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where is "options" in itunes? i dont understand, be more specific

I responded to your question on the iPhone Dev Team Blog. Press ALT on your keyboard and click "restore" at the same time in iTunes. A box will appear asking you to locate the custom firmware you just created in Pwnage then click Open in the box and it will start restoring.

I have a 1.1.3 Iphone unlocked with Ijailbreak? What do I do? Do I restore it on 1.1.3 then restore it to 1.1.4 and then run the pwnage 2.0? Or do i update to 2.0 from 1.1.4 in itunes then run the pwnage 2.0???

Somebody PLEEEASE Help!!
i had ziphone, restored the iphone via itunes. went through the pwnage but it wouldn work. it goes so far as "cannot enter dfu mode"

back to ziphone.. i've been working on this for over 2 hours.

Mines also said that but I just closed Pwnage, put the iPhone into DFU mode myself and restored using custom firmware but I got an error message 1600 which is listed on the iPhone Dev Team Blog. Follow my instructions below as this made mine successful.

  1. Disregard the message in Pwnage saying it failed to enter DFU mode and close down Pwnage.
  2. Put the iPhone into "Recovery Mode" using the instructions listed on the link below. You will know if this is successful as it will show the iTunes logo and USB cable afterwards.
  3. After putting iPhone into "Recovery Mode", In iTunes, press the ALT key on your keyboard and click "Restore" at the same time. You will be presented with a box, you should locate the custom firware produced in Pwnage and click open. It will begin to Restore and that should be it.
Cant this thing by pass activation without having to unlock? I have a ATT sim but i am prepaid. I didnt think i had to unlock just for that. kind of overkill.
I responded to your question on the iPhone Dev Team Blog. Press ALT on your keyboard and click "restore" at the same time in iTunes. A box will appear asking you to locate the custom firmware you just created in Pwnage then click Open in the box and it will start restoring.

I'm just sensing the impending "boom" already on that iPhone. :)
Dude he has been told like 5 times I'm sure he understands it by now.

No-one knows if he understands it yet but what I do know is that he has posted this question on another site and I haven't seen him reply yet. Best wait for him to give his verdict.
My Simple Guide

Ok I got it to work the second time. It was fairly easy.
The first try I did the automated method for the Original iPhone.

I have it Jailbroken/Unlocked to V2.0
The easier to save everything in one directory.

1. Download Pwnage 2.0 (Here
2. Download Bootloaders (Here)
3. Download Firmware from iTunes, this is the best method. (stored in ~/Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates)
4. Click on the iphone and do Expert mode
5. Follow the steps to pick the Firmware and the two bootloaders.
6. then Under the expert panel you should see 6 icons and the Build button at the bottom.
7 click on general and select update baseband.
8 Everything else should be setup automatically (all the settings for different icons)
9 You can change to default apple logo from the pineapple logo under the custom logo icon.
10. Build
11. Save it to the same folder or somewhere u can find it again
12. Put iphone in recovery mode (*Keep it connected to the computer via the USB* Turn it off then hold home button until you see connect to computer. Some phone you will have to hold sleep/wake + home button after the phone is turned of to put it into recovery)
13. After its in recovery, goto itunes and you should see the iphone. click on restore while (alt/option is pressed). This will open a dialog and ask you for the ISPW (firmware) file. Select the firmware you just built.
14. Let it fully restore the phone.
15. Enjoy

Disclaimer: This worked for me and might not work for you. I am not liable if you screw up your phone or if anything bad happens to your phone.
Cant this thing by pass activation without having to unlock? I have a ATT sim but i am prepaid. I didnt think i had to unlock just for that. kind of overkill.

Yes you can just activate it without unlocking it. See Screenshots. You go into "General Settings" and select "Activate" then select the "Blue Arrow". That will take you back to the main screenshot where you click "Bootneuter" and you can see that you can uncheck "Unlock Baseband" then just click "Blue Arrow" again. After you have selected your customized settings you just click "Build"


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Im unable to use edge now. voice and wifi are fine. I came from 114 to 2.0 on a ATT prepaid sim. I used the simple mode with unlocking. I am not trying expert without unlocking. now im nervous. i wonder if it had to do with using bossprefs form installer when i would disable my edge at will.

Oh, and thanks james.
So now that mines all done, where's Installer? I see Cydia, is this the same thing?
AMX Good step by step. This is one hairy procedure. I didn't like it at all. But in Montana we have no AT&T so I have to run unlocked. Thanks for pointing folks in the right direction.
Ok I got it to work the second time. It was fairly easy.
The first try I did the automated method for the Original iPhone.

I have it Jailbroken/Unlocked to V2.0
The easier to save everything in one directory.

1. Download Pwnage 2.0 (Here
2. Download Bootloaders (Here)
3. Download Firmware from iTunes, this is the best method. (stored in ~/Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates)
4. Click on the iphone and do Expert mode
5. Follow the steps to pick the Firmware and the two bootloaders.
6. then Under the expert panel you should see 6 icons and the Build button at the bottom.
7 click on general and select update baseband.
8 Everything else should be setup automatically (all the settings for different icons)
9 You can change to default apple logo from the pineapple logo under the custom logo icon.
10. Build
11. Save it to the same folder or somewhere u can find it again
12. Put iphone in recovery mode (*Keep it connected to the computer via the USB* Turn it off then hold home button until you see connect to computer. Some phone you will have to hold sleep/wake + home button after the phone is turned of to put it into recovery)
13. After its in recovery, goto itunes and you should see the iphone. click on restore while (alt/option is pressed). This will open a dialog and ask you for the ISPW (firmware) file. Select the firmware you just built.
14. Let it fully restore the phone.
15. Enjoy

Disclaimer: This worked for me and might not work for you. I am not liable if you screw up your phone or if anything bad happens to your phone.

Thanks for the write up. I have an original iPhone that is already upgraded to 2.0, is there any reason why I shouldn't just do it the automated way in pwnage 2.0?
Im unable to use edge now. voice and wifi are fine. I came from 114 to 2.0 on a ATT prepaid sim. I used the simple mode with unlocking. I am not trying expert without unlocking. now im nervous. i wonder if it had to do with using bossprefs form installer when i would disable my edge at will.

Oh, and thanks james.

Did you re-enter your edge settings in Settings>General>Network>Make Sure Data Roaming is on then go into >Cellular Data Network above. I had to re-enter my settings after upgrading.
No cydia is different I think we can jailbreak it and get installer by using the advanced settings, if it doesn' I'll downgrade to 1.1.4 fttp it get installer and put it on 2.0 then post instructions and the installer file.
Hey i was wondering, I use an iPod Touch and haven't gotten an iPhone yet,
So i was wondering, what does the bootloader do and what does the baseband do and what does unlocking them and flashing them mean?
I have successfully jailbroken my new iPhone 3G, and I have an application I made with the iPhone SDK. Does anyone know how I can get it to work on my iPhone? I tried just copying the compiled .app file to /Applications, but when I try to launch my app it just crashes after showing the default graphic for a few seconds.

I compiled this app on my PPC Mac if that makes any difference, but I doubt it would.
Did you re-enter your edge settings in Settings>General>Network>Make Sure Data Roaming is on then go into >Cellular Data Network above. I had to re-enter my settings after upgrading.

well i ran expert mode and disabled unlock for the new build but when my iphone rebooted and i saw bootneuter, it shoted the unlock set to ON and gave me a message saying the settings still match. so expert mode didnt take effect. is there i way to getinto boot neuter in the iphone and just turn that unlock switch to off?

also att doesnt have an edge setting under General. just a VPN which is usually left blank.

also should i downgrade to bl 3.9? thats where i was before.
Mail crashes every time I launch it, anyone else having same issue? If so, anyway to fix without restoring?
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