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I'm at the step where i need to browse for the 2 bootloader files...but I'm in China right now and the 'rapidshare' link from the first page won't load here at the hotel for some reason...

where can i download these 2 files??



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Well I can make a few suggestions.

First do a full settings reset see if that helps. If not.

Do the firmware again but remove "activate" as iTunes will do it for you as your on an official contract.

If all else fails try the unlock - its not risky and fully reversible - there is no reason why your phone shouldn't have a signal if it successfully restored so have another go!

Full Settings Restore didn't help. :(

I needed to restore to stock 1.1.4, Pwn the iPhone, rebuild the IPSW and I unchecked all boxes except Use Dev Team Images and so far as I can tell, my issue is fixed. :)

I have no idea what the heck I am doing or what I just did, but my new 16gb iPod Touch is now jailbroken and reloading all my songs; so far so good.

That being said, the instructions at the start of this post were pretty good but contained no small number of wtf moments :confused: Could have used a better description of how to put the thing in recovery mode, for those of us who are a little noob on the subject. Would have been nice if it said, okay, rebuild as a NEW iPod, don't restore from a backup, DURING the instructions, not waaay down in the FAQ, although this was easily fixed by starting the restore phase over. Basically what I'm saying is that somethings that are obvious to the technically adept, need to be laid out in more basic terms for the noobs. But, really, it was simple enough to do.

Otherwise, if all goes well, I'll post back tomorrow with an iPod Touch success story.

Thanks for the great tool and mostly-straightforward-except-for-some-bits instructions! :)
Using two sim cards

This is a great thread--thanks spinstorm & others...
My situation: I'm from the US and have an activated 8G AT&T iphone (1.1.4), no mods. I travel to Canada frequently (am in Toronto now) and want to use a Canadian SIM (probably Rodgers) while in Canada but then pop out that SIM and put in my AT&T SIM when I go back home.
My Questions:
1) If I Neuter and Unlock while in Canada then pop in a Rogers SIM, do I need to select "Activate phone" too (since it was already activated as an AT&T phone in the States)?
2) Once I have done the above, can I just switch the two SIMS as I move between countries, without doing anything else? Or do I have to Lock the broadband again before putting in the AT&T SIM when going back to the US?
3) Is there any problem in Neutering and Unlocking (and activating if I need to do that based on the answer to question 1) in Canada while I'm roaming on the Rodgers Network but with my AT&T SIM in?

BTW, based on the FAQ I assume I'll need to "localize" using App support 1.1.4 so it works well in an non-Offical country, right?
Also it seems folks are successfully using the data plan while in Canada, right?

Thanks in advance for the help!
Unlocked using the pwnage tool this morning and am now using a local chinese SIM card.

So far so good.

Many thanks to Spinstorm...
mine is already unlocked with ziphone, so its just interesting at the moment.

Really only have 3 points.

1. What will happen when iphone software 2.0 comes out, will pwnage allow this to be installed and re-unlocked

2. If Apple do any itunes updates is it best not updating incase they attempt to neuter pwnage, but this most certainly be a requirement for 2.0

3. A big :p to all the ziphoner scare scaremongers who said ziphoner permantely destroyed your baseband without being able to upgrade back without putting "YET" in the post
1. Pwnage already allows you to use either of the 2.0 betas that Apple released so when 2.0 is officially released it will be the ONLY method to use 2.0 as the security hole that ZiPhone/iLiberty+ uses has been fixed.

2. The latest iTunes update works fine with pwnage. Is it possible that future versions of iTunes may not let you use the custom firmware? well of course its possible but we can always use older versions of iTunes! or the DevTeam may find way around it I am sure. But thats not an issue yet!

3. ZiPhone downgraded you bootloader. It also did the unlock on the "first" pass of your phone - in other words it tried to unlock your phone right after jailbreaking before even checking that it worked and then while it was unlocking the ramdisk that is uses was disententigrating (think of it as a car that bit fall off as it moves until nothing is left!) and it did the unlock at the end of the process so if something failed it could try again it would just mess up the phone wi-fi/bluetooth.

Lots of people had no problems with ZiPhone and plenty of people have non working phones now thanks to ZiPhone! ZiPhone was and IS the most risky unlocking choice!

The fact that the DevTeam fixed the bootloader downgrade so you can now upgrade is only down to the fact that they wanted to fix the mess zibri made! its no thanks to him and incredibly lucky for those that downgraded without knowing!
good tutorial anyway spin, much appreciated, its going to come in very useful when 2.0 comes out,
No the separate builder is NOT out yet.

But there is a video of it in the FAQ on page 1 if you want to see how it works.

The Windows version of pwnage should be with us by Wednesday night - it would have been out today but for windows crashing and needing a re-install for the developer who is porting it to windows

And by the way - as Canada uses the same number formats as the US it should NOT need localization BUT if you have issues you can be sure it will fix the problem if you do use localization.
iPhone 2.0 or 1.2.0 Problems

There have been many reports of people having Pink Screens of Death [PSOD] on their iPhones.

These PSOD are caused by those iPhone running firmware 1.2.0b [aka 2.0] which is in BETA stage right now.

IMPORTANT: Apple didn't release 1.2.0 to the public for a reason! It is because 1.2.0 still has MANY bugs that can seriously screw up your iPhone. It is advised by many [and me] NOT to update to 1.2.0 and stay on 1.1.4. You can seriously damage your iPhone and Genius Bar will not cover it as 1.2.0 is not out yet [unless you are part of Enterprise Program].

So far the people I've seen with PSOD say it's a hassle to get it back to 1.1.4 and that even then it took a while to get the phone part started.

Remember: You update at your own risk

Update: It seems all 1.2.0 versions [aka 2.0] are expiring today. Maybe someone misread the Terms of Agreement when accepting 1.2.0

Method for kicking 1.2.0 [2.0] firmware back to working 1.1.4 on your iPhone. Quoted from
Hey everyone.

I am going to explain how you can go from 2.0 firmware to 1.1.4 fully working.

1a. Go into recovery mode (or DFU mode) and restore to 1.1.4. You will get error 1113 or 1115 at the end. Now get out of recovery mode using either iNdependence or iBrickr.

1b. Download iLiberty+ (or iLibertyX) and jailbreak and activate your iPhone.

2. Go to Settings>General>Auto-Lock and select never.

3. Launch installer and install the package named: (2.0) Baseband eraser. It is in the iClarified category.

4. Restore iPhone to 1.1.4 using iTunes then unlock jailbreak and activate with a method of your choice!

All working! Any problems?
The pink screen will not happen if you use pwnage to unlock and activate 1.1.4 THEN upgrade to 2.0.

People have problems because they don't do 1.1.4 first and go straight to 2.0 and change the baseband before they have neutered the bootloader thus messing up the phone and requiring the erasing of the new baseband using installer.

Its all in the FAQ!

I had my iphone unlocked by someone smarter than me. Its was version 1.1.2 OOTB. It has a SIM adapter and the corner is cut out of my sim card to accomodate this.

I have not touched it since, but would like to upgrade to 1.1.4 using this method.

Are there any additional things I need to do, and will I need to continue using the SIM adapter?

As you can gather, my tech knowledge is limited. Any suggestions are much appreciated.

Cheers In advance
um - you can use this method BUT I am not sure if your SIM will work as its obviously one of those turbo SIMs or something like that.

It may be - and I am no expert on this - that the extra part of the SIM will mean that the iPhone cannot see the SIM - and if you remove the extra part the SIM will probably not fit in the phone.

If I was you I would see if you take apart the SIM if it would look like it would still work - if not then my advice would be to ask your network for another SIM as you damaged it swapping phones or something.

If you get a normal standard SIM then you will have no problems using pwnagetool.
Uh oh

I followed instructions exactly. I clicked on the iPwner button and put my iPhone into recovery mode. Now PwnageTool has a pop up window saying "Your iPhone/iPod is in Recovery Mode. Uploading custom ramdisk" with a spinning gear under it.

The wheel keeps spinning and my iPhone is just showing the Restore graphic (the plug in to itunes)

Holy crap what do I do?
Certainly a major development, so well done to all concerned.

Just some clarification questions if you don't mind.....

1. When FW 2.0 comes out from Apple. Should we Pwn the iPhone to 1.1.4 first? I ask this as a 1.1.4 user unlocked with ZiPhone from a 1.1.1 OTB phone.

2. In the custom firemware section would I then need to check the Update Basband option?

3. My iphone is fine now using 1.1.4, should I just wait until 2.0 comes out and use Pwnage to go directly to 2.0 from where I am now?

4. Can I just clarify, do NOT restore the phone from old backup when connecting back to iTunes after Pwning the phone? So all my settings etc will have gone.
@Grumbler: It is meant to be in restore mode - the phone should restart with txt scrolling down the screen then restart with the pineapple logo.

If it does not and its just sitting there with a spinning wheel on the iPhone screen then DFU restore to 1.1.4 and try again - it does appear for some people it does not work the first time!


1. You HAVE to pwn your phone to 1.1.4 first as you can only pwn a phone at 1.1.4 for the first time as it uses the same initial technique as ziphone (as in how it accesses the phone) to pwn the phone and that has been fixed in 2.0. Also if you click on "enable baseband update" it lets itunes change your baseband when it couldn't before avoiding errors that you would previously when downgrading the firmware. If you were to go to 2.0 you would have the wrong baseband and would NOT be able to unlock it. so 1.1.4 is the first step!

2. Yes and also unlock and neuter baseband and activate - this will solve any conflicts with activation and allow it to work at 2.0.

3. Right now if your phone is working there is no need to use pwnage as it doesn't give you anything extra at 1.1.4, but if you wanted to try 2.0 you would have to use it. Not that I recommend trying the beta as it is buggy and not suitable for real phone usage.

4. DO NOT restore as it will load your old settings and can cause issues. Of course you can try it but if you have to restore again because things are acting strange then you know why! The idea is that everything is backed up in iTunes so all you lose is your txt messages really!

"If you want to relock your phone - use bootneuter and click everything to off. Then restore with Apple firmware. And you are back to factory fresh."

If you do this, once you have selected all to 'off' you have to flash the bootloader to be back to factory fresh.
Of course you have to press "flash" or it won't do anything! I thought that was obvious lol!
Thanks for the reply spinstorm, I did read the guide, I just wanted to clarify everything directly from the horses mouth so to speak!

I have everything ready now. I downloaded the Pwnage tool, the Bootloaders.rar and the 1.1.4 IPSW. So I'll wait until I know 2.0 is out and then I'll restore to 1.1.4 first and Pwn the phone. It all looks pretty straightforward and easy to follow.

Ipwned is the ****! I just did my Iphone OTB last night and is running like a champ. Thumbs up to the Dev team!
Remember DON'T UPGRADE to 2.0 until pwnage tool has been updated with new patches for 2.0!
Remember DON'T UPGRADE to 2.0 until pwnage tool has been updated with new patches for 2.0!

If were on official contracts, we can just switch all bootneuter options to off, and restore to orginal 1.1.4, then upgrade to 2.0 without problems though right?
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