Ok - using the Pwnage Tool and my instructions above, I now have an iPod Touch, running OS 2.0 (version 2.0 (5A225c) in settings>>general>> about). BUT, there's no installer.app.
So Pwnage was able to activate 2.0, but, so far, no jailbreak.
It was just released today, give it some time before it automatically puts the Installer app on there!
FYI - No Installer.app dosent mean no jailbreak
The mods deleted my other post! Damn them! Just kidding... Not surprised really
EDIT: Just so you know, if you have the 2.0 beta and want to unlock your iPhone, pwn it with 1.1.4 first andi t will "Neuter" the baseband so its still unlocked if you put different firmwares on the iPhone, including the 2.0 beta.