Cydia is installers younger smarter brother..Yes, if you dont have it you wont beable to install ANY third party apps unless its from the App store.. Which partially defeates the purpose of staying up till 5 am..
PS Anyway around the 1600 error in Xp/Vista?
The owner of this site is very professional and always test the procedures before posting them, I have always used his procedures and never "bricked".
Always check the Information/ latest news for updated details:
Umm...ok i think my phone might be hosed. I did everything by the book and restored the firmware. It restored and then launched the BootNeuter and got "Flashing Baseband. This may take up to 2 minutes" and its been stuck there for the past 13 minutes.
I dont want to touch it just because it maybe taking longer than usual but i dont think it should take this long. What do i do?
Make that 15 mins
PS my phone was a 4GB iPhone running a Pwned 1.1.4 FW
PS i also get these from iTunes
PS My phone is also getting hot
so it installs cydia, not installer.... the two apps are similar, right?
i want to make sure there is a summerboard app and i can have my theme/carrier icons edited. i also like the lastfm app on the installer vs the app store.
that stuff is not available yet
bah! guess i'll be waiting a bit longer then. is SSH available? is it not possible to transfer over the summerboard app?
Do you have a data plan? Does Cincinnati Bell even offer them? According to their website, the only data plan they have is part of their Blackberry package.
I have just unlocked my original iPhone and tried it with my gf's 3 Sim - it always says "Invalid Sim" - are 3 Sim cards not working in the iphones - just wondering incase it just didn't unlock
I can't get the booloaders to work. When I click on links to download them I get: and
When I unzip them I get:
BL-39.bin and BL-46.bin
When I double-click on these I get:
BL-39.bin.cpgz and BL-46.bin.cpgz
If I double-click on these I get:
BL-39 2.bin and BL-46 2.bin
And on and on it goes in a circle, never getting me any kind of "unzipped" file. What am I doing wrong?
According to the Pwnage tool, Installer is not implemented and some say it won't be because Nullriver is on the App store.
Cydia is infinitely superior to installer, anyway.
Why do people with iphones come to the iPod touch hacks forum? And yes Cydia is just a better version of installer. For people who say they don't have do.
If it is so superior, maybe you can tell me how to install app support...
If you have Cydia then you have app support. You just have to wait for the apps to be updated and put in the repos.