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if it won't build the custom firmware then its most likely down to your Mac playing up.

You can try different firmware and make sure your mac is up to date but I am not a mac expert so I can't help there.

On the hackint0sh forums quite a few people are having issues with their macs and no one has solved it yet. You may have to wait for the windows version.
Is the Rapid$hare link for the bootloaders working for anyone else? I keep getting a "session invalid" error?

Cancel, I found an alternative source.
Just a quick post to thank you for the detailed guide. Just used it to re-do my 16Gb iPhone which was originally hacked using Ziphone 2.

Only issue I had was I didn't realise at first that I had to place the iPhone back into recovery mode to perform the custom firmware install step. Began to panic and then realised my mistake!

All done and works fine.
Do you have to pwn your phone first, or can you do ipsw built first, so you have the custom FW ready, then perform the pwn?
The 1604 error is wrong in this FAQ. This happens when your pwn gets "unpwned". Its a result of the firmware you are putting on your phone giving you an error because your phone wont accept the code. Fix it by repwning your phone.
Please help. I have downloaded the 171mb firmware 2.0 version. I believe it to be the correct one. I have gotten it from two different sources and having the same issue. After running the custom 1.1.4 ipsw file, I try to run the 2.0 beta ipsw and get the following error:

Can't recognize version of .ipsw file.

The file I am using is: iPhone1,1_2.0_5A225c_Restore.ipsw

Has anyone had this problem and gotten it to work? I need Exchange support something awful so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the guide. I was running 1.1.4 on a ziphone-downgraded 1.1.2 otb, and running pwnage straight away worked great!
Sorry - I should make that clear about 1604.

If you have it when restoring to standard it is down to the connection.

If you get try and restore from an unpwned phone then it is expected that you will get an error.

You never made it clear to me that your error was on the unpwned phone trying it with the custom firmware.

Ill change the FAQ.
hi im trying to unlock my itouch 1.1.4 but when i get to the ipsw builder , the option to enable baseband update wont let me tick it ???????
Right but you need to select the firmware file in the Pwnage tool. Where does iTunes store it when it downloads? That's the whole reason I downloaded it from the web and saved it to my "iPhone" folder.

Luv :apple:
The .ipsw files are in ~/Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates

hi im trying to unlock my itouch 1.1.4 but when i get to the ipsw builder , the option to enable baseband update wont let me tick it ???????
The iTouch does not have a baseband to modify.
What are you talking about?

People unlock the iPhone to use it on different cell carrier networks.

The iPod Touch is not a phone. There is nothing to unlock.

Can someone describe, in detail, what each of these are and mean?

I've had my iPhone for a while now. All I want is to be able to install 3rd party apps on it. I have AT&T, so I don't need to unlock anything that would allow me to use it on a different network.
Enable baseband update - Determines if the baseband update should be enabled in the custom ipsw. Only check this button if you wish to update the baseband modem portion of your iPhone.
WARNING: This may remove previous baseband unlocks or other modifications that have been made previously. If in doubt leave it unchecked.

Neuter bootloader - This will enable "Bootneutering" to the baseband firmware allowing custom firmware onto the iPhone baseband by convincing the iPhine that it is secure.

Upgrade to 4.6
- upgrades 3.9 and 3.9FB to 4.6
Downgrade to 3.9 - downgrades 4.6 and 4.6FB to 3.9

Unless you understand the above option you should avoid it

The only reason right now to change bootloader is because ZiPhone/iPlus etc downgraded a 1.1.2 OTB and newer phone from stock 4.6 to unlock it thus voiding the warranty. Returning it to 4.6 will mean that Apple will not know you ever changed it and you can still get that warranty (if your on an official contract).

Unlock Baseband
- This will enable the unlocking of the baseband to all networks using a custom "software unlock" process. Use this if you wish to use your iPhone with a SIM from a carrier other than the one provided with your iPhone.

Activate Phone - This will activate the phone so that it can be used with iTunes. This will bypass the Apple activation process and set the iPhone to be in an Activated state allowing access to the device's functions.

Unless your unlocked phone is activated using this then it will not work with any other SIM card (other than an official SIM activated in that particular iPhone).

Use Custom Pictures
- This options enables the DevTeam's funky pineapple and Steve Jobs graphics. If you wish to keep the original iPhone graphics then DO NOT select it.

Your iPhone will be jailbreaked with installer even if you DO NOT select any of the above options!


I have reason to believe pwnage will NOT work with the 1.1.3 firmware and I am looking to confirm this but PwnageTool would not recognise the firmware as being valid when I tested it.

CONFIRMED: will NOT work with 1.1.3 as DevTeam did not patch it to work with pwnage... YOU MUST RESTORE TO 1.1.4 to use pwnagetool!

When running the initial ipwner stage (right after putting into recovery mode), it says it will say, "detaching custom ramdisk" then "OK" then it will say... "Failed to start pwning on your iPhone/iPod"

Any ideas?

Your iPhone will be jailbreaked with installer even if you DO NOT select any of the above options!

So, as long as nothing is checked I have a "basic" installer. After I'm done with "pwning" my iPhone, do I basically continue to use iTunes to upload mp3s and update with iCal? Or do I need to add files manually?

ONLY 1.1.4!!!

Restore to 1.1.4 then carry out the steps.

I updated the FAQ to say the same thing. Please READ it!


If your failing to detach your ramdisk it is the same problem as failing to build custom firmware - read the part of the FAQ and post in the referenced thread exactly what has happened if there is no answer there already!


Leaving everything unchecked is just basic jailbreaking with installer. You will have to activate with iTunes then resync using iTunes and put everything back from your computer.

Just like a normal phone except you can access 3rd party applications.

You can download more apps from installer. Updating "community sources" and installing "BSD Subsytem" should be priorities. Read the FAQ about removing BootNeuter for information about where to find them!
I Update it 55 times a day it seems!

So always check it - as its always being updated!
So ive pwned my phone, great job dev team. But what do i do to upgrade newly released firmware in the future without having to wait to find out its safe? Can I leave my ihone pwned and just upgrade in iTunes? Or wl I need to restore to stock 1.1.4 to to un-pwn then update?
I'm accustomed to jailbreaking my iphone with the various methods that have been used. Now my iphone is an ipod touch after using this tool !!!!!!!
I'm accustomed to jailbreaking my iphone with the various methods that have been used. Now my iphone is an ipod touch after using this tool !!!!!!!

This tool isn't to blame, you have obviously built an ipsw using the itouch FW. Its amazing how many people have done this! I don't know about you, but I make sure that I have the right tools before I dive into things.
This tool isn't to blame, you have obviously built an ipsw using the itouch FW. Its amazing how many people have done this! I don't know about you, but I make sure that I have the right tools before I dive into things.

Yes I did have the iPhone firmware, this happened before it rebuilt the ipsw when it restarted after pwning before rebuilding. Any way my iPhone is completely dead now just a black screen, iTunes reported an error and no longer recognises it. Can't get it into DFU or do anything with it. The pwnage tool says it is in normal mode, cant get it into DFU for pwnage to work now
i restored my 1.1.4 iphone yesterday and then used this software. it works GREAT... and i still have my working AT&T service!
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