my gf's iphone is still on 1.1.1 jailbraked and unlocked. she has (with some other apps) one app installed called "iwoman" where she tracks her period... she says it works better than any other tool
if we do the upgrade to 2.0 and them pwnage it what about the apps? (because iwoman has some kind of a database running)will this data stay ?
i also read that installer is not anymore supported with pwnage , but i saw screenshots with installer on it ?
anyone any idea ?
nope they will be gone. the only thing that might... MIGHT... get transfered over are some of the strings (ipod name, carrier name, slider values, etc)
sorry brother. most old apps wont work AT ALL on the 2.0 framework. doesnt that suck.
I updated today from hacked 1.1.4 and im kinda wishing i didnt. good thing I kept my old firmware