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It sounds good. Their original emulator was first but inordinately slow so I hope they can come up with something better, especially since it's no longer SoftWindows.
well if they make it what they are saying it would be it looks like mac users without a pc have something to look forward too, sounds very exciting. and knowing its a couple of weeks away make this better.

That is totally sweet! If they produce anything close to what they promise (I know, I know) then there will be much rejoicing in the mac world. I would love to see a product that is developed for PC gaming on a mac. It would be one of the few items on my "must buy" list.
sweet, I have a 32mb card, so PC games should be sweet!

I hope they can atleast do something at half the speed of this, that would be incredible
The scuttlebut I have heard is that "Big changes are coming soon"

Maybe Apple will make their 64-bit processor half PPC and half Intel/AMD command set? That...would be awesome...and totally unlikely...and someone more technically advanced than I am will probably tell me why it would be totally impossible. Oh well.

It was a half-baked idea anyway.:rolleyes:
Oh la la!

Boy, that bit about "programming for games" and the words "radeon 9700" really made my day better...

I think I'll go post this on IMG, if no one beats me to it.
Re: The scuttlebut I have heard is that "Big changes are coming soon"

Originally posted by BaghdadBob
Maybe Apple will make their 64-bit processor half PPC and half Intel/AMD command set? That...would be awesome...and totally unlikely...and someone more technically advanced than I am will probably tell me why it would be totally impossible. Oh well.

It was a half-baked idea anyway.:rolleyes:

The 970 has already been designed and won't be that way. It would be insane to make a chip like that anyways - and it would end up being incompatible with PCs and PPCs because it wouldn't have the command set. It's best to pick a horse and ride it.
I was wondering whether to get a new Mac or a new PC for gaming. It looks like I can get the Mac and still play games. Ithink it's great that they are using a Unix based version, not a Carbonized version, that should make it much faster than VirtualPC. I don't think the interviewer knew what he was talking about at the end when he said the low level nature of it could make the OS unstable. Maybe on Windows 95 or the old Mac OS, but not on a modern OS.
Originally posted by Brandon Sharitt
I was wondering whether to get a new Mac or a new PC for gaming. It looks like I can get the Mac and still play games. Ithink it's great that they are using a Unix based version, not a Carbonized version, that should make it much faster than VirtualPC. I don't think the interviewer knew what he was talking about at the end when he said the low level nature of it could make the OS unstable. Maybe on Windows 95 or the old Mac OS, but not on a modern OS.

I'm with iJon here. If I were solely interested in gaming and had no morals I would buy a PC in a heartbeat. All Apple loyalists will agree with me on the following points because we've lived through the agony for too long:

A: It's cheaper to buy, "pound for pound." For the money you would spend on a top of the line G4 you could have a PC with far more power and a sweet monitor to boot.

B: It's cheaper to upgrade. Hopefully this will go away, but currently I know of no way to do a complete upgrade of a mac in the way you can with a PC (for, once again, a fraction of the cost).

C: PC game developers largely ignore the Mac market because it is too small (like 3%, down from ten what seems like an eternity ago). BUNGIE was one of the only companies that was faithful to the Mac market, and guess what? Microsoft bought them. Activision ignored Mac users with Hexen II, even though the engine (Quake II, I believe) was already developed for the Mac and they had a minimal amount of work to do to port it. The vast majority of games, and software, are never ported to the mac. But take solace -- most games and software are crap anyway.

Generally, Mac users only get the cream when it comes to games because it just isn't worth the time to develop a bad game for a small market. However, most of these, when they are ports, take months to move over. And then you have the issue of not being able to keep up with the speed required to run games if your computer is too old, and you need to blow another 3k on a new CPU to be "up-to-date." Running an emulator won't solve this problem.

But here's my own personal feeling on the subject: I won't support Microsoft.

I own a PS2 and a GC, but no XBOX. I don't care what comes out on it.

I will continue to struggle along, buying a new computer every three years as I can afford it (hopefully I can stop working crappy jobs and this changes) and watch all the good computer games go by.

I will do this, because, despite my love/hate relationship with Apple, I have been a Mac user since '86. I have been forced to use PCs, and I hate them. I mean that. I also hate Microsoft. I mean that too. Apple is a company that needs to be supported, much like your favorite bands, because if the money goes away, the music won't be heard. And, in my own little fantasy world, I believe that one day I will not be laughed at by ignorant PC clones.

Thank you, that is all.
FWB's website says they're expecting to start shipping the new version on 1 June (or it could be 6 January, I never know with the American date system :p)
Sounds very promising

The new Real PC sounds better every time I read something new about it. It was a pleasant surprise to read that they are writing it with games performance in mind and that the same Radeon 9700 could be used by both OS X and Real PC at the same time. I imagine that Real PC would take over the whole screen so that Direct X could control the card. Anyway, if this product works as well as it sounds then Apple should definitely buy it from FWB and include an x86 layer Classic-style in OS X.3
Originally posted by BaghdadBob
I'm with iJon here. If I were solely interested in gaming and had no morals I would buy a PC in a heartbeat. All Apple loyalists will agree with me on the following points because we've lived through the agony for too long:

A: It's cheaper to buy, "pound for pound." For the money you would spend on a top of the line G4 you could have a PC with far more power and a sweet monitor to boot.

B: It's cheaper to upgrade. Hopefully this will go away, but currently I know of no way to do a complete upgrade of a mac in the way you can with a PC (for, once again, a fraction of the cost).

C: PC game developers largely ignore the Mac market because it is too small (like 3%, down from ten what seems like an eternity ago). BUNGIE was one of the only companies that was faithful to the Mac market, and guess what? Microsoft bought them. Activision ignored Mac users with Hexen II, even though the engine (Quake II, I believe) was already developed for the Mac and they had a minimal amount of work to do to port it. The vast majority of games, and software, are never ported to the mac. But take solace -- most games and software are crap anyway.

Generally, Mac users only get the cream when it comes to games because it just isn't worth the time to develop a bad game for a small market. However, most of these, when they are ports, take months to move over. And then you have the issue of not being able to keep up with the speed required to run games if your computer is too old, and you need to blow another 3k on a new CPU to be "up-to-date." Running an emulator won't solve this problem.

But here's my own personal feeling on the subject: I won't support Microsoft.

I own a PS2 and a GC, but no XBOX. I don't care what comes out on it.

I will continue to struggle along, buying a new computer every three years as I can afford it (hopefully I can stop working crappy jobs and this changes) and watch all the good computer games go by.

I will do this, because, despite my love/hate relationship with Apple, I have been a Mac user since '86. I have been forced to use PCs, and I hate them. I mean that. I also hate Microsoft. I mean that too. Apple is a company that needs to be supported, much like your favorite bands, because if the money goes away, the music won't be heard. And, in my own little fantasy world, I believe that one day I will not be laughed at by ignorant PC clones.

Thank you, that is all.
well i pretty much agree with you, besides the microsoft stuff, if you get a console xbox is a great machine, really ahead of everyone else, but i will keep it on the topic, if you really want a mac and want to play games, get a mac and a console, if the games you want arent for console, go build a pc, thats what i did and i love it. you pretty much cant put mac and game in the same sentence, unless its macs dont have any games. and anyone who tells you its an old myth and crap about games on the mac and they say it isnt true.... they are in denial.

Originally posted by iJon
well i pretty much agree with you, besides the microsoft stuff, if you get a console xbox is a great machine, really ahead of everyone else, but i will keep it on the topic, if you really want a mac and want to play games, get a mac and a console, if the games you want arent for console, go build a pc, thats what i did and i love it. you pretty much cant put mac and game in the same sentence, unless its macs dont have any games. and anyone who tells you its an old myth and crap about games on the mac and they say it isnt true.... they are in denial.


I think that you are exaggerating when you say that publishers ignore the Mac and that there are no games for it. While OS X does not have the catalogue of a console or a Windows it does have a steady stream of new releases. Playing online games is a lot more practical on a Mac than on any of the next-gen consoles. Open GL is an integral part of OS X and the majority of Mac games have hardware acceleration. Just because OS X does not have the quantity of games released on Windows does not mean that none are there. Remember that it is the quality that matters and titles such as Black & White, F1 CS 2000 and Aliens Vs Predator (my own collection) are proof of the general quality of Mac games.
Originally posted by BaghdadBob
Activision ignored Mac users with Hexen II, even though the engine (Quake II, I believe) was already developed for the Mac and they had a minimal amount of work to do to port it.

So they do. Too bad. My money ain't gonna be in their pockets.
Originally posted by Sol
I think that you are exaggerating when you say that publishers ignore the Mac and that there are no games for it. While OS X does not have the catalogue of a console or a Windows it does have a steady stream of new releases. Playing online games is a lot more practical on a Mac than on any of the next-gen consoles. Open GL is an integral part of OS X and the majority of Mac games have hardware acceleration. Just because OS X does not have the quantity of games released on Windows does not mean that none are there. Remember that it is the quality that matters and titles such as Black & White, F1 CS 2000 and Aliens Vs Predator (my own collection) are proof of the general quality of Mac games.
well ok, your games are fun(i guess). this is why i asked what games he played, this can play both ways. these have been voted top 10 action games of of 2002(they had many categories, i picked action for the hell of it) the only game we have gotten out of that list isnt even out yet.


No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way

Grand Theft Auto III


Battlefield 1942: The Road to Rome

Battlefield 1942

Unreal Tournament 2003

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield

Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

America's Army: Operations
Excuse me? I'm looking at quite a full shelf of mac games.
SOF2, Ghost Recon, Warcraft III, etc etc.
There are mac games, just not as many as the PCs. We don't get the "fly by night" PC games, or stuff like hitman and GTA3.
I have a G4, PS2, and PC (for the afformentioned games).

On topic, I hope the OS X RealPC blows VPC out of the water.
Originally posted by Sol
I think that you are exaggerating when you say that publishers ignore the Mac and that there are no games for it. While OS X does not have the catalogue of a console or a Windows it does have a steady stream of new releases. Playing online games is a lot more practical on a Mac than on any of the next-gen consoles. Open GL is an integral part of OS X and the majority of Mac games have hardware acceleration. Just because OS X does not have the quantity of games released on Windows does not mean that none are there. Remember that it is the quality that matters and titles such as Black & White, F1 CS 2000 and Aliens Vs Predator (my own collection) are proof of the general quality of Mac games.

Like BaghdadBob said, it isn't worth the time to develop a bad game for a small market. So most games that got ported or original developed (is there any??) for Mac are good games.
Originally posted by Brandon Sharitt
I was wondering whether to get a new Mac or a new PC for gaming. It looks like I can get the Mac and still play games. Ithink it's great that they are using a Unix based version, not a Carbonized version, that should make it much faster than VirtualPC. I don't think the interviewer knew what he was talking about at the end when he said the low level nature of it could make the OS unstable. Maybe on Windows 95 or the old Mac OS, but not on a modern OS.

I would get a PC for GAMING......there just more highly equipped for gaming.

Originally posted by iJon
well i pretty much agree with you, besides the microsoft stuff, if you get a console xbox is a great machine, really ahead of everyone else, but i will keep it on the topic,

Actually, the Xbox was behind everyone else, which is why it was faster when it was released ;)

if you really want a mac and want to play games, get a mac and a console, if the games you want arent for console, go build a pc, thats what i did and i love it. you pretty much cant put mac and game in the same sentence, unless its macs dont have any games. and anyone who tells you its an old myth and crap about games on the mac and they say it isnt true.... they are in denial.


Yes, well, as I said, only the cream tends to come to the Mac. As has been said in the previous replies, quality is what matters.

And Activision isn't getting my money either. Unless they are under new management...kinda like France.

But I stand by what I said about Microsoft. I won't buy or use their products when I can help it, not at all, irregardless of quality, because they are only serving to squash all the fine, creative, but too small developers out there. They poison every company that gets in bed with them, and they will buy out anything that gets in their way. I especially won't buy their console because I like Sony and Nintendo, and I don't want to support the undercutting of more great products.

Anyway...this is getting way off topic.

A PC emulator better have really good graphics card usage or it will still be useless to gamers (I guess that's why everyone's so excited about this article). Sorry to get on my soapbox.
Originally posted by BaghdadBob
Actually, the Xbox was behind everyone else, which is why it was faster when it was released ;)
and that is exactly why the xbox is better spec wise, but i dont want to argue, i have a ps2 too. they are all great, just gotta pick what games you want. i want to keep this on the pc mac game topic.

Re: The scuttlebut I have heard is that "Big changes are coming soon"

Originally posted by BaghdadBob
Maybe Apple will make their 64-bit processor half PPC and half Intel/AMD command set? That...would be awesome...and totally unlikely...and someone more technically advanced than I am will probably tell me why it would be totally impossible. Oh well.

It was a half-baked idea anyway.:rolleyes:

That was already done years ago with the PPC 615 processor which did x86 instructions along with PPC instructions. It died an ugly death.
:deletes order for VPC6:

Hell yes, real video support, shweet!!!!

Well M$ has a monopoly on many things one being gaming. This is what I would buy this for, am I expecting my machine to run C&C Generals or something even more graphical intense?
Heck no!
But do I want some older, classic games that people play, hell yes.
Originally posted by iJon
well i pretty much agree with you, besides the microsoft stuff, if you get a console xbox is a great machine, really ahead of everyone else, but i will keep it on the topic, if you really want a mac and want to play games, get a mac and a console, if the games you want arent for console, go build a pc, thats what i did and i love it. you pretty much cant put mac and game in the same sentence, unless its macs dont have any games. and anyone who tells you its an old myth and crap about games on the mac and they say it isnt true.... they are in denial.


Hah hah Xbox "really ahead of everyone else". Yeah right. The ONLY way Xbox has any real lead at all over any of the consoles is in PURE hardware power, and as anyone who's been in the console market for 5 or more years can tell you its not power that wins the console wars, but game quality. As things stand right now the Xbox has a few good games(especially if your into shooters and PC Ports), and even some uniqe ones(DOAXVB, Panzer Dragoon,ect),but it just cant compare(IMO) to the large number of quality games on PS2 or even GameCube. Sorry just couldnt let that point sit unchallanged :D

Oh and just so we dont go totally off topic im REEEEEEEALY exicted about the possibilities of RealPC. Just Imagine a PC emulator that can run at decent speeds and emulates Video cards up to the Radeon 9700. This thing is gonna kick so much ass especially when paired with a PPC 970 :D
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