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will pwnage automatically install

Initially pwning your iPod (I assume it's the same for the iPhone) does not install You must use the ISPW Builder with whatever firmware you are using to make a custom ISPW. You then use this new ISPW with iTunes to update your iPod's firmware. After that is done, will be available to use.
at the moment I'd only upgrade if you could download 2.0 and the exchange part worked so I could connect to corp email. I'm guessing its too new for anyone to have tested this?
I keep downloading the 1.1.4 firmware but I cannot open it in a way that pwnage recognizes it. Why does it not open as a valid .ipsw file? What am I doing wrong after downloading it?
I keep downloading the 1.1.4 firmware but I cannot open it in a way that pwnage recognizes it. Why does it not open as a valid .ipsw file? What am I doing wrong after downloading it?

Don't use safari, use Firefox and select the option that just saves the file to disc. Safari has a nasty habit of "preparing" the file for use.
at the moment I'd only upgrade if you could download 2.0 and the exchange part worked so I could connect to corp email. I'm guessing its too new for anyone to have tested this?

Yes it works very well. I have my email, contacts, and calendar synced.

However, everything is buggy as hell. A lot of the apps lag, and occasionally crash. But worth it to me, because I've always wanted my corporate email on my iPhone really bad.
Installer works

The Installer app did not allow me to download the packages, but after I selected update (on the bottom, next to install) an updated community package was available.

After downloading the updated package, I am now able to download native apps.

Hope this helps.
2.0 Firmware

So I figured out my previous problem. It seems like the version of 2.0 firmware floating around on usenet is bad.

Anyways patched the 2.0 ipsw file with pwnage and am now running it. Works fine. Seeing if I can get on there with ziphone/independence
Installer won't work with 2.0 as it needs to be re-written and as its not officially out that hasn't happened yet.

Furthermore using ZiPhone/iLiberty on your 2.0 phone will cause it to loop the apple/pineapple logo until restored again!
Installer won't work with 2.0 as it needs to be re-written and as its not officially out that hasn't happened yet.

Furthermore using ZiPhone/iLiberty on your 2.0 phone will cause it to loop the apple/pineapple logo until restored again!

I got ZiPhone to get past the looping but it still only had the link to his blog, no installer. Also I don't think installer needs to be re-written, I think it has already been updated. Zibri (believe what you want) claims to have it working on 2.0 and is waiting to release it until 2.0 is publicly available.

Either way it's pretty pointless to get up to 2.0 right now.
I guess you just pressed jailbreak? I suppose as it was already activated...

Installer DOES NOT Work on 2.0. Its like putting a ferrari engine in a mini - the car would fall apart unless the front is totally rebuilt!

The analogy is that it has a totally different structure to the previous firmwares. The updated version does not work either as it was not written for 2.0.

Installer has to be re-written for 2.0 before it will work. Zibri's blog is just a webclip so it will work on 2.0.

ZiPhone will NOT activate a 2.0 phone as the ramdisk exploit will not work NO matter what he says!
I guess you just pressed jailbreak? I suppose as it was already activated...

Installer DOES NOT Work on 2.0. Its like putting a ferrari engine in a mini - the car would fall apart unless the front is totally rebuilt!

The analogy is that it has a totally different structure to the previous firmwares. The updated version does not work either as it was not written for 2.0.

Installer has to be re-written for 2.0 before it will work. Zibri's blog is just a webclip so it will work on 2.0.

ZiPhone will NOT activate a 2.0 phone as the ramdisk exploit will not work NO matter what he says!

I agree it doesn't seem like it would work. But I always like to try weird things to see if I can tweak them to get it them to work.

Either way the best method now is use pwnage on 1.1.4 then update to and pwned 1.2 firmware. I have been able to switch amongst the two all day.
Linkage please! or PM me. The 2.0 beta firmware I have does not work. :mad:
Would kill for Exchange support on my iPhone.

Even if everything crashes and your battery life dwindles down to nothing within 12 hours? :)
Music Store and App Store Logos

I am running the iPod Touch 2.0 firmware on my iPod Touch but I cannot get the Music Store or App Store logos to appear... How do I get it to do so?

TheYankees1903 :apple:
Read the FAQ!

There is NO iTunes/AppStore on the 2.0 beta.

They are only available on the 1.2 beta which did not leak.

Also iTunes music will NOT play on either firmware.

2.0 is buggy as hell and liable to random crashes and restarts.

1.2 is usable but again has NOT leaked.

In case your wondering 1.2 was the first beta for the new firmware, the second beta was renamed 2.0 and was the one that leaked.
Where can i get the ipod touch firmware version 2.0 5A225c????? I tried downloading it on a torrent site but it didn't have the app store or even the music store!!!!! How can i get a version that has both app store and music store, like what i see on youtube!????? Please Help!!!!!!!
Nothing happens

I've just got my iphone and i was trying to unlock /jailbreak it with pwange tool. So i loaded the 1.1.4 firware into the pwnage tool. Then I clicked the iPwner button and the process started. However after a while itunes started loading and then i t gave me the text box saying that i need to unlock the sim (by entering the pin). But the screen is black. There is nothing i can do. I've tried enteringit into recovery doesnt work. I've tried holding down the power button and the home button, doesn't work.

Does anyone know what i could do to get it started again?

thanks a lot in advance

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