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I know you used a smiley, but I don't think I would ever use a version of any OS that I didn't buy. Especially windows. Activation codes, etc. Support. :)
Re: OS 9 *AND* X?!?!?

Originally posted by reiggin
How can they, as the blurb says, be planning both OS 9 *and* OS X versions when, according to the interview, they are working with the Solaris UNIX code and, because of that, it will interact more closely with the hardware, via the kernel, I suppose. Even in the interview, he comments on the limitations of OS 9, citing that it doesn't allow as much access to the hardware. So where does get this info about there being an OS 9 version?!? And why would they do such a thing? 9 is dead, people. Developers should really just stop wasting their time. Except Quark. They shouldn't break tradition or anything.


The Mac OS 9.x version has been out there for a long time, dating back before Virtual PC came along.
Re: Re: OS 9 *AND* X?!?!?

Originally posted by bousozoku
The Mac OS 9.x version has been out there for a long time, dating back before Virtual PC came along.

Sure but the interview speaks of a complete re-write/going to the Solaris version. That would seem to ELIMINATE os 9 support. This new and improved version, therefore, should not be able to or encouraged to (wasted development) support OS 9.
Originally posted by iindigo
Hey guys, do you think RealPC X will give my indigo iMac DV 400 any hope in the emulation world?

Honestly... no. Not to be a bummer, but I have a dual 1GHz with VirtualPC and it's snappy for daily tasks but no speed demon... I sincerely doubt teh FWB offering will be any faster.

Trying not to get too far off topic, but what ever happened to the Mac implementation of MS's DirectX libraries. It was not only supposed to ease the porting of Windows based games to OS X, but also would allow multiplayer games to be cross-platform. (ie: I bought Risk II a couple years ago but have played it very little as I cannot play online against my friends on their PC's)
"Trying not to get too far off topic, but what ever happened to the Mac implementation of MS's DirectX libraries. "

Short answer, thanks to Linux OpenGL has been given a second chance. Since Linux is an Open Source OS, and since MSOFT will not make their DirectX libraries OpenSource, Linux will continue to run OpenGL.

Now in terms of Apple, this was a huge advantage. OpenGL is a quantum leap ahead of DirectX (at the moment), and on top of that it is free for Apple to use.

But, to answer your question, DirectX libraries were fully implemented in Mac OS 9.3, before X and Jobs killed any future revisions of Mac OS 9.

Originally posted by minux
"Trying not to get too far off topic, but what ever happened to the Mac implementation of MS's DirectX libraries. "

Short answer, thanks to Linux OpenGL has been given a second chance. Since Linux is an Open Source OS, and since MSOFT will not make their DirectX libraries OpenSource, Linux will continue to run OpenGL.

Now in terms of Apple, this was a huge advantage. OpenGL is a quantum leap ahead of DirectX (at the moment), and on top of that it is free for Apple to use.

But, to answer your question, DirectX libraries were fully implemented in Mac OS 9.3, before X and Jobs killed any future revisions of Mac OS 9.

No, I'm talking about a third party that has written OS X libraries that map DirectX API calls to Open GL. I'll look for the link and post it if I can remember where I saw it.
Originally posted by eric_n_dfw
No, I'm talking about a third party that has written OS X libraries that map DirectX API calls to Open GL. I'll look for the link and post it if I can remember where I saw it.
The link is
Their product is "MacDX" and supports DirectX APIs for DX 7,8 and 9.
It's Carbon so it should work on both OS 9 and X and, if their web site is to be believed, it does support the "DirectPlay" interfaces which are the network gameplay pieces I was asking about. (So I may have just answered my own question there! )
Originally posted by BaghdadBob
Actually, the Xbox was behind everyone else, which is why it was faster when it was released ;)

Yes, well, as I said, only the cream tends to come to the Mac. As has been said in the previous replies, quality is what matters.

And Activision isn't getting my money either. Unless they are under new management...kinda like France.

But I stand by what I said about Microsoft. I won't buy or use their products when I can help it, not at all, irregardless of quality, because they are only serving to squash all the fine, creative, but too small developers out there. They poison every company that gets in bed with them, and they will buy out anything that gets in their way. I especially won't buy their console because I like Sony and Nintendo, and I don't want to support the undercutting of more great products.

Anyway...this is getting way off topic.

A PC emulator better have really good graphics card usage or it will still be useless to gamers (I guess that's why everyone's so excited about this article). Sorry to get on my soapbox.

alright i really have to chime in here, i have read enough of your infantile opinions today.

I am not anti MS or am i pro MS, i just dropped 3g's on a tibook and i love it, i worked for apple, I am an MCSE though as well. Now i work in a mixed network environment , which includes redhat.

The fact that you go on to say that you won't buy anything MS makes becuase they are a monopoly and use their weight to influence people, is laughable...considering you are all up on the ps2. Point blank if there is one company which does this more than anyone else out there, including MS , it is SONY. Sony KNEW there was a problem with the design of the PS2 when it was released in the US. There were something like 800,000 returns in Japan when it first shipped. Knowing that they sold an unchaged product to the american masses. When people felt they paid too much for the LIMITED PS2, they started to return them. Sony wrote a letter to all it's resellers stating that if a custmer wanted to return a PS2 that was not OBVIOUSLY defective, they had to call SONY. This invalidated teh resellers 30 day return policy. i.e. if yo ubuy a game cube from best buy, within 30 days you can take it back, even for just not liking it. When the customers then called sony, they were told they could send their unit in for a checkup, they were also told that they would NOT be issuing cash refunds, nor would the stores. In essence they made it impossile to return this machine for which so many had held great expectations. Even when it didn't live up to those.

Since that time, Sony has continued to do business in a shady way, quite possibly instilling fear into game develiopers that want to do business for the cube and xbox. Perhaps telling developers that if they ported a game to xyz, they would no longer be able to develop for the PS2, which as we all know, holds the highest market share.

That is only ONE avenue of crappy business ethics and practices by a company that has made a name not through innovation, but by taking the hard work of others, streamlining it, and selling it cheaper. JUST THE WAY MICROSOFT DOES. If you are gunna hate one, hate the other, or just **** about it.


Oh right, I thought you were talking about Apple's support for DirectX. And, no the Carbon libraries will not run in 9, of course, as we all know, any skilled programmer can get either Cocoa/Carbon Apps to be running in 9.

YES, Now I might be able to play World of WarCraft.

I would just like to say the SOME of the "cream of the crop" games come out for mac, blizzard might not even come out with World of Warcraft for mac. With the exception of Blizzard most mac games come out a long time after the PC version. *cough*EQ*cough* that game was a really good game......5 years ago.
Originally posted by minux

Oh right, I thought you were talking about Apple's support for DirectX. And, no the Carbon libraries will not run in 9, of course, as we all know, any skilled programmer can get either Cocoa/Carbon Apps to be running in 9.

You lost me there.

If it's Carbon, and doesn't use any OS X specific things, it should work in Mac OS 9.

(Plus their web sight says, "Seamlessly Supports Mac OS 9.x and Mac OS X")
Originally posted by h00ligan
alright i really have to chime in here, i have read enough of your infantile opinions today.

That really hurts man.

Now i work in a mixed network environment , which includes redhat.

And I have worked on a mixed network too, which included NT, 95, 98, and 9.X. Cool, huh.

The fact that you go on to say that you won't buy anything MS makes becuase they are a monopoly and use their weight to influence people, is laughable...considering you are all up on the ps2.

Did I not mention I also own a GameCube?

Point blank if there is one company which does this more than anyone else out there, including MS , it is SONY. Sony KNEW there was a problem with the design of the PS2 when it was released in the US. There were something like 800,000 returns in Japan when it first shipped. Knowing that they sold an unchaged product to the american masses. When people felt they paid too much for the LIMITED PS2, they started to return them. Sony wrote a letter to all it's resellers stating that if a custmer wanted to return a PS2 that was not OBVIOUSLY defective, they had to call SONY. This invalidated teh resellers 30 day return policy. i.e. if yo ubuy a game cube from best buy, within 30 days you can take it back, even for just not liking it. When the customers then called sony, they were told they could send their unit in for a checkup, they were also told that they would NOT be issuing cash refunds, nor would the stores. In essence they made it impossile to return this machine for which so many had held great expectations. Even when it didn't live up to those.

OK, I never said Sony is perfect, you're the one who went off on this because I own a PS2, but I digress. I am well aware of Sony's drive problems, thank you. I've had a couple of PS1s go bad on me myself. And I tried calling their hardware support line. And took it back to WalMart (even though I bought it at Software Etc.) because I was in the middle of FFVIII and didn't want to wait three weeks to get it back. Whether or not the PS2 "lived up to its expectations," well, that's your opinion. The fact that the subsequent two systems -- one following by what, a year or so? Not counting the original Japan release -- have outperformed it is a big no duh to anyone in electronics. Really, no freakin duh. But I don't know anyone that was disappointed by the system when it arrived.

By the way, since you are such an expert in defective products you are probably aware of the open sockets problem in Windows. Did you know that MS released XP knowing FULL WELL that they had a VERY SERIOUS securtiy issue in their OS? They actually had a reasonably high profile programmer who wrote some security software to alleviate this, writing them repeatedly pleading with them not to release XP with this "feature" intact, as they did with previous versions. But they did it anyway...and released a patch after a while. And, OBTW, an Army server running Windows got hacked into during the war. Just a footnote, I'm not implying it was due to the same "feature".

Since that time, Sony has continued to do business in a shady way, quite possibly instilling fear into game develiopers that want to do business for the cube and xbox. Perhaps telling developers that if they ported a game to xyz, they would no longer be able to develop for the PS2, which as we all know, holds the highest market share.

Well, they possibly did this and maybe did that. And we all know "possibly" and "maybe" have to be used when talking about Microsoft's shady business practices, right? It's not like they do things for the whole world to see which are verifiably bad business...we might have to make something up and assume its true...

That is only ONE avenue of crappy business ethics and practices by a company that has made a name not through innovation, but by taking the hard work of others, streamlining it, and selling it cheaper. JUST THE WAY MICROSOFT DOES. If you are gunna hate one, hate the other, or just **** about it.


I don't have to hate Sony, thanks. I'm not "all up on them" either, any more than I am "all up on" Apple. Both companies do bad and stupid things (welcome to multi-billion dollar corporate business) but I believe you are wrong when you compare the two. And you are making a moot point when you talk about "using the hard work of others and streamlining it..." gee, that's how the, heck, that's the way the corporate world works. Congratulations for noticing.

You, on the other hand, believe you are right, and in a free society that is your druthers. But unless guided by my own volition, I will "****" when the moderators, not you, tell me to. Thanks.
Originally posted by minux

Oh right, I thought you were talking about Apple's support for DirectX. And, no the Carbon libraries will not run in 9, of course, as we all know, any skilled programmer can get either Cocoa/Carbon Apps to be running in 9.



General Carbon applications and libraries run in Mac OS 9 as well as X. You can make them specific enough either way so they don't work in the other; however, even some applications using Nib files will work in 9.

Cocoa applications do not work in Mac OS 9.
Originally posted by minux

Oh right, I thought you were talking about Apple's support for DirectX. And, no the Carbon libraries will not run in 9, of course, as we all know, any skilled programmer can get either Cocoa/Carbon Apps to be running in 9.

I'm searching Apple's developer site for anything about them supporting DirectX in the past and cannot find it. They mention DirectX in comparison to GameSprockets in saying that GameSprockets implements a subset of DirectX's functionality, but they never say that there is/was an Apple DirectX library.
Originally posted by eric_n_dfw
I'm searching Apple's developer site for anything about them supporting DirectX in the past and cannot find it. They mention DirectX in comparison to GameSprockets in saying that GameSprockets implements a subset of DirectX's functionality, but they never say that there is/was an Apple DirectX library.

That's because there never was.
Originally posted by Malus120
Hah hah Xbox "really ahead of everyone else". Yeah right. The ONLY way Xbox has any real lead at all over any of the consoles is in PURE hardware power, and as anyone who's been in the console market for 5 or more years can tell you its not power that wins the console wars, but game quality. As things stand right now the Xbox has a few good games(especially if your into shooters and PC Ports), and even some uniqe ones(DOAXVB, Panzer Dragoon,ect),but it just cant compare(IMO) to the large number of quality games on PS2 or even GameCube. Sorry just couldnt let that point sit unchallanged :D


Probably in the only insight I will provide today, have you noticed how you are attacking the XBox for one of the same reasons you are defending the Mac? The Mac is like the XBox...actually even less it only gets a few of the games. Even though these are the cream of the crop, it is still an inferior platform. (This is the Xbox I'm talking about)

Doesn't everyone remember that age-old defense of the Mac? We only get the cream of the crop...even though we miss a LOT, we don't get crap.

The only difference is that the XBox is actually faster compared to the other consoles, unlike with the Mac's situation...:D

Don't get me wrong, I'm typing on my Mac and love it dearly for music to movies to mail to graphic editing and more. But the notion that by getting fewer programs it is better than the PC is could probably do about 5 minutes of research and avoid the crap.
anyone know if RealPC will have cd authoring or dvd capabilities?? i hope so.. that'd be sweet so i could use Nero :-D lol...

I disagree to say that macs have the cream of the crop apart from one or two games mostly from blizzard most of the other games that come out are not really cream of the crop.

You'd call things like ghost recon cream of the crop? and Formula 2000 (bad graphics) i've seen much better cames on the pc.

The solution : Get a be honestly I think PS2 is better.
Originally posted by Raiwong
I disagree to say that macs have the cream of the crop apart from one or two games mostly from blizzard most of the other games that come out are not really cream of the crop.

You'd call things like ghost recon cream of the crop? and Formula 2000 (bad graphics) i've seen much better cames on the pc.

The solution : Get a be honestly I think PS2 is better.

I do have a PS2, and it is far better for games.
Originally posted by Haberdasher

Probably in the only insight I will provide today, have you noticed how you are attacking the XBox for one of the same reasons you are defending the Mac? The Mac is like the XBox...actually even less it only gets a few of the games. Even though these are the cream of the crop, it is still an inferior platform. (This is the Xbox I'm talking about)

Doesn't everyone remember that age-old defense of the Mac? We only get the cream of the crop...even though we miss a LOT, we don't get crap.

The only difference is that the XBox is actually faster compared to the other consoles, unlike with the Mac's situation...:D

Don't get me wrong, I'm typing on my Mac and love it dearly for music to movies to mail to graphic editing and more. But the notion that by getting fewer programs it is better than the PC is could probably do about 5 minutes of research and avoid the crap.

Well I think you have mixed two different perspectives here. When we say that the Mac gets the cream of the crop, we are saying that if you are interested in playing the best games you will not usually be SOL with a Mac, but you will have to wait, and you will not always get what you want. A Mac, as you have pointed out, is responsible for more than just playing games, so if you're talking about from a purely games perspective, then I go back to my original point, which is go buy a PC if that's all you want out of your computer.

But when it comes to the Xbox you are talking about something that is designed only for games, so if it doesn't have the games then what good is it? It doesn't have the cream of the crop, it just has less games, one or two great ones exclusive to it. It won't have any SquareEnix games on it, or any of Nintendo's fine products such as Zelda or Mario or Metroid, it won't have Jak and Daxter or Vexx or Ratchet and Clank, it won't have Xenosaga...etc, etc, etc.

But, hey! It did manage to take away the crown jewel of the Mac gaming community, the makers of some of the finest games of their period, Bungie, and monopolize them. Thanks guys. I'm sure that was a total coincidence...:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Raiwong
I disagree to say that macs have the cream of the crop apart from one or two games mostly from blizzard most of the other games that come out are not really cream of the crop.

You'd call things like ghost recon cream of the crop? and Formula 2000 (bad graphics) i've seen much better cames on the pc.

The solution : Get a be honestly I think PS2 is better.
i agree with yo utoo, did you notice nobody commented on my list of the top 10 games from pc, and we had none them, so much for the cream of the crop.

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