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macrumors 68040
Aug 25, 2012
Reasons why some hate Apple

Good post.


I believe Android is more popular than Apple world wide.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I said Apple makes the number one selling smartphone every year. Android isn't a company btw.

When you're in the position apple is in there's always haters. Yes it goes both ways but for the purpose if this thread the hate by some for apple is strong, like they slapped your mom or something.


macrumors 68040
Aug 25, 2012
Not true, I just wish they actually did more innovative things like Samsung and didn't always stay behind when it comes to tech.....

I'm trying to understand how samsung is being overly innovative versus throwing mostly gimmicks and a skin over android. They all borrow from each other yes but to most people user experience is more important, hence the reason why the iPhone is the best selling smartphone every year. He'll the 5s was outselling the s5 a month after the s5 came out.

Samsung supposedly does all those innovative things yet you still cannot have a backup system image of your phone without rooting.

macrumors 6502
Mar 23, 2014
Porto, Portugal
Apple is great at inventing their own marketing terms for the tech dummies.

What some called video calling, Apple goes proprietary and calls it FaceTime.

While RIM offered BlackBerry Messenger (or BBM) for years, Apple goes proprietary as usual and calls it iMessages.

While SwiftKey has been offered since 2010, Apple copies its predictive feature and calls it QuickType.

What general people call FULL HD 1080p display, Apple will call it Super Retina display.

That bigger screen iOS users have been waiting on for years (Android screen envy), Apple calls it iPhone 6/6 Plus.

Whatever copy & paste job Apple takes from the Android and their OEM's playbook, they simply go proprietary and call them among the "new" features for the latest iOS.

When Fandroids show charts saying Android is dominating at 85% globally, iFans will say because Android is for CHEAP or for POOR folks in developing countries. Yet, iPhones are just as discounted and even given away for free with contract. Most of the US market is controlled by carriers and people rely heavily on subsidized postpaid pricing like $199+ and not the usual $700+ no contract price that most prepaid countries deal with. Android users are cheapskates? Poor? Does the usual iPhone owners drive Bentleys, shop at Rodeo Drive, and eat at Spagu? No. Probably drive a sub-$40k car (no lease), shop at Wal-Mart, and eat at McDonald's. They only think they are rich since owning an iPhone makes them feel that way even with their 5-figure annual income! Hypocrites!

And whenever Apple gets copied, they scream lawsuit! Hypocrites too!

Someday Apple will make water-resistance iPhone and call it an iSplash coating. They make a phablet stylus and call it iPen.

Apple can get away with this by playing catch up because most of the general public doesn't know any better. And because iOS apps and proprietary software/services get more people suckered/locked/stuck/heavily invested into their closed ecosystem. You can still be on iPhone and can still use Google and Microsoft apps/services. You can't use Apple apps/services while on Android and Windows Phone. It no longer about the hardware but the software/services these days which makes iPhones the best $martphone to like 40% of the US and 12% of the entire Earth.

Why people hate Apple -

- Hypocrisy, ignorance, and arrogance from Apple & iFans alike

- Apple's inability to adapt to changes quickly. And when they do, years later.

- Apple's overcharging for something that still does half less (iPod nanos were always overpriced garbage to me. The iPads and all other tablets are getting there now that phablets exist.)

- Mostly style over substance

- Their marketing term "inventions" and proprietary/restrictive control of features that have been there for years.

- Constant hyping and protection by the media. The US media protects Apple since it has more cash than the government and generates media attention the same way the South Korean media protects Samsung from negative reviews. The Bloomberg review of iPhone 6 was hilariously AWFUL and biased. To whichever schmuck who got hand-picked and paid by Apple, great title. Fewer reasons to get an Android, huh? I probably liked David Pierce's objective review more even though I know he still feels iPhone 6 is still the best because he is one of those Apple fanboys from The Verge all about ecosystems!

- Blind loyalty. LOL at iFans who thinks iPhone 6 is beautiful, revolutionary, or magical when it mostly has midrange specs like 1 GB RAM, 4.7 inch screen, 750p, 326ppi, same single mono speaker on the bottom, 1.6 GHz dual core SoC, 1800+ mAh battery, etc. A $150 Asus Zenfone 5 or $180 Moto G (2014) can match most of those specs. Even surpass it in some areas.

Again, thanks for proving my point that ignorance is the biggest problem.

Of any device being sold today, most reviewers agree that both iPhones have the best screens. But since you don't understand anything about screens, white levels/black levels/color accuracy/lamination processes/brightness/etc., you go on talking about 750p and the size of it. So again, you are the problem, you have no knowledge about the subject.

!.4 GHz dual core. Again, you and others like you have no idea of what you are talking about, at all. I mean, I doubt you even buy electronics by yourself. You don't know what performance is, what ARM is, what makes a fast chip "fast". You have absolutely no idea and still post, to please people like you.

The size of the battery is irrelevant, what matters is battery life, and both devices have very nice battery life. Anyone can make a thicker phone with a thicker battery.

If your post doesn't prove my point for others on this thread, you guys might as well close this section of the forum.

Ignorance is the reason that makes people hate Apple. It's sad how people with access to information can even post those things. You are a very nice example of the problem, thank you for your post.


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
I'm trying to understand how samsung is being overly innovative versus throwing mostly gimmicks and a skin over android. They all borrow from each other yes but to most people user experience is more important, hence the reason why the iPhone is the best selling smartphone every year. He'll the 5s was outselling the s5 a month after the s5 came out.

Samsung supposedly does all those innovative things yet you still cannot have a backup system image of your phone without rooting.
I think many people like the fact Samsung are not afraid to throw in a new feature whether it is needed or not onto a device. A recent example is the heart rate monitor for their health apps. I'm sure a large proportion of the people who buy the phone will never use that, but there is a choice I suppose. They have the luxury of having so many phones on the market that they can almost afford the odd dud, because they can make up for it on other lines. Apple have one chance a year to get things right and I think they do a good job.

This is where Samsung and Apple are very different IMO. Apple concentrate very much on the user experience and only add features they feel are necessary. I think this adds to the simplistic way in which iOS works. For me that is a plus because choice can often be over cooked. I don't want to drag up a settings menu and see 65 options, or take a photo and have an entire version of Adobe Lightroom in front of me for changing a photo from colour to black and white lol. I think things like that can be over complicated and not so user friendly.

Innovation also seems to have a different definition from person to person. Packing a device full of features seems to be the way a lot of mobile buyers think but in my profession it runs a lot deeper than that. These manufacturers are all being innovative. Its not always about being the first either. The new iPhone 6 has been especially innovative in the way the device is constructed to give just one example and has set a benchmark for a more premium feel. Samsung don't concentrate so much on the actual physical product design and this allows them to spread the cost across many models. The fact is they are all great phones for their perspective markets and this petty squabbling just keeps people loyal to the brand. :)


macrumors 68020
Mar 23, 2010
Of any device being sold today, most reviewers agree that both iPhones have the best screens. But since you don't understand anything about screens, white levels/black levels/color accuracy/lamination processes/brightness/etc., you go on talking about 750p and the size of it. So again, you are the problem, you have no knowledge about the subject.

I understand all of the above and none of the iPhones or iPads to date have the best screens. Displaymate is a leading testing lab in the display industry. looking at reviews that don't test facts and data is nothing more than reading mass-media opinions. Stick with facts.


I'm trying to understand how samsung is being overly innovative versus throwing mostly gimmicks and a skin over android.

How about you add some detail to your opinions as in what are the "gimmicks" you see being thrown out there?
They all borrow from each other yes but to most people user experience is more important, hence the reason why the iPhone is the best selling smartphone every year.

I agree that using a device is about the experience but there's little correlation to that and sales in just about any product. The reason they sell so well is the marketing behind it. My MBZ offers an unparalleled driving experience over just about any Sedan but Cadillac sells more of it's competitive model. That doesn't mean it's a better car or has a better experience. Low end Toyotas and Chevy's outsell a lot of other cars but are crap in comparison.

Personally, being locked down on iOS leaves me with a pretty limited experience. It's a solid phone for what it is, but it's also limiting.

Samsung supposedly does all those innovative things yet you still cannot have a backup system image of your phone without rooting.

I agree that a Windows 7'ish system image would be nice, but I'm more surprised that Apple still doesn't allow for third party music players, EQ/Sound enhancements or a replacement dialer, ability to shut off animations, different texting options, know, the more day to day experience related items that would mean more to me.


macrumors 604
Aug 13, 2002
Agreed....I love pointing out the contradictions of the rabid Apple fans. How much they just hate on Samsung. How much they made fun of and complained about all the large Android phones. Now Apple has a phablet and it seems to be a very a popular phone. Judging by the ship times when ordering the iPhone 6+ it seems a lot of these people really wanted a phone just like the one they complained about.

I think we have Samsung to thank for that. Making it seem that "bigger is better" :p


macrumors 68040
Jun 28, 2012
I think many people like the fact Samsung are not afraid to throw in a new feature whether it is needed or not onto a device. A recent example is the heart rate monitor for their health apps. I'm sure a large proportion of the people who buy the phone will never use that, but there is a choice I suppose. They have the luxury of having so many phones on the market that they can almost afford the odd dud, because they can make up for it on other lines. Apple have one chance a year to get things right and I think they do a good job.

This is where Samsung and Apple are very different IMO. Apple concentrate very much on the user experience and only add features they feel are necessary. I think this adds to the simplistic way in which iOS works. For me that is a plus because choice can often be over cooked. I don't want to drag up a settings menu and see 65 options, or take a photo and have an entire version of Adobe Lightroom in front of me for changing a photo from colour to black and white lol. I think things like that can be over complicated and not so user friendly.

Innovation also seems to have a different definition from person to person. Packing a device full of features seems to be the way a lot of mobile buyers think but in my profession it runs a lot deeper than that. These manufacturers are all being innovative. Its not always about being the first either. The new iPhone 6 has been especially innovative in the way the device is constructed to give just one example and has set a benchmark for a more premium feel. Samsung don't concentrate so much on the actual physical product design and this allows them to spread the cost across many models. The fact is they are all great phones for their perspective markets and this petty squabbling just keeps people loyal to the brand. :)

Yeah, the two companies have totally different strategies for innovation. Apple test everything internally before they release anything. Samsung seem to just slap the new functions on there, and test them "in the wild", as it were. Then they make any necessary changes for their next model of the device. This method may be more financially viable for them since they have an immense device production machine rolling since years before Apple had it, and on a totally different scale (think materials supplier contracts, etc.). And tons and tons of internal testing and adjustment isn't free either.

Secondly, let's not forget that a large part of Samsung's market is in South Korea. Over there, tastes and usage patterns regarding tech are probably quite different from here. It may be that a huge number of people there love and embrace all these quirky Samsung functions. Over there, Samsung is something of a symbol for national pride after all. Whereas Apple sell very little there compared to in the rest of the world.


macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
I think we have Samsung to thank for that. Making it seem that "bigger is better" :p
How so? Did Samsung make up your mind for you? Is it that easy to do that?


Yeah, the two companies have totally different strategies for innovation. Apple test everything internally before they release anything. Samsung seem to just slap the new functions on there, and test them "in the wild", as it were. Then they make any necessary changes for their next model of the device. This method may be more financially viable for them since they have an immense device production machine rolling since years before Apple had it, and on a totally different scale (think materials supplier contracts, etc.). And tons and tons of internal testing and adjustment isn't free either.

Secondly, let's not forget that a large part of Samsung's market is in South Korea. Over there, tastes and usage patterns regarding tech are probably quite different from here. It may be that a huge number of people there love and embrace all these quirky Samsung functions. Over there, Samsung is something of a symbol for national pride after all. Whereas Apple sell very little there compared to in the rest of the world.
Samsung does throw a lot of product out in a hope of one catching fire
But I am not sure about releasing and beta testing products in the wild.
I just got a IP6 on Friday. I now have a Health app that does absolutely nothing because it has bugs in the software.


macrumors 68040
Jun 28, 2012
Samsung does throw a lot of product out in a hope of one catching fire
But I am not sure about releasing and beta testing products in the wild.
I just got a IP6 on Friday. I now have a Health app that does absolutely nothing because it has bugs in the software.

Well, I'm not saying that Samsung don't even beta test internally. I just mean that probably they don't evaluate each function back and forth a thousand times before settling on whether or not it will sell. "When in doubt, release it", seems to be their modus operandi.

Whereas Apple probably carefully calculate each thing they release. Not saying either that all they release is flawless, only that they consider more carefully before releasing anything.


macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
Well, I'm not saying that Samsung don't even beta test internally. I just mean that probably they don't evaluate each function back and forth a thousand times before settling on whether or not it will sell. "When in doubt, release it", seems to be their modus operandi.

Whereas Apple probably carefully calculate each thing they release. Not saying either that all they release is flawless, only that they consider more carefully before releasing anything.
Mostly agree with you. But it happens to everyone....including Apple with the Health app and Maps.


macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
Again, thanks for proving my point that ignorance is the biggest problem.

Of any device being sold today, most reviewers agree that both iPhones have the best screens. But since you don't understand anything about screens, white levels/black levels/color accuracy/lamination processes/brightness/etc., you go on talking about 750p and the size of it. So again, you are the problem, you have no knowledge about the subject.

!.4 GHz dual core. Again, you and others like you have no idea of what you are talking about, at all. I mean, I doubt you even buy electronics by yourself. You don't know what performance is, what ARM is, what makes a fast chip "fast". You have absolutely no idea and still post, to please people like you.

The size of the battery is irrelevant, what matters is battery life, and both devices have very nice battery life. Anyone can make a thicker phone with a thicker battery.

If your post doesn't prove my point for others on this thread, you guys might as well close this section of the forum.

Ignorance is the reason that makes people hate Apple. It's sad how people with access to information can even post those things. You are a very nice example of the problem, thank you for your post.

Ignorance is terrible, I agree. For example have you seen the displaymate review of the Note 4 screen which says it has "the best smartphone display"? Also have you seen the white and color accuracy tests of the ip6+ versus the Note 4?


macrumors 68000
Jun 23, 2010
Miami, FL


macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
Why do I see a counter argument of "XDA is a Android forum; of course they're going to say that!"..

Yeah there will obviously be a non factual, emotional fanboyish counter to this research, we're all expecting it. It's probably my mistake for trying to prove a point with actual research.


macrumors 68000
Jun 23, 2010
Miami, FL
one thing i would miss alot if i left samsung would the the back button. Got soo used to that.



Yeah there will obviously be a non factual, emotional fanboyish counter to this research, we're all expecting it. It's probably my mistake for trying to prove a point with actual research.

There's no such thing as 'facts' with hard core iOS fans.


macrumors 68040
Jun 28, 2012
Yeah there will obviously be a non factual, emotional fanboyish counter to this research, we're all expecting it. It's probably my mistake for trying to prove a point with actual research.

Come on mate, don't sink to the same depths :( That way there'll never be an end to all the petty bickering.


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
Ignorance is terrible, I agree. For example have you seen the displaymate review of the Note 4 screen which says it has "the best smartphone display"? Also have you seen the white and color accuracy tests of the ip6+ versus the Note 4?
I don't think any of the flagship phones have a bad screen to be honest. Obviously the tests will confirm things we can't always see with the human eye, but to me they all look pretty much the same lol. :)

macrumors 6502
Mar 23, 2014
Porto, Portugal
Ignorance is terrible, I agree. For example have you seen the displaymate review of the Note 4 screen which says it has "the best smartphone display"? Also have you seen the white and color accuracy tests of the ip6+ versus the Note 4?

Yes, the Note has the best display by the looks of it. Really awesome, actually. And?

While there is no doubt that the iPhone is much better overall and will sell much more, I think I would still prefer the iPhone's screen, despite the note having a better display.

I think that the tech involved and the lamination process that was used really makes a difference.


macrumors 68000
Jun 23, 2010
Miami, FL
Yes, the Note has the best display by the looks of it. Really awesome, actually. And?

While there is no doubt that the iPhone is much better overall and will sell much more, I think I would still prefer the iPhone's screen, despite the note having a better display.

I think that the tech involved and the lamination process that was used really makes a difference.

You just said a couple of post to @Savor that iPhone has the best display compared to all phones! Now you're back tracking cause of the Displaymate article?

Your quote:

Of any device being sold today, most reviewers agree that both iPhones have the best screens. But since you don't understand anything about screens, white levels/black levels/color accuracy/lamination processes/brightness/etc., you go on talking about 750p and the size of it. So again, you are the problem, you have no knowledge about the subject.

Where's the credibility?
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macrumors 6502
Mar 23, 2014
Porto, Portugal
You just said a couple of post to @Savor that iPhone has the best display compared to all phones! Now you're back tracking cause of the Displaymate article?

Your quote:

Where's the credibility?

What? The iPhone has the best display. The Note only started being delivered today or something, so reviews are only a few hours.

We reached a point where differences are minor, and it's a question about liking AMOLED or not, but samsung nailed it. But I still prefer the iPhone screen, because it looks way more "real" because of the great display quality and the lamination processes that were used.

And credibility? Everything I said on my post is absolutely spot on. Someone called the screens midrange, when maybe, just maybe, 1 or 2 devices MIGHT have a better screen.

Don't you see the ignorance and hypocrisy?


macrumors 68000
Jun 23, 2010
Miami, FL
What? The iPhone has the best display. The Note only started being delivered today or something, so reviews are only a few hours.

We reached a point where differences are minor, and it's a question about liking AMOLED or not, but samsung nailed it. But I still prefer the iPhone screen, because it looks way more "real" because of the great display quality and the lamination processes that were used.

And credibility? Everything I said on my post is absolutely spot on. Someone called the screens midrange, when maybe, just maybe, 1 or 2 devices MIGHT have a better screen.

Don't you see the ignorance and hypocrisy?

iPhone screens are good (not mid-ranged) but if the facts and testing by a reputable company proves the Note 4 is better--there's no arguing there.

Look, people dislike (not hate) iOS (not apple) cause of people like you. There's no reasoning what-so-ever with you fanboys. I guess we all have to make peace with that.
Last edited:


macrumors 68040
Aug 25, 2012
I understand all of the above and none of the iPhones or iPads to date have the best screens. Displaymate is a leading testing lab in the display industry. looking at reviews that don't test facts and data is nothing more than reading mass-media opinions. Stick with facts.


How about you add some detail to your opinions as in what are the "gimmicks" you see being thrown out there?

I agree that using a device is about the experience but there's little correlation to that and sales in just about any product. The reason they sell so well is the marketing behind it. My MBZ offers an unparalleled driving experience over just about any Sedan but Cadillac sells more of it's competitive model. That doesn't mean it's a better car or has a better experience. Low end Toyotas and Chevy's outsell a lot of other cars but are crap in comparison.

Personally, being locked down on iOS leaves me with a pretty limited experience. It's a solid phone for what it is, but it's also limiting.

I agree that a Windows 7'ish system image would be nice, but I'm more surprised that Apple still doesn't allow for third party music players, EQ/Sound enhancements or a replacement dialer, ability to shut off animations, different texting options, know, the more day to day experience related items that would mean more to me.

Ah the car analogy. U have a Benz? Great. They're great vehicles IMO. They also don't care about having the biggest engine. They focus on experience prolly more than what specs look like on paper. Even though some think apple somehow is archaic with their specs, like creating socs, 64 bit processing, Touch ID that works well is so outdated.

Marketing yes plays a big part of any company. But 7 years in mobile is an eternity. Every year the iPhone outsells itself. U have to have a quality product at the end of the day.

A backup system image would be really nice, hence why the iPhones been able to do it for years. Normally people who downplay this wouldn't downplay this ability on a computer. A windows 7ish feature? Yeah it means it's an older technology that we know most androids still can't do because of all the skins companies put on their android os.

Those features like u mention that's important to u. I respect that. But the majority of people probably don't customize their phones to that degree. Replacement dialer? thats more important than a full system image? Most people want a phone that is stable, feels good, and is efficient. I used to love messing around with phones, rooting etc different roms. But after a while it's redundant to me. And having a job and family as well as other endeavors I had little motivation to keep spending time trying out the latest build on android. (And other os too). I imagine I'm not the only one cuz again every iPhone outsells the previous one. Every year. It rules the "flagship" smartphone category. Again the 5s was outselling the s5 a month after the s5 came out.

Again at the end of the day people hate apple cuz they sell the number 1 smartphone. Apple doesn't personally harm anybody.


macrumors 68030
Sep 12, 2014
What? The iPhone has the best display. The Note only started being delivered today or something, so reviews are only a few hours.

We reached a point where differences are minor, and it's a question about liking AMOLED or not, but samsung nailed it. But I still prefer the iPhone screen, because it looks way more "real" because of the great display quality and the lamination processes that were used.

And credibility? Everything I said on my post is absolutely spot on. Someone called the screens midrange, when maybe, just maybe, 1 or 2 devices MIGHT have a better screen.

Don't you see the ignorance and hypocrisy?

Samsung specializes in screen technology, no one competes well against their current displays in both the mobile and television market. The screens are midrange on the iPhones...


macrumors 68000
Jun 23, 2010
Miami, FL
Ah the car analogy. U have a Benz? Great. They're great vehicles IMO. They also don't care about having the biggest engine. They focus on experience prolly more than what specs look like on paper. Even though some think apple somehow is archaic with their specs, like creating socs, 64 bit processing, Touch ID that works well is so outdated.

Marketing yes plays a big part of any company. But 7 years in mobile is an eternity. Every year the iPhone outsells itself. U have to have a quality product at the end of the day.

A backup system image would be really nice, hence why the iPhones been able to do it for years. Normally people who downplay this wouldn't downplay this ability on a computer. A windows 7ish feature? Yeah it means it's an older technology that we know most androids still can't do because of all the skins companies put on their android os.

Those features like u mention that's important to u. I respect that. But the majority of people probably don't customize their phones to that degree. Replacement dialer? thats more important than a full system image? Most people want a phone that is stable, feels good, and is efficient. I used to love messing around with phones, rooting etc different roms. But after a while it's redundant to me. And having a job and family as well as other endeavors I had little motivation to keep spending time trying out the latest build on android. (And other os too). I imagine I'm not the only one cuz again every iPhone outsells the previous one. Every year. It rules the "flagship" smartphone category. Again the 5s was outselling the s5 a month after the s5 came out.

Again at the end of the day people hate apple cuz they sell the number 1 smartphone. Apple doesn't personally harm anybody.

Like I mentioned in my previous post, it's not Apple people hate, it's iOS. I'm willing to bet most Android users are responding to these post with a Mac. So it's not Apple.

Apple is a GREAT company. I love all my Macs and I use one for work as well. It's iOS and the iPhone that most people dislike. It's a stale device. I'm using the iP6+ now and the only thing I love about the phone are--aside from the big screen--is iMessage and Facetime. Those are the two deciding factors on whether I want to keep the phone or go back to my OnePlus One.
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