I'm more concerned with the number of people who hate the people who buy Apple products.
I had a number of reasons why I switched to Android a few years ago for my phone - screen size, freedom, etc. But one factor was definitely just being sick of being hated, called a sheep, a blind fanboy, "Part of the Problem (TM)" and constantly being made to feel like a bad person for my choice of phone. It's not very nice being hated, and sometimes you just think screw it, I'll conform and get everyone off my back (ironic really, considering that buying into Apple is usually considered conformist / sheep-like). I just got so sick of trying to defend and justify something that I bought for myself.
As to why it happens, I suppose in part because they're a successful company and everyone hates successful companies (rawr, capitalism is teh evilz), and partly mob mentality.
The reasons people give are often rubbish
"They use Foxconn, which is a Chinese sweatshop" - so do Samsung, HTC, Sony.... pretty much everyone. Yes, it sucks. The global economy is a complicated beast, and contrary to idealistic belief we can't just withdraw all our business from China overnight (they'll starve). Don't pretend the competition is any better!
"They're overpriced" - they say and then buy a high end Samsung phone which costs the same
But there are also some fair points
"They're locked down"
Indeed they are. That's an issue that one must bear in mind when choosing a phone or tablet. But then, why hate me for it? Okay, so I have to wait til I get home before I can put that MP3 on. My problem, not yours.
I drift between them, it seems. At the moment I'm a bit tired of messing with different ROMs, and I think iOS would help me to stay focused. So in a way, there can be positive sides to restriction.