I keep getting an error (Wrong firmware) when I select the 2.0 (5A347) firmware in iTunes folder. Hmm, anyone else getting this error?
thanks nerdbert...i'm sure you've helped out a lot of noobs asking for the same ting over and over
Okay! I did it! I hacked my iPhone 3G 16GB.
It works, I have Cydia.
This is very cool...
I'm getting the same thing, I'm downloading the firmware from nerdbert's site and trying again...
That's 1.0?
No installer?
Okay! I did it! I hacked my iPhone 3G 16GB.
It works, I have Cydia.
This is very cool...
Any tutorials for dummies available yet?
Anyone successfully activating, unlocking & jailbreaking?
Thanks in advanced!
i need to JailBreak, Activate, and UNLOCK my 16GB iPhone 3G... can this version do it. i read it can only JailBreak and Activate, but not UNLOCK??????? also, what's Cydia? where do you get thei Firmware that it asks when you run the Pwnage Tool???
Must I unlock my phone if I'm on AT&T? I just want the option to use jailbreak, (used to ziphone)