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I'm new with all of this... what is the benefit on having this on my iPhone? I mean can someone tell me what I will able to do with tis installed on the iPhone and what I will missing if I don't install on it? Because I really don't know what's the big issue if the next upgrade will introduce Apps Store... sorry if I sound so dumb. But I really want to know. thanx
Ugh. Leave it to hackers to make it abundantly clear why Apple does what it does.

What in God's name is "Neuter" and "FakeBlank?" Do I need an instruction manual to use this?

I can just see it, "Look my iPhone runs Linux!" "That's great, so you voluntarily beat your phone with the ugly stick?"

Remember that there are apps Apple won't allow on the iPhone. Providing an OS built for customization on the iPhone will allow these (VoIP on EDGE?).

I personally had iPod Linux on my 3G and it was great, i got a ton of games free.
That guy seems to be totally random and not have any special information about the phone so I don't see how he can say that is what it does! His first comment is "cool" which shows that he has no clue! and he is not listed as being part of the DevTeam!

Also what is the point of having "fake blank" as an option IF you can flash the standard bootloaders either way!? That makes no sense!

It seems more logical to me that you can go from 4.6 to 3.9FB or 3.9 and from 3.9FB to 4.6FB or 4.6. And neutering does something that means the phone "ignores" the bootloader altogether... but I am guessing and have no clue!

Of course that is what it looks like from the video but things are not always as they seem....

My bad, didn't notice that he wasn't on the dev team.:eek:
If you are jailbroken you can install AFPd, which makes your iPhone/iPod touch show up in the Shared Computers section in finder. Browse and read/write at your leisure.

Thanks man!! I wished I could do it for a long time until I saw your post. I knew it should be something related with BSD Subsystem (since Apple must have closed all the holes to reach it from Finder's own file transfer protocol). But I just couldn't find AFPd to do the magic..

I love it when something good leads to another good thing.. We were all writing about Pwnage and there I'm reaching my iPhone over WiFi and mounting it on my desktop :D
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/4A102 Safari/419.3)

I agree that this is sweet but can I just say the pwned and or pwnage is the dummest word. If it even deserves to be called a word. It makes those of us computer literate people in the world sound so

The PWNAGE Tool has been delayed. See for more info.

Hehehe,,,does anyone smell an "April Fool" announcement in the wind on Tuesday?

Back in the 80s one of the Mac mags used to run am April article that was totally tomfoolery but looked very plausible on the surface.

Gosh, how I miss my old coal-fired 128k machine. Those were the days of tight coding. Would you believe I have MS word on a single 400K disk, OK maybe it was an 800K disk, I'm too lazy to check.

Anyway, whether it's a prank announcement or not, I also remember how Steve and Woz got together...they were building blue boxes to hack the phone system. I guess if what comes around, goes around, this is Karma in action. I'm sure Steve never dreamed he'd be on the receiving end of a phone hack.
Nah, it's big to like 1% of less of the diehard hack0rz who don't like the near pitch perfect form and function of the current iPhone OS and would rather downgrade it to some clunky crappy OS and kill it's ability to do certain functions, you know, like acting like a PHONE (the knuckleheads not clear on the Phone part of iPhone)....

These morons are like a cult....

LOL. Speaking of morons, it just doesn't get much more moronish than this. I suppose choice is evil, if it gives options to the sacred.

What amazes me, is that there are so many morons out there, who have clicked the "Negative" button when rating this topic. Steve Jpbs should start a sect: some of the fervor is getting close to the religious morons who wish to crucify everyone who disagrees with their "holly" book.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/4A102 Safari/419.3)

I agree that this is sweet but can I just say the pwned and or pwnage is the dummest word. If it even deserves to be called a word. It makes those of us computer literate people in the world sound so


I agree.. I think it shows the Dev Teams age average and their emotional status. But I cant care anymore, these kids make tremendous work these day.. Kudos to them..
What a waste. Why do I want some small time developer f&*$ing up my phone? So I can put some lousy app not meant to run on my phone?
Apple can't even get the firmware and software right and they know what they are doing.
Give me the best (Apple) hassle free aps (iTunes).
Hobbyists need not apply.
What a waste. Why do I want some small time developer f&*$ing up my phone? So I can put some lousy app not meant to run on my phone?
Apple can't even get the firmware and software right and they know what they are doing....

Where do you people come from?! What part of "CHOICE" do you have have trouble understanding?

If you don't like it (or more likely, don't understand it,) then stay away from it!

But leave those who find it beneficial, alone.

Apple is just trying to avoid the same problems that Palm and PocketPCs have had. I had to watch every app I put on my Pocket PC and manage its memory usage. The Clié wasn't as bad, but it certainly required its fair share of hard-resets when trying new things. Some apps would work OK as is, but then freak out other apps. I eventually got the hang of it, but I've read of many users with Treo's that had nothing good to say about it, because of the software they had put on it, or their provider had included, was causing stability problems -- so they of course blamed it on the device.

After saying that, when I can get an iPhone for T-Mobile with their own visual voice mail, I'll want to put ScummVM on mine, so if it's not a available on iTunes as a download, I'll be hacking my phone to put it on. :eek: And on that note, I don't know when T-Mobile will be getting an iPhone option here in the US, so I have my heart set on an iPod Touch for now.

I agree.. I think it shows the Dev Teams age average and their emotional status. But I cant care anymore, these kids make tremendous work these day.. Kudos to them..

I totally agree too, and i dont think its just because they are young, i am 18 and find it very annoying; that big red Pwned logo on the iPhone startup will put me off installing this hack.

i like my iPhone to look standard, but do out of the ordinary things when i tell it too (have my apple stuff on one home screen, and my apps on the others)
What a waste. Why do I want some small time developer f&*$ing up my phone? So I can put some lousy app not meant to run on my phone?
Apple can't even get the firmware and software right and they know what they are doing.
Give me the best (Apple) hassle free aps (iTunes).
Hobbyists need not apply.
I actually bought my iPhone because of the awesome work these people are doing. I do not like owning locked down devices that I cant easily hack.

Unlocking my iPhone and learning more about how it works has provided me many hours of enjoyment.
What do you mean, "sort of"? He's talking about original iPhones with 3.9BL. You're talking about a 16GB iphone with 4.6. Learn to read.

I can read just fine. I can also take a message in the context of the conversation in which it was posted, not just on its face value. If you'd read the the post he was responding to, which talks about the downgrade to 3.9 from 4.6 voiding the warranty, you'd understand that in the context of the conversation, my reply was spot on.

Even the one I replied to saw that in his follow up:

Sorry I was unclear. What I wanted to say is that anybody who got their phone pre 1.1.2 has nothing to worry about. I think they started shipping bl 4.6 in november last year.

But thanks, Red Sox, for your positive and meaningful contribution to the discussion. Have a nice day.
Hobbyists need not apply.

And how did Apple start? Oh, right, as a hobby...

This is how things change people. Some of the best innovation comes from people with the time and motivation to tinker under the hood.

The least we can do is show them some respect, even if we don't agree with them, because without the thriving hobbyist community, we might not have gotten the iPhone SDK. Did everyone suddenly forget Apple's failed push for Safari-based 'applications?'
This looks very cool! I am definitely going to go nuts with this stuff on my current iphone when I buy my next phone (probably the next iphone, assuming it has goodness like 3G, stereo bluetooth and a good car music/phone solution). Then, no worries about possibly bricking.

If that experience goes well (or if people's experience with this kit coming out next week goes really well) perhaps I'll think about doing it on my current phone.
I hear you, but... If you break the iPhone due to hacking activities, is it ethical to use this law to your advantage?

I think if you bork your iphone software by hacking, then that is down to you to fix not Apple.

I know, ethics is one of those things that most folks around here choose to ignore, but that is probably because integrity and ethics are dificult to fake.

It cuts both ways...I jailbroke my iphone (unactivated) and its been running fine ever since on my existing O2 sim, but if it developed a hardware fault then I would expect Apple (or O2) to fix it under warranty because it would be the right thing to do...I wouldn't expect Apple to try and wriggle out of it but if they did I would take them to court.
And how did Apple start? Oh, right, as a hobby...

This is how things change people. Some of the best innovation comes from people with the time and motivation to tinker under the hood.

The least we can do is show them some respect, even if we don't agree with them, because without the thriving hobbyist community, we might not have gotten the iPhone SDK. Did everyone suddenly forget Apple's failed push for Safari-based 'applications?'

So true. :)

There are so many peeps that simply do not know the origins of personal computers. It would do that guy some good to watch documentaries like "Triumph of the Nerds" by I,Cringley.

Where do these people come from... They sometimes have a fascist mentality as if anything beyond their understanding/control should not be allowed. :eek:

Get your own facts straight. Geohot's unlock does not work on the 4.6 BL without a downgrading the baseband, so you lose functionality. Most people never click on advanced, and will get a permanent downgrade without knowing. And the "refurb" option forces a bootloader downgrade as well, so instead of making your phone like new, it's actually voiding the warranty.

Many of us do have warranties, and we like to keep them. We also like our WiFi, which ZiPhone is currently breaking and can't be fixed. There's technical info about the device calibration broken by ZiPhone. Go to

Um, I unlock with ZiPhone and guess what? All my friends and people I've unlocked iPhones using ZiPhone have Wi-Fi, I have my BL 4.6 and have my 1.1.4 Baseband. Now, as for the warranty, why do you think Apple employees ask for your phone number when you are clinging to your warranty? Take a guess. It is to see if you actually registered with AT&T or whatever Legit carrier. If your number doesn't show up as a registered iPhone number, then say GOOD BYE to your warranty. As simple as that.

HOWEVER, there are employess that are understanding and do not do the checks or if they see no registry to your name they simply ignore it. Others are harsher and refuse service.

It all depends on the employee!!!

Now you get your facts straight
And how did Apple start? Oh, right, as a hobby...

This is how things change people. Some of the best innovation comes from people with the time and motivation to tinker under the hood.

The least we can do is show them some respect, even if we don't agree with them, because without the thriving hobbyist community, we might not have gotten the iPhone SDK. Did everyone suddenly forget Apple's failed push for Safari-based 'applications?'


you mean i could take my iPhone and the totally worthless slick interface it has now and replace it with a LINUX kludge!?!?!?! zomg!!!!eleventy-one!11!
Where do you people come from?! What part of "CHOICE" do you have have trouble understanding?
I and the other"you people" come from choiceland. Nowhere do I say that you shouldn't have the freedom to f' up your phone. Just expressing my opinion of how useless it is.

I actually bought my iPhone because of the awesome work these people are doing...
Unlocking my iPhone and learning more about how it works has provided me many hours of enjoyment.
I have no problem with that, but i want a functional phone not a toy.

And how did Apple start? Oh, right, as a hobby...
Are you suggesting that the whining posters here are the next SJ or even Bill Gates? Don't put any money on it.
Anyway, whether it's a prank announcement or not, I also remember how Steve and Woz got together...they were building blue boxes to hack the phone system. I guess if what comes around, goes around, this is Karma in action. I'm sure Steve never dreamed he'd be on the receiving end of a phone hack.

I'll bet Steve dreams of that almost every night of his life these days.
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