April 03, 2008
The “DevTeam” would like to announce the release of the OS X version of the PwnageTool application.
The team (and especially Wizdaz) have been working hard to bring you this release in as short a time as possible.
The plan (4 weeks ago) was to release a Mac tool only. This was decided because of the lack of reliable Mac filesystem tools on Windows, and the fact that the task of porting them would be too time consuming.
With that in mind the genius that is “cmw” stepped up to the plate and offered his services to the DevTeam. He proposed to provide a tool that would give the same functionality and User Interface as the Mac tool.
cmw has done an almost unthinkable task and ported the almost complete Pwnage Tool to Windows in a little under a week, and we would like to thank him for this unbelievable work. He is currently in the final test stages and hopefully this should be finished within the next 24 hours (but even he needs sleep and family time occasionally!) We'll post a link as soon as the testing has finished.
update: seems like pwnagetool_1.0.zip is available at the dev site