I have no idea what the heck I am doing or what I just did, but my new 16gb iPod Touch is now jailbroken and reloading all my songs; so far so good.
That being said, the instructions at the start of this post were pretty good but contained no small number of wtf moments

Could have used a better description of how to put the thing in recovery mode, for those of us who are a little noob on the subject. Would have been nice if it said, okay, rebuild as a NEW iPod, don't restore from a backup, DURING the instructions, not waaay down in the FAQ, although this was easily fixed by starting the restore phase over. Basically what I'm saying is that somethings that are obvious to the technically adept, need to be laid out in more basic terms for the noobs. But, really, it was simple enough to do.
Otherwise, if all goes well, I'll post back tomorrow with an iPod Touch success story.
Thanks for the great tool and mostly-straightforward-except-for-some-bits instructions!