My off topic advice is supposed to introduce new info and ideas, if you don’t follow or pursue the info provided then you aren’t willing to try and that’s on you. That’s how I feel about it. Why not try new apps and focus on getting better photos? What’s wrong with that? I definitely don’t like remaining stagnant and settling for only one camera format / option or for just raising the camera and just pressing the button… Do you know how many people I talk to about the iPhone camera that have no idea how to properly use it? More than I can count.
If you don’t like the performance of the iPhone 13 pro camera, then why not move on to another model or manufacturer? Blaming Apple isn’t going to help or make things better. You are in control of your iPhone camera, so control it and make it work better for you! If you are one that just takes a few photos here and there, then the jpeg quality definitely should not bother you. You’ve seen my photos and how great they look, quality like that will not come from a jpeg. You can get really close to raw quality from a jpeg only if the camera is set properly before the shot. Settings that include ISO, exposure, focus, etc.
Question: did you buy the iPhone 13 pro model specifically for the camera only to get dissatisfied by its performance because you’re a professional or seasoned photographer and felt it was subpar? If you aren’t a seasoned or pro photographer then why do you care what the iPhone camera quality is like, especially if you don’t edit and push it to its limits? You probably should just be thinking… well it’s a phone camera, not a DSLR and not be concerned about the quality of jpeg it puts out. Y’all are acting like professional photographers and getting disappointed over image quality when most of you probably aren’t pros. Because if you were, then you would not be shooting jpeg unless the shot is random and unworthy of an edit or you have mastered the Jpeg format. “I want perfection from my iPhone camera with no extra effort on my end!” That’s what comes to mind when I read a lot of these posts. Don’t say that I am rude as recompense for your imagined slights! (Thor quote). That’s all I have to say… learning more about photography and the iPhone camera will boost your confidence and your photography will greatly improve and hopefully bring more joy to you as you plan your shots…or just continue to blame Apple and complain, but hopefully you won’t.