Originally posted by BaghdadBob
I'm with iJon here. If I were solely interested in gaming and had no morals I would buy a PC in a heartbeat. All Apple loyalists will agree with me on the following points because we've lived through the agony for too long:
A: It's cheaper to buy, "pound for pound." For the money you would spend on a top of the line G4 you could have a PC with far more power and a sweet monitor to boot.
In the log run macs are cheaper, it has been proven (there is an article somewhere) plus Mac's come with way more features and Apple gives away I apps.
B: It's cheaper to upgrade. Hopefully this will go away, but currently I know of no way to do a complete upgrade of a mac in the way you can with a PC (for, once again, a fraction of the cost).
PowerMac's are highly upgradable, the only thing that would be expensive to upgrade is the CPU (which a PC can't upgrade as far as a Mac can, i.e. my PM7600/132 can be upgraded to a G4), other than that you can use what ever brand of memory, hard disks and CD-ROM/RW drives.
C: PC game developers largely ignore the Mac market because it is too small (like 3%, down from ten what seems like an eternity ago). BUNGIE was one of the only companies that was faithful to the Mac market, and guess what? Microsoft bought them. Activision ignored Mac users with Hexen II, even though the engine (Quake II, I believe) was already developed for the Mac and they had a minimal amount of work to do to port it. The vast majority of games, and software, are never ported to the mac. But take solace -- most games and software are crap anyway.
Yep there aren't many games on the mac, but enough for me.
Generally, Mac users only get the cream when it comes to games because it just isn't worth the time to develop a bad game for a small market. However, most of these, when they are ports, take months to move over. And then you have the issue of not being able to keep up with the speed required to run games if your computer is too old, and you need to blow another 3k on a new CPU to be "up-to-date." Running an emulator won't solve this problem.
Get a cheaper CPU upgrade
But here's my own personal feeling on the subject: I won't support Microsoft.
I own a PS2 and a GC, but no XBOX. I don't care what comes out on it.
Actually it would be best if everyone bought an xBox and not to buy any games for it, because MS makes a loss on each one.
I will continue to struggle along, buying a new computer every three years as I can afford it (hopefully I can stop working crappy jobs and this changes) and watch all the good computer games go by.
I will do this, because, despite my love/hate relationship with Apple, I have been a Mac user since '86. I have been forced to use PCs, and I hate them. I mean that. I also hate Microsoft. I mean that too. Apple is a company that needs to be supported, much like your favourite bands, because if the money goes away, the music won't be heard. And, in my own little fantasy world, I believe that one day I will not be laughed at by ignorant PC clones.
Thank you, that is all.