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my iphone 3g is stuck on the pineapple logo. it will not turn off, only restart. i cannot put it into dfu mode and itunes is not recognizing the phone to restore. PLEASE HELP!

Me too. Constantly get a stuck pineapple. I sometimes question if I have a good copy of pwnage or not.
If you restored using pwnage and your phone is stuck on the pineapple logo (and remmeber it can take a few minutes to boot!) then all you can do is restore again.

Try restoring with the custom firmware again and if that fails restore with Apple firmware and then put the phone back into DFU and try pwnage again.

If you really think your version is corrupt (if you read the devteam page is says that if you use anything other than the apple archive utility to extract the download then that might happen) then delete it and download it again and start over and that should sort it out!
Holy guacamole.

Perhaps, with two versions of the iphone, + the ipod touch, + 1.x, 2.x, upgrades, downgrades, -wk44, +wk45, basebands, bootloaders, bootneuters, pwnage, custom firmware creation, and all the million possible combinations of this, perhaps not trying to wedge it all into a single thread would make it easier for people to sort out?

I'm just trying to downgrade my pwnd 2G at 2.0.1 back down to a jailbroken 1.1.4.

Still can't figure out how to tell what week mine's from.
pwnage 2.0.2 doesn't recognize the 1.1.4 fw package.
Downgrading to iTunes 7.5 means I lose my itunes library. Dang.
I tried uninstalling 7.7, installing 7.5, and restoring a straight 1.1.4, and I got error 1604.

Any ideas?

1.1.4 was so nice. AFP'd, where are you?
how long is it suppose to take to restore after jailbreaking? First restore took like 40 mins and I clicked back up restore on accident again and it seems to be stuck half way through restore?? If I unplug it will i brick my phone??
For 1.1.4:

Mac: Jailbreak and/or unlock Original iPhone:
Pwnagetool 1.0/1.1


For 2.0/2.0.1

Original iPhone

Mac: Jailbreak and/or unlock
Pwnagetool 2.2

Win: Winpwn

iPhone 3G

Mac: Jailbreak Only
Pwnagetool 2.2

Win: QuickPwn BETA Version not for inexperienced users!
The restore process can take anything between 10 minutes to 40 minutes.

It depends on the backup (which on its own can take an hour in some cases!).

You should NEVER unplug the phone during a restore - you may well cause serious issues specially if you unplug when the baseband is being flashed!

The best option is to wait and give it as long as it takes - obviously if it takes 2 hours then something failed and you should hold power and home leaving the phone plugged into itunes until the phone either boots or tells you it needs to be restored and then try again with the restore!
i try this many times but it just not working i have done up to restore ana i always get error 6 and 1600 i try to delete the file ın dvice manager file still same error on the and i gave up .looks like i will wait until some one comes with better idea :(
Does anyone know why I have no service on my 3g iPhone after Jail Breaking and Activating the phone?

I'm on ATT, so I don't need it unlocked. But when I put in my ATT sim card the iPhone can't find service. Am i doing something wrong?
Does anyone know why I have no service on my 3g iPhone after Jail Breaking and Activating the phone?

I'm on ATT, so I don't need it unlocked. But when I put in my ATT sim card the iPhone can't find service. Am i doing something wrong?

You should not have activate it! :eek: read the tutorials... ;)
So i successfully jailbroke my 3G, but when I connect it to iTunes and do a "restore from backup", after that completes, iTunes doesnt recognize it as a activated phone. It still wants me to set up as a new phone or restore from backup. I dont want to set it up as a new phone, because I'll lose all of my info/setttings.

Any ideas?
Never restore from a back up of a jailbreaked phone.

If your phone was not previously jailbreaked then it should work.

The only reason it won't is either because itunes it not restoring correctly (due to issues with itunes - in which case reboot your computer and try again) or because your restore is corrupt when itunes made it (in which case there is nothing you can do!).

The best thing to do is accept you will lose text messages/notes and just set up as new to avoid issues.
2.0.2 Jailbreak and Non-restore Jailbreak method!

I have copied my separate tutorial into here so that it is easy to see as I cannot add it to the start due to space reasons!


Now Jailbreak 2.0.2 as well! See Below!

(Thanks to BigBoss for photos/instructions - I will update this as things change!)

WINDOWS only (Mac version coming)

QuickPwn is a command line based method for jailbreaking ONLY both the original and 3G iPhone as well as iPod Touch.

There is a basic GUI version now available - see below for more!

You do not need to do this if you already have a working, pwned 2.0.1 device.

This should eliminate many of those 160x errors many windows users are experiencing.

Who should use this tool?

This is for those that are not planning to restore. It’s not clear what the activation state is after the process therefore, I only recommend this for those that have a contract carrier or an unlocked phone already. This is also perfect for those that pwned and did not install Cydia as it will result in Cydia being installed. If you are on a 2g and need to unlock, you can do so with bootneuter, but this will not activate for you. If you are on a stock device and using AT&T or a contract carrier, this is the perfect jailbreak for you. You will not lose your contacts or have to do any backups. Finally, if you are going to restore anyway, especially if you need to unlock a 2g, you may as well use winpwn or pwnagetool.

Here are the steps to using the tool:

1) Download the tool and extract it to a folder such as c:\quickpwn.

2) Download the proper firmware image such as 2.0.1 3G or 2.0.1 2G. Save this image in the same folder with the quickpwn.exe file. For our example we will use c:\quickpwn. Your folder should now look like this:


3) While the command prompt will say “kill all itunes processes”, you must ignore this step. In fact, before you get started start iTunes and make sure your phone is recognized by it. Now, leave iTunes running but don’t touch it again.

4) Hook your phone up to your PC and double click either “iPhone 2G.bat”, “iPod touch.bat”, or “iPhone 3g.bat” depending on which device you have.

5) You will see some stuff go by the screen like this:
Then you will be prompted to turn off your phone and press enter when you have done so:


6) As it says on screen, turn off your phone by holding power, sliding to power off, and waiting for it to power off. Do not take the phone off the pc connection! If you do, you must start over.


7) In this next step we need to get our phone into DFU mode so it can be pwned. If you have any problems following the onscreen instructions, then refer to this DFU guide. The program will help you through the steps but it often takes multiple attempts to get into DFU mode. And, if you fail to get into DFU mode, the app quits and you must start over.


Therefore, I recommend that you get into DFU mode before hitting ENTER. Read the DFU guide link and press enter when you are in DFU mode. Then ignore the directions on the screen until it recognizes your phone is in DFU mode. When you are in DFU mode, the app should automatically take over and you will see this:

Wait a bit for the process to finish, and congratulations! You are done.

The command line interface takes 5 minutes approx. before it is ready to interact with your iphone/ipod and it takes approximately 10-15 minutes to jailbreak.

It may be quicked than this - but be patient. When the command line part is finished the iPhone will show a spinning circle as it is still being jailbreaked.

Wait for the phone to reboot to the home screen before touching it!

8) Optional 2g phone only. If you need to unlock your phone, install bootneuter from Cydia and run it! Select “neuter, unlock, do not change bootloader settings, and then flash!”.


1) If during the process you did not kill iTunes you will see these questions:

Is your device connected to your computer via USB? Type “Y” to continue.
Is your iPhone currently powering on? Type “Y” to continue.

If you see these questions it means that your phone is not being recognized by the PC. Remember you must have iTunes running and it must see your device. If you have to, close and reopen iTunes, disconnect and reconnect your device, or even reboot your PC. You should not see the above two message as part of the process.

2) When you turn on your iPhone, it does not have any display. Man, is it bricked?

This is probably caused by using an invalid boot image (logo.png) in the process. If you wait long enough the thing should boot up to springboard normally. In this state, you do not have any logo showing you the device is booting. You can fix it by repeating the process with a valid png file.

How to keep Apple Boot Logos with QuickPwn!

Is there a simple method available?

There is GUI version now available.

Download at :

It allows you to add Installer and select the IPSW using a browse function but when it runs it still using the same command line interface.

It does let you add installer as well - which the command line version doesn't.


If you want to keep the Apple original logos you can do this.

Open up the quickpwn folder.

Right click on the version of iphone or ipod you want to jailbreak and click EDIT.

The file will open up in notepad!

If you look down you will see a line that says: (below using iPod as example but with iPhone it is exactly the same!)

quickpwn "iPod1,1_2.0.1_5B108_Restore.ipsw" n45ap -b logo.png -r recovery.png Cydia.tar.gz

Just delete the -b logo.png -r recovery.png

So it will look like this:

quickpwn "iPod1,1_2.0.1_5B108_Restore.ipsw" n45ap Cydia.tar.gz

Then the phone will jailbreak and have the original apple boot and recovery logos.

You can also re-run it on an already quickpwned phone/ipod and it will simply change the boot images and nothing else.

You can also use this with already pwned phones but the command line version does NOT include installer.


How to jailbreak firmware 2.0.2 using QuickPwn!


Your phone MUST already be activated.

It will NOT unlock either phone versions although some people have said that the iPhone 2G does not get its modem updated - this is unconfirmed at this time.

iPhone 3G Modem IS UPDATED. If you want to unlock it DO NOT update it or you may make it not possible in the future.

Official unlocked 3G phones can update and jailbreak using quickpwn and keep the unlock.

How To Jailbreak 2.0.2

You update in itunes to 2.0.2 by connecting iPhone and clicking on "update"

Then use quickpwn with firmware 2.0.1 to jailbreak your 2.0.2 firmware phone.

The process is the same as above - copy firmware 2.0.1 to quickpwn folder.

Run QuickPwn and follow instructions whilst your 2.0.2 phone is connected.

You will end up with Cydia on the phone (no installer).

You will end up with pwnage custom logos on boot (unless you edit the batch file to remove them as shown above).

Installer can be added by adding SSH to the phone and copying installer to the phone and changing the permission files.

QuickPwn will be updated to work on Mac soon - and with options to add and remove different fuctions so be patient if these options do not suit your needs!
so if i restore to 1.1.4,then upgrade to 2.0,then can i use the pwnage tool?(no damage,no bricks etc)

im a noob,i wasted £40 to get my phone unlocked. 0_o
Unlock 2g without sim?

Hi there,

I just bought a 3g and want to unlock my 2g to give to my friend. I did it before on 1.1.4 using iliberty, so am relatively new to pwnage. If i unlock without the sim, will that cause me any problems or him when he tries to use it in itunes? What should I with regards to activation in pwnage, and would it be of any use to use an other sim just to unlock it?

Basically if someone could help me understand the steps i should take to unlock without the simcard i (he) intend to use...I would be extra extra grateful.

Many thanks,

You do not need the SIM card to unlock with pwnage.

Assuming your on mac then:

Restore to 2.0.1 with iTunes.

Then make a custom 2.0.1 firmware with pwnagetool 2.2 - select unlock and activate (you will need the bootloader files).

Then follow instructions in pwnagetool to get the phone into DFU mode then restore using your custom firmware and let the phone boot up and unlock and then boot back to the home screen.

Just follow the instructions on the first page here!
Hello spinstorm,

I've done the tutorial for Windows, and after i put the 2.0 file in itunes, i kept getting the Error 5. What is the solution for Error 5?

Please help me out, thank you.

P.S Does 3G iphone guides work with 1st generation iphones?
quick question for Spinstorm or anyone else who can answer it.

I just inherited a iphone 2g, I updated the firmware to 2.0.1 and jailbroke it with quickpwn. At the time I jailbroke it it had the old deactivated sim card in it.

I would like to take my Cingular/AT&T sim card out of my blackberry pearl and unlock it to use with my iphone. Is this possible? Will I be at risk of losing all of my contacts that are currently on it or will they transfer over to the iphone? Is it realistic to think that I'll be able to swap back and forth from BB to iphone after it's unlocked?

I take it I would want to run winpwn with the AT&T sim card in the iphone in order to unlock it, just hoping to get some info before I try it.

My modem firmware is 04.05.04_G if that helps at all.

Thanks in advance.

Okidoki. I'm determined to downgrade my pwnd (at 2.0 & 2.0.1) 2G to JB 1.1.4. No unlock necessary, I got skewered by AT&T upon purchase.

Here's what I've got:
Uninstalled itunes 7.7, and installed itunes 7.5 on my mac.
1.1.4 firmware ipsw
3.9 & 4.6 BLs
A custom ipsw, which is probably the wrong config for what I want...

At this point, I'm just trying to get the stock 1.1.4 to take. I have been trying for two hours to get it into DFU mode, but, half the time it simply reboots in 5-8 seconds, and the other half of the time it goes into restore mode instead of DFU. All I see are 1604's and 20's. ...and that pineapple & cartoon of SJ mocking me in russian.

Twice, the screen has gone totally white, popped up the original apple logo with the spinning gear, looked like it was going to take, but then then got as far as hanging on "preparing iphone for restore" for a few minutes, & then ended in a 1604 anyway.

Any idears?

I've read through the tutorials here a few times, and I do understand them in principal, but I've upgraded the phone to 2.0.2 firmware, and all the tutorials talk about 2.0.1, so I'm assuming the (confusingly named) 2.0.2 pwnagetool can't unlock a phone running 2.0.2 firmware?

All this jailbreaking stuff seems great, but I just want to run the phone on Orange as I get rubbish o2 reception round here.
New OTB 3G iphone

Sorry about this newbie question...
I work on a mac.
So if I go out today and buy a new OTB 3G phone and want to jailbreak it using Pwnage Tool (The version for Firmware 2.0.1), and keep the phone at FW 2.0.1 until the new Pwnage tool comes out.... what do I do? Does anyone know what FW version the new OTB phones are shipping with, and if it's 2.0.2 should I downgrade to 2.0.1 first, then restore to a custom ipsw made from the 2.0.1 restore file? Do I just wait until the dev team comes out with the mac version of Quickpwn or a new pwnage tool?

BTW...I plan to activate the new phone via ATT but I may want to unlock the phone if that ever becomes available in the future... Is it possible to activate a new phone without it automatically updating to 2.0.2?
So many questions... it's making my head hurt...:eek:

Any help would be appreciated.
does anything unlock iPhone firmware 2.0.2?

I'm in a similar boat as Draeconis.

I had an Original iPhone at 2.0.1 and ran Pwnage Tool 2.0.2 (Mac) to create a custom 2.0.1 firmware. But during the restore process, iTunes automatically chose the official 2.0.2 firmware that it had already downloaded to restore my iPhone. So instead of an unlocked and jailbroken 2.0.1, I have a fresh 2.0.2. :(

I'm assuming Pwnage Tool 2.0.2 doesn't yet work with iPhone firmware 2.0.2? Any details on when a Mac solution for firmware 2.0.2 will be available? Thanks a ton.
why is it that after pwning to 2.0.2, my broken apps won't show on the iphone using the ssh/winscp method? worked fine w/ 2.0.1?
why is it that after pwning to 2.0.2, my broken apps won't show on the iphone using the ssh/winscp method? worked fine w/ 2.0.1?

Pwnage isn't updated for 2.0.2 firmware yet. :) It's always going I take some time before the Pwnage team can update the tool after each firmware release.
so how long does it usually take for the dev team to come up with an update to pwnage tool? a week? 2 weeks or even longer? I'm just curious, I'm a first time pwnage user ;)
OK. Just a quick newbie question. So I jailbreak my phone. I then connect to Itunes. It recognises my iPhone and gives me the option to restore to previous backup OR connect as new phone. What should I do? What are the benefits of either method?

e.g. 1. I connect as new phone, give my phone a slightly different name. It syncs up. All my contacts and official apps are synced. Is the pre-jailbreak backup retained? Would this be of use when I go back to factory defaults and would it let me use this backup ?

2. I connect the jail broken phone but this time I choose restore to a previous back up which was created by the phone prior to the jailbreak. This may cause problems no? Also this would lose any prejailbreak back up I may have which would be beneficial when I go back to factory defaults?

Am I reading too much into this ? Your advice appreciated.
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