple knows that since the day I purchased it, it was never properly activated, hence no warranty.

If for some reason my phone is activated with AT&T, it will only be warranted from the time I actually purchased it (or I can get Apple Care), but it must have an active AT&T account.

The Apple Stores around here are pretty strict, they look up the warranty status at Apple, and check to see if you are using the AT&T SIM and that it is active in the old phone, or if that doesn't work, that it is active in your replacement (they activate the replacement phone in the store with your AT&T SIM in it). I saw it done at one of the stores.

I can't just walk in with a non-activated phone and expect to just walk out with a non-activated replacement (maybe if it was JUST PURCHASED and you can say it's a gift or not activated yet, but definitely not with a phone that's over 30 days old).
I'm still laughing at your post - not because of your stand on being ethical in general. Just because the history of Apple was at times plagued with truly unethical behavior (as well as brilliance) - even by the very ethical Woz (the blue box being an example) - not to mention SJ himself who often felt that vision trumped ethics.

I love using Apple products, but if you've read any of the history of this company you might question their ethics and also understand why some of the posters believe that hacking an iP is not unethical at all. Maybe the opposite. Maybe even creating and going to another level. Which is what Apple did.

i think that all of y our abbreviations are hilarious :D
even more so because i can understand them. gosh, we're all such geeks.
without PWNED there will be NO ONE ON FIRMWARE 2.0 unless your on an official contract and then you can't jailbreak!

ZiPhone/iPlus/iLiberty+/Independence all do not work on firmware 2.0 or the betas of it because the ramdisk exploit that all those tools use has been fixed by Apple for 2.0 and the beta versions.

Yea, that's what they said with the "new bootloader" - no more unlocked phones.

I remember unlocking mine after, out of the box, I updated it to 1.0.2, then it took the rest of the evening.

Then my friend got one, 1.1.2 out of the box and didn't even need a computer and was totally automated.

Then, I upgraded mine to 1.1.3 and it took a while, but not as long as 1.0.2.

Now, I upgraded my friend's to 1.1.3 a month ago, and mine to 1.1.4 just last night, and it was just a click with ZiPhone.

I think with all the tools out there, unlocking an iPhone, no matter what it is or will be, will just be a download and a couple of clicks away. :eek:

Poor Apple and AT&T....

Oh, and Mr. Ballmer, eat your heart out!!!
Remember that there are apps Apple won't allow on the iPhone. Providing an OS built for customization on the iPhone will allow these (VoIP on EDGE?).

I personally had iPod Linux on my 3G and it was great, i got a ton of games free.

Number one - Apple won't allow VoIP on its phones? Perhaps you mean AT&T? I don't see what Apple has to gain from controlling how voice is transmitted here.

Number two - I guess I just don't get it. We've had years upon years of cell phones with hacked together OSes, where developers must have intentionally sat around a table figuring out new ways to make their phones quirky, strange, or otherwise just behave in a non-user friendly manner. And with YEARS of "omfgapplewhereisouriphone," we've taken every step since its introduction to find a way to push Apple back out of the picture?

As I was wondering, "BootNeuter" apparently resets the phone to its original unhacked state. Why didn't someone come up with the oh-so-clever label "Restore" or "Reset" or anything that even falls in the ballpark of a label that describes what's going on? Perhaps because it wasn't as clever and cute as "BootNeuter?" Hee hee I'm a hacker. Neuter. I'm so funny. That's great and all, but these hackers should at least have the ethics to design software that helps people understand how they're ***** up there phone, the ramifications, and ESPECIALLY how to undo it, if possible. It's just irresponsible.

God, I really, REALLY hate all this "hack the iPhone, net-neutrality, down-with-the-DMCA" crap. I think I shall call people like that "net-hippies." Arg.
(Sorry, I'm thinking of a friend here, not you :))
Why is it okay to discuss jailbreaking an iPhone but discussion of running OS X.?.? on anything but an Apple computer is forbidden? Both actions violate the EULA.
Number one - Apple won't allow VoIP on its phones? Perhaps you mean AT&T? I don't see what Apple has to gain from controlling how voice is transmitted here.
Apple have already said they won't allow VoIP applications to run over the EDGE connection, and presumably that will apply to 3G. It compromises their revenue stream. They get revenue sharing from AT&T.
As I was wondering, "BootNeuter" apparently resets the phone to its original unhacked state. Why didn't someone come up with the oh-so-clever label "Restore" or "Reset" or anything that even falls in the ballpark of a label that describes what's going on?
I agree, silly name.
God, I really, REALLY hate all this "hack the iPhone, net-neutrality, down-with-the-DMCA" crap. I think I shall call people like that "net-hippies." Arg.
Why are you reading in this forum?
As I was wondering, "BootNeuter" apparently resets the phone to its original unhacked state. Why didn't someone come up with the oh-so-clever label "Restore" or "Reset" or anything that even falls in the ballpark of a label that describes what's going on? Perhaps because it wasn't as clever and cute as "BootNeuter?" Hee hee I'm a hacker. Neuter. I'm so funny. That's great and all, but these hackers should at least have the ethics to design software that helps people understand how they're ***** up there phone, the ramifications, and ESPECIALLY how to undo it, if possible. It's just irresponsible.

I guess the price of you trying to be clever is showing a complete lack of comprehension and reasoning. BootNueter does not restore anything. It, as the name IMPLIES, nueters the phone's bootloader. Thus allowing the phone to function with any SIM card. If it restored anything then it would clearly be labelled "Restore." Nice try though ... :D
we don't know what "bootneuter" does yet!

The video shows it running and shows a dialogue where it says:

"your about to flash your bootloader to be 4.6 neutered"

It then flashes the bootloader and baseband and starts up.

This seems to suggest that the bootloader has to be flashed to "neuter" it - whatever "neuter" means.

But as far as we know we CAN'T FLASH 3.9 ORIGINAL!

So either this will ONLY work for those with flashable bootloaders, ie, 3.9FB, 4.6, 4.6 FB

Or the DevTeam found a method to flash the original bootloader (which is good for ZiPhone users who would like to have the chance of getting their original bootloader back).

But as I said there is no confirmation either way yet! I don't think the DevTeam would create something that doesn't work on the original iPhones but then again the video does say at the start "take a 1.1.3/1.1.4 iPhone and connect it to your Mac" So maybe if you want to have a hackable unlocked phone we will all need a new phone!
we don't know what "bootneuter" does yet!

The video shows it running and shows a dialogue where it says:

"your about to flash your bootloader to be 4.6 neutered"

It then flashes the bootloader and baseband and starts up.

This seems to suggest that the bootloader has to be flashed to "neuter" it - whatever "neuter" means.

But as far as we know we CAN'T FLASH 3.9 ORIGINAL!

So either this will ONLY work for those with flashable bootloaders, ie, 3.9FB, 4.6, 4.6 FB

Or the DevTeam found a method to flash the original bootloader (which is good for ZiPhone users who would like to have the chance of getting their original bootloader back).

But as I said there is no confirmation either way yet! I don't think the DevTeam would create something that doesn't work on the original iPhones but then again the video does say at the start "take a 1.1.3/1.1.4 iPhone and connect it to your Mac" So maybe if you want to have a hackable unlocked phone we will all need a new phone!

Neutered means that it was stripped of the Signing checks [which are used to determine real Apple code] and lock tables check [we all know what this means]. Neutering the bootloader means we eliminate those two things to allow a perfect [as far as the Dev Team is concerned] unlock and also allows the IPSW builder's costume made ipsws be installed through iTunes without being signed by Apple [Costume firmware].

Other than that, not much, same old 4.6 as for 3.9, it seems by the video that maybe you can flash either 4.6, 3.9FB and 3.9. That's what you can clearly see. However, the truth may be other.
This seems to suggest that the bootloader has to be flashed to "neuter" it - whatever "neuter" means.

Neither masculine nor feminine in gender.
Neither active nor passive; intransitive. Used of verbs.
Biology. Having undeveloped or imperfectly developed sexual organs: the neuter caste in social insects.
Botany. Having no pistils or stamens; asexual.
Zoology. Sexually undeveloped.
Taking no side; neutral.
The neuter gender.
A neuter word.
A neuter noun.
A castrated animal.
A sexually undeveloped or imperfectly developed insect, such as a worker bee.
A plant without stamens or pistils.
One that is neutral.

... so it's an asexual iPhone, incapable or reproduction.
Hmmm...sort of.

I have an original first day 8gb iPhone. BL 3.9.

i also have a recently acquired 16gb iPhone. BL 4.6.

I can easily imagine that Apple knows that no 16gb iPhones were sold with BL 3.9, and therefore if I showed up for warranty service with that 16gb iPhone and it had BL 3.9, Apple would know it had been hacked, and probably refuse warranty repair.

this PWNGE tool can switch from the "fakeblank" 3.9 and 4.6 and the original untouched of both.
haaa!! Must be April Fools! Pwnage indeed.

...if not, I recommend we collect and donate the sum of fifty (50) pairs of Blue Jeans, American, to the Russian hacking community in exchange for never using the word pwn, in any of its forms, again. Especially with the "-age" suffix.

Ps: to all you users of the "kool-aid, apple-f*nboy, cult" jargon, you're trying to create a magical world where you can be a cool, tough, rebel. I thank you all for the life-extending benefits of the laughter you provide me. Rock on.
This is the most bizarre, distorted view I've ever read on the iPhone dev community. Not to mention how much false information you managed to cram into the post...

For what it's worth, I don't like the name, either.

the whole post read like a bad joke to me. What I find the most interesting is how so many people are making numerical estimates of the comsumer population with no real data/evidence at all.
Well, this stuff is neat, but I don't expect it to have nearly the same audience that jail-breaking has had up until now.

By the time the iTunes App Store is up and the iPhone is being sold in all countries
I think we'll find that far fewer people care about messing around with stuff like this.

Sure, some people will continue to do so, but it won't be the wide-spread phenomenon that jail-breaking has been.

Maybe... But what if it's an other 5 years before the iPhone is sold in all countries? *cough* canada *cough* ;)
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