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There is no need to turn Neuter off as far as I am aware.

It won't interact at all with iTunes if your on an official contract.

All that will happen is it will unpwn your phone (the initial "ipwner" button bit) and itunes will upgrade the baseband (locked).

I would leave "Neuter" on as its preferable not to flash the bootloader if you don't need to!

Rememeber all the "neuter" does is let you change the bootloader at will and unlock the baseband without the bootloader "caring". iTunes can do that anyway so it won't cause any issues!

Its like restoring 1.1.4 on a BootNeutered phone - it doesn't do anything to the restore.

But if you wanted to be extra safe you could un-neuter and relock.
Anyone having issues with the edge network after unlocking and activating with Pwnaged?

I recently just did mine and the edge network does not work. I keep getting an error message saying that the I'm not an edge subscriber.

Please, can anyone help me out?!
There is an EDGE fix in installer, not sure what folder, but if you look for it in all packages, you should find it.
Sorry if these have been asked but a few quick questions;

1) I have jailbroken before and back then it mattered what firmware you had when it was bought, is this not an issue anymore? Mine is a 1.1.2 out the box but now legit 1.1.4.

2) I have a UK full legit iPhone, when I hacked it in the past I lost the edge network, YouTube etc, is this not an issue with this or are there further steps to sort this out?
1) I have jailbroken before and back then it mattered what firmware you had when it was bought, is this not an issue anymore? Mine is a 1.1.2 out the box but now legit 1.1.4.
It doesn't matter what it started with but it needs to be at 1.1.4 before you can use PwnageTool
2) I have a UK full legit iPhone, when I hacked it in the past I lost the edge network, YouTube etc, is this not an issue with this or are there further steps to sort this out?
Nope all fully working, I'm in the UK on T-Mobile and have Edge, YouTube, Google Maps with the LocateMe function etc. Only thing I don't have is Visual Voicemail but that is to be expected.
if i have an unlocked iphone, firmware; 1.1.2 and it is unlocked!!!

and i want to upgrade to firmware 1.1.4

do i just "update" my iphone via itunes? to 1.1.4? (therefore "bricking" my phone"
and then begin this process of unlocking with the ???

will this work?
I am having problems with edge, I am on at&t 16gb iphone 1.1.4 and I have pwned. Once the phone goes to sleep I don't have edge the next time I try to use safari or anything that accesses edge. I have to reboot the phone and then it works again until it goes to sleep.

Any suggestions?
Try a full settings reset from the settings menu (as it says in the FAQ) see if that fixes it.

If not restore using a NEW custom firmware.

I have a theory that sometime pwnagetool may create buggy custom firmware which has silly annoying issues like your describing so I would create a new one and restore with that BUT ONLY IF The full settings reset doesn't work which i think it will.


You won't "Brick" your phone by upgrading to 1.1.4! Bricking is making it unusable - turning it into a nice shiny mirror - upgrading to 1.1.4 will re-lock your phone and deactivate it - that is all.

Even if you did not use pwnage - you could still activate it and unlock it using iLiberty+ so its really not a big issue.

Pwnage is however the safest method so just upgrade to 1.1.4 and follow instructions in the FAQ.


Just an update on Pwnage for Windows - It is completed and ready to be released so its just a question of when it is put out here - keep an eye out!

Also as the guy above posted we can also expect a mac update to Pwnagetool very soon as well!
When you restore to use pwnage it deletes everything so it makes no difference if its jailbreaked/unlocked before.

PwnageTool version 1.1 for Mac.

PwnageTool version 1.1 for Mac.


I just remade my guide into a FAQ-only post. I would appreciate your feedback. Also, the Localization instructions I wrote up I think it would be best if you can add two or three pictures just to help out, when I did them, I forgot to add any pictures.
If I already pwned my iPhone using 1.0, what steps do I need to take to update to 1.1? Is it even worth it? Spinstorm?
There is no advantage to using it if your phone is already pwned and working.

All it does is add some downloads from installer and let you pick your own photo.


It seems the windows version is not going to be released "officially" as it still has bugs which apparently cannot be fixed.

It will be put out as a beta probably today - what that means exactly I don't know - if there are any developments I will update the thread!
There is no advantage to using it if your phone is already pwned and working.

All it does is add some downloads from installer and let you pick your own photo.


It seems the windows version is not going to be released "officially" as it still has bugs which apparently cannot be fixed.

It will be put out as a beta probably today - what that means exactly I don't know - if there are any developments I will update the thread!

Hey spinstorm. I have a new iphone waiting to be unlocked at home. I was kind of waiting for winpwn but not sure if I should anymore, want to play already :). Is iliberty safe enough to unlock and is everything reversible if I wanted to go back to original state. If so, then when winpwn comes out can I use that for anything else after I unlocked with iliberty?
So... If I Pwn my phone... and then something happens to the phone hardware wise ( like the speakers or the screen stop working ) I can just restore everything back it its normal settings, correct?

I only ask because i want to make sure its all reversible in case I have to take the phone back to get replaced in the future.
Hey spinstorm. I have a new iphone waiting to be unlocked at home. I was kind of waiting for winpwn but not sure if I should anymore, want to play already :). Is iliberty safe enough to unlock and is everything reversible if I wanted to go back to original state. If so, then when winpwn comes out can I use that for anything else after I unlocked with iliberty?

iLiberty+ or iPlus is fine. Check my thread to find instructions where to get them.


Don't know about original state using those two though
iLiberty+ or iPlus is fine. Check my thread to find instructions where to get them.


Don't know about original state using those two though

Well, thats what I'm asking. If I use iLiberty or iPlus will I be able to go back to original state. If not, it just doesnt sound that safe to me. Then again, I'm a little paranoid about messing up my new toy, you know.
Well, thats what I'm asking. If I use iLiberty or iPlus will I be able to go back to original state. If not, it just doesnt sound that safe to me. Then again, I'm a little paranoid about messing up my new toy, you know.

Well, put it this way, when I did my unlock/jailbreak I used ZiPhone which was a big mistake. ZiPhone however, has a Refurbish option which restores locks and unjailbreaks for what I have seen. However, there are reports of ZiPhone not properly restoring locks.

As for iLiberty+ and iPlus, use them, many people have used those and then used PWNAGE.
ZiPhone and iLiberty+/iPlus all downgrade the bootloader if your phone came with 1.1.2 or newer firmware.

ZiPhone downgrades it to bootloader version 3.9.

iLiberty/Plus downgrades it to bootloader version 3.9 with Fake Blanks.

Before the DevTeam created pwnage and BootNeuter there was no way to return the standard 3.9 bootloader to 4.6. It wasn't possible. Whilst 3.9FB could be upgraded.

BootNeuter now allows you to go from any bootloader to any other bootloader so that is no longer an issue.

ZiPhone is NEVER recommended because it does the unlock and jailbreak at the same time which can go seriously wrong and break your phone.

The other methods jailbreak first then unlock so they are safe.

Pwnage is by far the easiest to reverse. All you have to do is relock the phone and chose you correct bootloader and turn off the neuter and fakeblank option (if you have it on) and then press flash.

It will relock your phone. Then you simply restore in iTunes and set the phone up as new and there is no sign you ever did anything to it before.

Check the pwnage FAQ!
This may be a stupid question but I just need clarification.

If I wanted to restore my iPhone again BUT with the same 1.1.4 custom firmware I can just do that with iTunes, Correct? And my iPhone has already been pwned which means I don't need to pwn it again right? If I restore my phone will I need to put it into recovery mode? I just want to make sure so I don't do anything I would regret.

Thanks in advance.
if you restore with the same custom firmware then you should just be able to click alt+ restore in itunes and select it and it will restore.

If it fails then put it into recovery mode first then do it - it seems some people myself included can do it normally through itunes and some people cant without recovery mode so just have a go!

Remmeber if you restore using official firmware you will have to re-pwn your phone with the "ipwner" button.

If your restoring your phone again because your existing custom firmware is causing your phone to be buggy then I would make a new custom firmware as the bugs may be caused by a buggy firmware being created by pwnagetool!
Thanks a lot for the quick response. My phone is getting a little buggy again so I plan on restoring it. So when you say "If your restoring your phone again because your existing custom firmware is causing your phone to be buggy then I would make a new custom firmware" that means I would have "re-pwn" my iphone again correct?

It depends what the bugs are - I mean the first time I restored on a new iPhone using pwnage my custom firmware wouldn't let me save bookmarks and was causing wierd errors telling me to install stuff that I didn't need with installer.

I restored using another custom firmware I made fresh and everything was fine.

So its just a theory that sometime you will end up with a buggy custom firmware.

I would add the unlock worked fine with no problems - it just seems buggy with other stuff.

If you use another custom firmware, ie, another firmware you make with pwnagetool then you don't need to re-pwn the phone.

You ONLY need to press the "ipwner" button again IF you restore using official apple firmware!
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