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I have heard that upgrading a pwned 2g iphone to 2.0.1 will not deactivate it, but will it become relocked?
As far as upgrading to 2.0 is concerned - the number of features over 1.1.4 is huge and it is definately worth upgrading but be aware that 2.0 is buggy and your phone will slow down compared to 1.1.4.

If your having problems with winpwn/pwnage then you can download the custom firmware from piratebay and use that - it will work but read the instructions first in the FAQ about using it!

As far as activation on 2.0.1 goes on the original iPhone - if it is locked then what good is upgrading before pwnage is updated?

I know that the DevTeam said that on their blog and so I have no reason to doubt it but if you can't use the phone then its pointless to update the phone!
Quick question

Lets say i pwnage my 1G iPhone to unlock and it will be sim free and after 3 months i want to restore back as a legal iPhone can i do that??? Please help :D
Yes you can restore it to factory locked condition.

Read the FAQ to learn how to do that as the answer is there and very clear.
Link to 7.7.0?

I upgraded to iTunes 7.7.1 and pwnage tool 2.0.1 doesn't work on the new (locked/no cydia) custom firmware. so i need a link and tutorial to downgrade from 7.7.1 to 7.7.0

is it true that once i activated my iPhone (before i was using the unlocked, no data plan for the last two months with AT&T) I cannot remove the data plan anymore, cuz that's ridiculous. I checked on the at&t wireless account thing and it showed "No data plan" as an option for the iPhone, then decided to activate the iPhone via iTunes (bad decision!) after i activate it, i login to remove the data plan and ITS NO LONGER THERE!?! please tell me i have a case against AT&T becuz before you could remove the data plan.
Quick post to ask this.

My plan is to restore to the full apple 2.0.1 and then pwn it.

I assume all will be good here?

Original V2 iphone, unlocked ofc.
New version of pwnage is out.

There are two differences between the mac version and windows version regarding 3G.

In the Mac for 3G version the baseband is NOT updated and you cannot update it even if you want to.

On winpwn for 3G there is a BUG and I actually tried it and it may update your baseband anyway even though you cannot check that option which is annoying as updating the baseband MAY may it not possible to unlock the 3G iPhone when the devteam find an unlock method.

I say MAY - they don't even know for sure yet! My advice is to make sure you use the mac version!
Almost every question posted in every thread is answered in this FAQ.

Please read it before posting new topics.

Any admin please restick this to the top of the forum to avoid repetitive threads!

after pwangeing my 2.0.1 2g iphone it synced fine but the mail didnt work, so i tried saying it was new and then when it tried to sync it would get stuck on contacts and not go anywhere, so i just went back to my restored version where mail didnt work and it synced fine the first few times but now it gets stuck on contacts and wont sync. what do i do?
after pwangeing my 2.0.1 2g iphone it synced fine but the mail didnt work, so i tried saying it was new and then when it tried to sync it would get stuck on contacts and not go anywhere, so i just went back to my restored version where mail didnt work and it synced fine the first few times but now it gets stuck on contacts and wont sync. what do i do?

If your mail gets messed up download BossPrefs and go to extras I think it is and repair permissions. That will fix it.

After successfully (I Think) Pwning my iPhone 3G, I am not able to load any backgrounds on the main screen. When I go to Artwork under Customize and try to manually select an Artwork I get a message stating Error and that it can not copy to directory.

Also I am not able to load custom sounds as it seems to reset back to the home screen when I go into sounds, not to mention the custom sounds are not showing up.

I am able to load custom icons from several themes, I am also able to import summerboard themes and use winterboard however at times the themes I apply will not work either.

Any help is appreciated, sorry if this has been addressed somewhere else but I have not found it.
Your problem is with winterboard/customize and not pwnage.

I don't know why you are getting errors but there are a couple of obvious things you can try to fix it!

Reboot your phone - as crashing apps (starting it and going back to the home screen) can be fixed by restarting the phone.

Correct the permissions using bossprefs - it is possible that the problem is down to winterboard/customize not having "permission" to change the backgrounds etc, BossPrefs has an option on "more" in the right hand top of the screen to change permissions and this may fix the problem.

Last but not least it may simply be a case of re-downloading the themes/ backgrounds and/or reinstalling or uninstalling and rebooting both customize and winterboard.

You just have to systematically work through every alternative until it works.

If you still have issues I suggest you post a separate topic relating to it as I am sure some people who use customize/winterboard may have experienced similar situations!

Good Luck!
As long as you download the latest version of winpwn then yes it works with firmware 2.0.1.
Read the FAQ!

I will make it extra simple.

You will need the iphone restore file on your computer.

If you have not already restored to 2.0.1 then connect your iPhone and click on restore - it will download the new firmware. Disconnect your iPhone so it does not restore.

If you want to unlock a 2G phone then download the 3.9 and 4.6 bootloaders - there is a link in the guide and my guide also has links to other guides with links to the bootloaders if the one in my guide no long works!

Put the bootloaders in a place you can easily find! You may have to extract them if they are called .rar or .zip. Just double click on the file and it will open up then click on "extract to" and select where you want them saved!

Once you have the firmware downloaded and saved (you will need to find out where it is so you can select it in winpwn!) then run winpwn.

Select the firmware you downloaded in winpwn.

Then select "activate" if you want to activate and "unlock" and "neuter bootloader" if you want to unlock.

Chose Cydia and Installer and then create the firmware. Save it somewhere easy to find like your desktop.

Put the phone in DFU by holding the power and home button for 10 seconds then let go of the power button and keep holding home until itunes asks you to restore.

Then click on Shift (the up arrow above ctrl) and restore and select the custom firmware you made!

And it will restore. If you asked it to unlock then the first time it boots bootneuter will run and this can take between 5 minutes and 30 minutes. Don't interupt it - let it finish and reboot. Then it is ready to use.

Don't click on anything in iTunes until the phone has rebooted to the home screen or it can stop bootneuter and damage your phone.

If your not unlocking then just restore and it will start up activated and working.

If your using a 3G I would tell you not to click on activate and let itunes do it for you as it can cause issues with the phone getting a signal (simply because it doesn't seem to realise its activated!).

Good Luck
do you have AIM...this is SOOO my "restore" .ipsw(when i click on Browse .ipsw) located on C:>Documents n Settings>******>Application Data>Apple Computer>iTunes>iPhone Software
Probably it is.

As long as its called:

iPhone1,1_2.0.1 etc for original iphone


iPhone1,2_2.0.1 for 3G then it is.

If it isn't correct winpwn/pwnage will tell you that is isn't.
PWNAGE TOOl 1.1. and Windows RC1 Tutorial.


ONLY FOLLOW IF YOU ARE ON 1.1.4 and want to use pwnage!



I might have missed an answer to this, but can I do this if I accidentally downloaded firmware 2.0? Can I possibly do a downgrade?

If so, is this the solution to the downgrade? please help me out, my iphone has been stuck for a month


I keep getting this error saying " Itunes has detected an iPhone on recovery mode. You must restore this iPhone before using it with iTunes" What is the program to kick it out?

Please help me

Thank you in advance


I have the first generation iPhone, will it work if I follow 3G iPhone tutorials?

**Another thing is, why do I always get error 5?*
stuck on pineapple.

my iphone 3g is stuck on the pineapple logo. it will not turn off, only restart. i cannot put it into dfu mode and itunes is not recognizing the phone to restore. PLEASE HELP!
I'm having a problem with Cydia, it was working just fine with 2.0, but now that I've updated, it just crashes on launch and brings me back to the homepage. I've tried going through the process again and the problem remains, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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