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I really wouldn't recommend using 2.0. It crashes all the time, lags, locks up and restarts randomly. No iTunes, no iTunes music either. The PUSH mail feature works off and on, and it doesnt let you check mail every few minutes. I'd wait on this before installing. I went back to 1.1.4 after about an hour with 2.0.
I had same problem

i was working on this and i got it up to 2.0 firmware but the edge didn't work. So i started again but this time, even though same firmware file, it said couldn't recognize, i downloaded PWNAGE tool again same problem. only works for the 1.1.4 ones for my iphone and bros ipod touch. Hope this is figured out soon. In t he mean time i have a question, which one is newer the

or the


just wondering
Hey Can someone help me please?
When i put 2.0 on my ipod touch, a non custom made .ipsw, all i get is the recovery icon (the cord and the itunes logo) with a purple backround, and when i try to put a custom 2.0 on it the update just fails.
I've tried the iPwner button again and all it does it go to the apple logo and flash and reload.
Ziphone Unlock

Just read through the 'manual' on how to use Pwnage on another forum .. OMG .. glad to stick with Windows and Ziphone. We Windows users like to keep things simple with a couple of clicks as done using Ziphone, less room for error.
Good luck with the Pwnage .. it should create a few thousand "help" postings :D

Ziphone has long been available for OS X also see soon he is releasing a version for iPhone 2.0
Buy the new iPhone 3G. It is amazing. The speaker on it is so much better quality now aswell :)
my question is, how do we run pwnage when the 2.0 version is released if our phone has already been unlocked/jailbroken through ziphone?
False Alarm

Dang, saw this up on the list of threads and thought is was updated as well. Will be soon though.
please urgenttt

please guys help me this urgently i had iphone before i do the update i have unlocked but i upgrade it to 2-0 and its not working anymore please send me and email with any answer please
Help Help Help!!!

anyone knows who can UNLOCK, both, 1st Gen. iPhone with 2.0 Update and NEW iPhone 3G??? i previously bought services from (which is the same guy as, but doesn't have update yet and i had YouTube problems with my 1.1.4...... so please reply to this if you have UNLOCKING info.
anyone knows who can UNLOCK, both, 1st Gen. iPhone with 2.0 Update and NEW iPhone 3G??? i previously bought services from (which is the same guy as, but doesn't have update yet and i had YouTube problems with my 1.1.4...... so please reply to this if you have UNLOCKING info.

why would you pay for unlocking that's just silly.
anyone knows who can UNLOCK, both, 1st Gen. iPhone with 2.0 Update and NEW iPhone 3G??? i previously bought services from (which is the same guy as, but doesn't have update yet and i had YouTube problems with my 1.1.4...... so please reply to this if you have UNLOCKING info.

I guess Dev Team can unlock 1st Gens with 2.0 and 3Gs ;) However, you'll have to wait with rest of us until they release it. Supposedly not long now form their recent blog post.

And yeah, don't pay for unlocking :)
I tried downloading the pwnage tool but it says i have to login.

Whats the username and password?
UNLOCKING iPhone 2.0 & iPhone 3G

why would you pay for unlocking that's just silly.

i paid for it because the have a "one-click" feature and call me stupid (not really, please), but this Dev. Team stuff seems really complicated... i've read that you have to get files from here and there and import them into the this and that; i hope that says it all. what can i do? i'm not the most iPhone (unlocking process) savvy person and i have too much to risk (money and time) not BRICK or do something really stupid to my phones (i bought 4 iPhone 3G 16GB).
It's getting close people!

They can say all that they want but I believe that we'll be waiting for at least another week. I got into a huge spat with a DevTeam member last night and I think a large part of what we bickered about is brought up in the current post on the blog.
Ziphone 1.1.4 Unlocking

I'm in desperate need of help please! I unlocked and jailbroke an iPhone 1.1.4 with ziphone 3.0. It installed and everything seemed fine. I then sold the phone to someone who is using Rogers but they are telling me that the phone says "no service" when they put the SIM card in the phone. If I have them run ziphone again, preferably in the "advanced" menu and only checking the box marked "unlock phone to be used with any carrier" can any damage be done to the phone? I appreciate any advice from you guys! Thank you!
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