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I keep getting an error (Wrong firmware) when I select the 2.0 (5A347) firmware in iTunes folder. Hmm, anyone else getting this error?
anywhere really.
just manual search for it.

anybody know
when it says are u a legit iphone user. u click no to unlock the baseband right?
Is this for Leopard only? It bounces on my dock for a while, then nothing. Running 10.4.1.

Also, even if I could get it running, isn't Installer incompatible with 2.0 so far?
Must I unlock my phone if I'm on AT&T? I just want the option to use jailbreak, (used to ziphone)
nope i dont have installer on mine.. just cydia.. even thought pwnage's animation of bulding the ipsw showed installer..
but oh well.. there should be ssh soon enough to put it on
Okay! I did it! I hacked my iPhone 3G 16GB.

It works, I have Cydia. :D

This is very cool...

i need to JailBreak, Activate, and UNLOCK my 16GB iPhone 3G... can this version do it. i read it can only JailBreak and Activate, but not UNLOCK??????? also, what's Cydia? where do you get thei Firmware that it asks when you run the Pwnage Tool???
i need to JailBreak, Activate, and UNLOCK my 16GB iPhone 3G... can this version do it. i read it can only JailBreak and Activate, but not UNLOCK??????? also, what's Cydia? where do you get thei Firmware that it asks when you run the Pwnage Tool???

You can't unlock with this version, just jailbreak and activate. Cydia is another package manager like but it is more advanced and it is open source.

The firmware files are in /Users/you/Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates/sdgsdgs.ipsw

To download the most recent one, plug your iPhone in and hit "restore" and unplug your iPhone. It will download to that location. Pwnage Tool will automatically find the firmware file for you once you do that.
For those of you who have a bouncing dock icon and nothing else, reboot and it should open ok.

That said, what's really the point of jailbreaking TODAY? There's no Installer, no SSH, and most if not all apps previously working on 1.1.4 and lower are now incompatible with 2.0. They all need to be recoded. This is what I've read anyway...
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