So just to confirm: you’re just using local reminders strictly between iPhone and Apple Watch, right? I am definitely still observing completely outstanding battery performance with iCloud reminders turned off (on all devices, frankly).
And I also feel like my Apple Watch is a lot “snappier” all around, using other apps and using Siri, etc. Now this might just be because I’m enjoying using my Apple Watch again and so I’m using it more—but it may well be that without the CPU drain of constantly trying to [whatever the hell is happening in the background], the Apple Watch indeed is *faster* with more resources at its disposal.
Still a lousy situation overall, but, as previously stated, as someone who uses Apple Watch and iPhone 99.9% of the time for reminders (I usually only use iPad or Mac for reminders if I just so happen to be using them…obviously my watch and phone are always on me so they’re what I use most), I am more annoyed that Apple hasn’t fixed this lover umpteen iOS/watchOS/iPadOS/macOS updates, than I am that I can only use local reminders until which time it actually is fixed.
Also for anybody coming across this in the future who would like to use my “fix”, I do *not* believe it is actually necessary to unpair/repair Apple Watch. I think turning off iCloud reminders, and then generating local reminders on iPhone (after all iCloud reminders have been removed, which, stupidly, doesn’t always happen instantaneously), should work just fine. In fact that may have been what ended up happening at the very end. I can’t remember. I’d tried so much that particular day