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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 7, 2008
i just finished downloading the PwnageTool thats avaiable here

Anyone figured it out yet? is it easy to use, what d oyou have to install, does it install etc, give us opinions dammit!!!:D;)
ipsw files

well I've got the pwnage tool, but where do I get these .ipsw files? I've searched, but maybe not enough. Can't find them. Also, will the program automatically install stuff like ""?
well I've got the pwnage tool, but where do I get these .ipsw files? I've searched, but maybe not enough. Can't find them. Also, will the program automatically install stuff like ""?

cant give you the link to the 2.0 iphone firmware, but head over to #iphone room on irc (use colloquy or another irc app) and ask for it there, someone has the link.
ok, well have you got any links for the older versions, such as 1.1.4? Thanks for your help
UPDATE I found the link to download the official firmware images from apple
Now I would like to use the additional features of the tool, but need images of the 3.9 bootloader and the 4.6 bootloader. Can't find them anywhere on the net!
Only working for Mac users .. no Windows Pwnage yet !?

This is what 9to5mac.Com says said:
The plan (4 weeks ago) was to release a Mac tool only. This was decided because of the lack of reliable Mac filesystem tools on Windows, and the fact that the task of porting them would be too time consuming.
Can't figure out how this works. I have the 1.2 iPod Touch software, loaded on my device. If I load it into the Pwnage Tool and click iPwner, it fails. I tried to build a custom ipsw file and load that into Pwnage and it tells me it "can't recognize version of .ipsw file"

I'm going to try to downgrade to 1.1.4, and then use the Pwnage tool to upgrade to 1.2 beta.

* EDIT: RTFM - you have to have 1.1.3 or 1.1.4 loaded onto your device before and then upgrade with the Pwnage tool. Luckily, I have iTunes 7.5 on a PC, so downgrading will be easy.

** EDIT: Doesn't seem to support 1.2 Beta, at least not for iPod Touch or at least not the beta I have. I'm now have an "pwned" version 1.1.4. But it's not jailbroken (at least there's no The only thing that's different is that the apple logo on startup is replaced by a pineappl. I must be doing something wrong.
Can't figure out how this works. I have the 1.2 iPod Touch software, loaded on my device. If I load it into the Pwnage Tool and click iPwner, it fails. I tried to build a custom ipsw file and load that into Pwnage and it tells me it "can't recognize version of .ipsw file"

'm going to try to downgrade to 1.1.4, and then use the Pwnage tool to upgrade to 1.2 beta.

Where did you get the 1.2 (beta) ipsw?
If you're a Windows user, you dont deserve it anyways :p

Just read through the 'manual' on how to use Pwnage on another forum .. OMG .. glad to stick with Windows and Ziphone. We Windows users like to keep things simple with a couple of clicks as done using Ziphone, less room for error.
Good luck with the Pwnage .. it should create a few thousand "help" postings :D

1. Can you downgrade back to 1.1.4 and unlock?

2. Can you use 2.0 currently unlocked? And do ALL features work? Thanks
Ok -- so here's what I've learned so far:

You have to (1) load the ipsw file into Pwnage, (2) then build a custom OS, and (3) and here's the important part use iTunes (not Pwnage) to load the custom OS onto the device.

When I did this with the 1.1.4 ipsw file, it restored and came out jailbroken (i.e., was installed). I'm now doing the same thing with the 1.2 beta and I will report back once it's done.

1. Can you downgrade back to 1.1.4 and unlock?

2. Can you use 2.0 currently unlocked? And do ALL features work? Thanks

You can downgrade to 1.1.4, but my understanding is that you need iTunes 7.5 to downgrade. On a pc, it's easy to install older versions of iTunes, I'm not sure how to do it on a Mac.
Windows AND ZiPhone!!!!

Just read through the 'manual' on how to use Pwnage on another forum .. OMG .. glad to stick with Windows and Ziphone. We Windows users like to keep things simple with a couple of clicks as done using Ziphone, less room for error.
Good luck with the Pwnage .. it should create a few thousand "help" postings :D

Dude, you REALLY are in the wrong path.... bad enough you are windows user but to stick with Z, the wifi terminator, iPhone...
Don't read the zillions of post all over the net about how ziphone F^&^$& ed their phones for good?
even the official dev team site tells people about it....
Ok - using the Pwnage Tool and my instructions above, I now have an iPod Touch, running OS 2.0 (version 2.0 (5A225c) in settings>>general>> about). BUT, there's no

So Pwnage was able to activate 2.0, but, so far, no jailbreak.
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