I can not get my iPod touch into DFU mode, but i still get stuck on the DFU screen on pwnage, and the restore file never works. error 6..
Why does it not work?
I need to impress upon people there are 2 recovery modes on the iphone..
Restore (Picture of USB cable and Itunes Logo)
DFU (Blank Screen / Black Screen)
DFU is confusing on MAC becasue you have to count and hope that your timing is correct. If it works Itunes will open automatically and tell you your phone needs to be restored, your phone will look like its off (blank screen)
On windows you can here the USB connection/disconnection sounds
Here are the counts
from your springboard (desktop of your phone)
Hold down the Home and Power/Sleep Buttons for 7 (seven) seconds your phone will turn off.
Take your finger off of the Power/sleep button but continue to hold home for 10 more seconds until Itunes opens or it tells you that your iphone needs to be restored..
In windows you will here the connection sound and maybe even see the device installer say "installing DFU driver"
In MAC if itunes is open you will see the event notifier say something about Waiting for ipod very quickly then, the message about restoring your iphone.
The inportant part is that the phones display is !!blank!! if you have the itunes logo, you need to try again..
Heres a youtube video that walks you through DFU..
I suggest that you try the pwnage tool as many times as you can it really helps get the phone into dfu. here are some hints that I have gotten to work..
Leave your iphone unplugged until directed to plug it in.
Make sure you turn auto Lock off under your settings
Make sure you have itunes closed unless it is opened by Pwnage or by connecting your phone.
Following these few tid-bits my really help your chances for success.