i keep getting this screen.....what is this all about
try running
mkdir "~/Library/iTunes/Device Support"
I got that problem the first time I ran pwnage, but it was fine after I ran that
i keep getting this screen.....what is this all about
I have successfully jailbroken my new iPhone 3G, and I have an application I made with the iPhone SDK. Does anyone know how I can get it to work on my iPhone? I tried just copying the compiled .app file to /Applications, but when I try to launch my app it just crashes after showing the default graphic for a few seconds.
I compiled this app on my PPC Mac if that makes any difference, but I doubt it would.
If you copied your app you probably copied the simulator version over. If you Pwned your phone, plug it in when you open XCode. It should ask if you want to use that device for development, say yes. Then in your project, switch the build to Device->Debug instead of Simulator->Debug and when you build it should install it on the phone.
try running
mkdir "~/Library/iTunes/Device Support"
I got that problem the first time I ran pwnage, but it was fine after I ran that
wait, so this doesnt include the 2.0 software in it?
SOCKS relay is the program to install to tether.
It works on 3G!
SSH in, start srelay, setup your computer to use a SOCKS proxy on your iPhone's IP address, etc.
Basically just use this tutorial:
No offense but you will probably be better served and less frustrated if you wait until tomorrow when iclarified or someone has an install guide up. Or perhaps you should take the time to read through this thread... where 2.0 is and how to get it is covered 4 or 5 times.
Pwnage wont put my phone in DFU, so I force it into DFU then run the program again where it has to recompile the damn ipsw (why cant it just see that its their and use it) it says still cant put phone in DFU. So I tried 3 more times..... Finally somone says theres no need just make sure you have itunes 7.7 (I Do) and do an hold ALT and Press restore...
It shows the pineapple says its restored and then my phone does the eternal reboot.. ever 10 seconds or so black screen then pineapple....
Any Ideas?
SOCKS relay is the program to install to tether.
It works on 3G!
SSH in, start srelay, setup your computer to use a SOCKS proxy on your iPhone's IP address, etc.
Basically just use this tutorial:
Do you have a data plan? Does Cincinnati Bell even offer them? According to their website, the only data plan they have is part of their Blackberry package.I am using Cincinnati Bell if that makes a difference. All calls and sms functions work great.