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You still have to select the correct firmware when you click the "browse ipsw" button as it uses that to pwn your phone the first time. So if you accidently selected the iPod firmware that would have caused the problem.

Your phone is not dead even if it looks that way as this process if fully reversible.

DFU restore to 1.1.4 original firmware. Independence has a button that can put the phone in DFU mode so maybe try that - but you may have to do it the manual method.
i restored my 1.1.4 iphone yesterday and then used this software. it works GREAT... and i still have my working AT&T service!

How do you get to install custom apps and still use AT&T service? Can you please point me to the correct downloads. I am soo lost on how to do this.
You use Installer which is added to the custom firmware.

It is like the itunes store on the iPhone except it lets you download and install 3rd party applications using your phone connection/wi-fi.

If you don't want to unlock the phone and just want to add installer so you can use 3rd party apps then all you have to do is uncheck ALL the boxes in the custom firmware and restore it in itunes.

Just follow the how to guide or watch one of the videos and you will be fine - just uncheck all the boxes when you build the firmware.
it says windows version is expected in the next 24 hours since 9.30 am. when is it going to be out? Anybody knowing anything?
Hi Folks I was able to update my iphone to 1.1.4 from 1.0.2 that being said, my phone is still locked. When I use the pwnage tool on my macbook and open the BL-3.9bin or BL-46.bin the application complains that 'sorry but this does not appear to be the file'. The phone is activated and jailbroken but I can't dial out. Anyone have a suggestion on unlocking my iphone???

I have tried independence but it says that it cannot put the phone into recovery mode.
Hi Folks I was able to update my iphone to 1.1.4 from 1.0.2 that being said, my phone is still locked. When I use the pwnage tool on my macbook and open the BL-3.9bin or BL-46.bin the application complains that 'sorry but this does not appear to be the file'. The phone is activated and jailbroken but I can't dial out. Anyone have a suggestion on unlocking my iphone???

I have tried independence but it says that it cannot put the phone into recovery mode.

OK update I have used the beta version of independence and phone pops up saying its searching but its does not find my carrier. :\ suggestions??
Thanks to spinstorm my iphone is updated, unlocked, activated and jailbroken. The pwnage tool is awesome.
Quick question. Im with AT&T. For 1.1.4, what do I want to check off and still keep my signal? Ive heard not to check anything, but then Ive also heard that people have no signal with that etc. Could someone clarify this for me?
If you want to keep your phone LOCKED then just do this:

Enable baseband update: YES (this stops errors when iTunes flashes the phone)
Neuter bootloader: NO
Unlock baseband: NO
Activate phone: NO

(Enable custom images: yes if you want the pineapple, no if you like the standard apple logos! But doesn't make ANY difference to your signal!)

Those settings will simply jailbreak your phone and add installer but leave it locked and requiring activation through iTunes.

Should you find signal problems - and from what I understand only people who used 2.0 beta had those on AT&T - then rebuild the firmware with YES, YES, YES, YES
Thanks for the tutorial, I finally got 4.6 bootloader back on!!!! Stupid ZiPhone FTL

Now Im taking all this stuff back off and leaving it neutered on 4.6 unlocked! :D
I really dont want to Jailbreak my phone.... I'm fine with Apple's software and plan on updating to 2.0 through them, however, How is it that I can cange the carrier name from AT&T to anything I want? like my name...

How is this done?
I really dont want to Jailbreak my phone.... I'm fine with Apple's software and plan on updating to 2.0 through them, however, How is it that I can cange the carrier name from AT&T to anything I want? like my name...

How is this done?

By Jailbreaking your phone and installing a program called MIM (Make It Mine).
Quick question, sorry if it already has been answered:

I'm currently on an iPhone O2 contract, which I'm very happy with.

But I go to Germany quite often and would like to use a German prepaid SIM.

Can I use Pwnage Tool to unlock the phone and keep on using it without any problems with the original SIM?

In case I want to undo the unlock, would I run into any troubles?

Just to clarify things, if you 'neuter' on, you can upgrade any future official apple firmware updates without any problems?

And if i select to keep the custom pineapple logo, and steve jobs pic, is this undone if i undo the pwn?
"Neuter" allows the DevTeam to unlock any new apple baseband without having to downgrade the bootloader or do anything as complicated as before to unlock - it is to do with the security checks that the bootloader does when the baseband is altered by being unlocked.

When the next apple firmware update comes out - you still MUST WAIT for the devteam to release a patch and/or update to the pwnage tool.

It shouldn't take them very long as they have got good at it!

Having said that now the bootloaders are all right for the fimware (as any downgrades can be fixed by BootNeuter) then if your on an official contract you can safely upgrade to an official firmware update though you will unpwn your phone if you do that!
@Tymmz: Read the FAQ but yes it will work with any SIM even the real one and you can undo it 100% by re-locking the baseband with bootneuter and then restoring to apple firmware in itunes.
Anyone having an issue with their AT&T service? I pwned my phone last night and now it seems I always get "No Service" displayed. WiFi is working just fine, just no cell service. :( Bueller...Bueller...anyone...anyone? :)
Lol - most people who have signal issues are because of upgrading to 2.0 before 1.1.4.

I really need to know what you did in more detail...

You should have updated to 1.1.4 THEN pressed the iPwner button and then built a custom firmware with the enable baseband update, unlock, neuter and activate buttons checked then restored using the custom firmware. Then when it has started BootNeuter should unlock you and restart again and it should work...
Lol - most people who have signal issues are because of upgrading to 2.0 before 1.1.4.

I really need to know what you did in more detail...

You should have updated to 1.1.4 THEN pressed the iPwner button and then built a custom firmware with the enable baseband update, unlock, neuter and activate buttons checked then restored using the custom firmware. Then when it has started BootNeuter should unlock you and restart again and it should work...

Yep, that's what I wrote. I upgraded to 1.1.4 (from 1.1.3) before I pwned it. :) I then used the custom firmware but I have no interest in unlocking my phone so as suggested, I left those options unchecked, I only selected the Activate and use Dev team pictures. Essentially I just want Installer on my iPhone. :)
Well I can make a few suggestions.

First do a full settings reset see if that helps. If not.

Do the firmware again but remove "activate" as iTunes will do it for you as your on an official contract.

If all else fails try the unlock - its not risky and fully reversible - there is no reason why your phone shouldn't have a signal if it successfully restored so have another go!
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