I ordered a stock hex-core nMP from Amazon, who proceeded to send me a quad-core instead. Didn't notice until I ran the speed test and got a disappointing result of 12.8s
Once I got the new machine in two days later, I re-ran the test and got a much more satisfying time of 8.1s
Both times were with fresh installs of Photoshop CC with the default settings. Used a stopwatch and video camera to get the times. Each time is the average of 5 runs that were all within 0.3 seconds of each other.
Once I got the new machine in two days later, I re-ran the test and got a much more satisfying time of 8.1s
Both times were with fresh installs of Photoshop CC with the default settings. Used a stopwatch and video camera to get the times. Each time is the average of 5 runs that were all within 0.3 seconds of each other.