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Below is a direct link to the latest video of Pwnage from Engadget (as linked above!)

According to the article we are due for pwnage later today!

What I find interesting is it appears (without timing it exactly) that the pwning of the phone initially takes a good 30 seconds and the flashing of bootloader
and baseband by BootNeuter takes another 30-60 seconds for each unlike the heavily edited first video which made it look almost instant!
April 03, 2008

The “DevTeam” would like to announce the release of the OS X version of the PwnageTool application.

The team (and especially Wizdaz) have been working hard to bring you this release in as short a time as possible.

The plan (4 weeks ago) was to release a Mac tool only. This was decided because of the lack of reliable Mac filesystem tools on Windows, and the fact that the task of porting them would be too time consuming.

With that in mind the genius that is “cmw” stepped up to the plate and offered his services to the DevTeam. He proposed to provide a tool that would give the same functionality and User Interface as the Mac tool.

cmw has done an almost unthinkable task and ported the almost complete Pwnage Tool to Windows in a little under a week, and we would like to thank him for this unbelievable work. He is currently in the final test stages and hopefully this should be finished within the next 24 hours (but even he needs sleep and family time occasionally!) We'll post a link as soon as the testing has finished.

update: seems like is available at the dev site
They are claiming that you can upgrade back to 4.6BL even if you are on 3.9BL. So those who downgraded to 3.9BL thanks to Ziphone, can now undo the damage and restore back to the original state.

"If you found yourself recently downgraded to 3.9BL (without your consent) by running buggy software, the iPhone Dev Team comes to the rescue. With BootNeuter you can freely go back and forth between bootloader versions. Now you can truly restore your iPhone to its out-of-box condition."
Hi, I didnt read the whole thread so sorry, if i'm doubleposting here:

I will get my iPhone in the next days and I wanted to unlock/activate it with iPlus. But now i've seen that Pwnage should be better. What excactly is the difference? Does it matter if I use iPlus first, will I still can use Pwnage? When will it be realesed for Windows? Should I wait or can I use iPlus?

Greets from Switzerland
i've used the pwnage tool, pwned 1.1.4 unlocked and then custom built a 2.0 firmware.

2.0 works, calling fine etc except no itunes or app store. does anyone have 2.0 with these on the home screen?
The only version of 2.0 with itunes/appstore was called 1.2 and was the FIRST beta.

That never leaked online maybe it will leak now as everyone wants those apps lol!
That is a good question!

I would click on activate as well just to be sure then it will definately jailbreak.
i tested it, you don't need to tick any of the check boxes and it will build a firmware that just jailbreaks :)
So if you are an ATT customer, there is no reason to check off anything - even the neuter?
if you are on o2/att and just want to jailbreak, untick all of the checkboxes and build then restore to your new custom firmware. easy :)
There is no need to check any of the boxes if you're on AT&T and just want to jailbreak.

NOTE: If you used the 2.0 beta firmware, make sure you check "activate"! I didn't check it and I ended up with a pink screen that said "connect to iTunes".

I've got MS Exchange mail working great on 2.0 beta! Only problem is that everything is very buggy and crashes all the time. But worth it to have my work email, finally.
I'm an 1.1.2 otb AT&T customer that accidentally unlocked and downgraded using ziphone, so I'm now running 1.1.4 with the 3.9 bootloader.

Just for the peace of mind, I'd like to be jailbroken but go back to 4.6 bootloader.

Do I need to restore to 1.1.4 then run pwnage, or can I just run it straight away?
To initially pwn the phone - you just need to be on 1.1.3/1.1.4. You do NOT need to restore first. When the phone is pwned it will boot back to the home screen.

You then rebuild the firmware using the tool. I recommend you follow my guide in the main post as far as going back to 4.6 goes. It is much better to do it using bootneuter than auto selecting it when you build the firmware.

But I was able to go safely from 3.9FB to 4.6 normal (but neutered) and it works for ZiPhone phones as well!
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