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Because Apple keeps touting it as a laptop replacement. During the keynote they showed a picture of one connected to a Sony A7 Mirrorless camera insinuating that you can use it for photography. Good luck with that. I know from personal experience.

100% right. It's pointless to try to use an iPad for anything but tweaking a photo taken with it.
Calling it a "Pro" is a joke. It's like calling a Kardashian a "star".
I find it entertaining that so many people want to shout to the rooftops about how the iPad isn’t a laptop replacement, when there are folks happily replacing their laptops with iPads and not having issues. Your use case isn’t everyone’s use case. Stop assuming everyone needs what you need.
no it isn't garbage. the argument that everyone needs to check off the same boxes as YOU is garbage.

You're so incredibly set in your opinion, that it would be nothing short of a miracle to have you even entertain the idea that this entire debate is apples and oranges.

Perception versus reality...
From Cult of Mac today:

I’m not spouting the argument that you can’t get real work done on the iPad. That crap only comes from people who haven’t bothered to try working on an iPad in recent years, or who believe that a mouse pointer is the only true way to use a computer. Those folks can safely be ignored, like the embarrassing uncle everyone ignores at Thanksgiving. In fact, they’re probably the same actual person.​

I have a 2018 MBP which I start to wonder if getting was the wrong decision. Gonna go travel for a few months as a digital nomad working from my laptop. Nowadays work is mostly reading internet, talking/chatting with people and some minor spreadsheet&octave/matlab. Seriously considering leaving the MBP at home and getting an iPad with a folio keyboard instead. Save some weight in my backpack, save some pain in my stomach when I use it on my knees in bed/hammock, more optimized apps, make it harder for me to procrastinate with multitasking, worry less about bugs and updates and break out of homeostasis.

Been thinking about what difficulties I can expect but there are few that I see right now. Will feel into them on Wednesday and see if I dare to try switching, but it's feeling like I will do it.
I find it entertaining that so many people want to shout to the rooftops about how the iPad isn’t a laptop replacement, when there are folks happily replacing their laptops with iPads and not having issues. Your use case isn’t everyone’s use case. Stop assuming everyone needs what you need.

Best post I’ve read all day! Plain and simple, this is it.
I have a 2018 MBP which I start to wonder if getting was the wrong decision. Gonna go travel for a few months as a digital nomad working from my laptop. Nowadays work is mostly reading internet, talking/chatting with people and some minor spreadsheet&octave/matlab. Seriously considering leaving the MBP at home and getting an iPad with a folio keyboard instead. Save some weight in my backpack, save some pain in my stomach when I use it on my knees in bed/hammock, more optimized apps, make it harder for me to procrastinate with multitasking, worry less about bugs and updates and break out of homeostasis.

Been thinking about what difficulties I can expect but there are few that I see right now. Will feel into them on Wednesday and see if I dare to try switching, but it's feeling like I will do it.
Yessssss... I am a little more settled now, though I still travel a week a month. Earlier this year, though, I did a month in Greece and a month in Indonesia, working half to full-time with my IPP. It is sweet. My frequent traveling while working was one of the motivators in going from MBP plus Wacom tablet down to IPP.
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You're so incredibly set in your opinion, that it would be nothing short of a miracle to have you even entertain the idea that this entire debate is apples and oranges.

Perception versus reality...
He isn’t though. Not everyone’s reality matches your perception of reality. Truth be told the iPad is all I need for work and home. The only thing I would need a laptop for would be to play certain types of games. Everything else I can do on the iPad just fine. With One Drive and File Browser app I can even do all my work, browse and save files to an external drive with no problems.
I'd add:
  • Ability to open more than one instance of an app at a time (e.g., MS Word)
It's not possible to open multiple instances of an app in macOS either. But iOS needs to allow a single app to view two documents side-by-side using split view UI.
I'd add:
  • Ability to open more than one instance of an app at a time (e.g., MS Word)
Read a rumour (don't ask where, as I cannot recall) that this is coming in IOS13.

It's not possible to open multiple instances of an app in macOS either. But iOS needs to allow a single app to view two documents side-by-side using split view UI.

‘Tabs for apps’ is a feature that is thought to be coming, and this might allow you to have two documents open side by side, like Split View in Safari.
He isn’t though. Not everyone’s reality matches your perception of reality. Truth be told the iPad is all I need for work and home. The only thing I would need a laptop for would be to play certain types of games. Everything else I can do on the iPad just fine. With One Drive and File Browser app I can even do all my work, browse and save files to an external drive with no problems.

I am astonished that there are people that don't understand this argument with the bold portion in mind... It fulfills some needs, but it cannot and does not replace a laptop. Even if it covers 99% of one's needs, it's that 1% that rules the "laptop replacement" notion out.
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I am astonished that there are people that don't understand this argument with the bold portion in mind... It fulfills some needs, but it cannot and does not replace a laptop. Even if it covers 99% of one's needs, it's that 1% that rules the "laptop replacement" notion out.


I don’t understand what you’re not getting.
I find it entertaining that so many people want to shout to the rooftops about how the iPad isn’t a laptop replacement, when there are folks happily replacing their laptops with iPads and not having issues. Your use case isn’t everyone’s use case. Stop assuming everyone needs what you need.
I really wish I could replace my MacBook with an iPad Pro. There are a lot of things it does way faster with less hardware overhead. It’s form factor and input is the best for mobile. I just want cursor support natively.
It all depends on what a particular user is using a laptop for and what they are most comfortable with. I only use my laptop for light tasks but a tablet will never replace a laptop for me. I just find it much easier to surf the web using a trackpad and proper keyboard then on a touchscreen device. I use my iMac for heavy lifting and my MBA for all other tasks, all my tablets are sitting in a draw gathering dust.
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I was just asking because a few here have said that the iPad is computer replacement yet they occasionally use an imac at home or have access to a work laptop for more complex tasks.

It's a bit like someone saying that a Porsche 911 GT3 is usable as a daily driver but they also use their wife's range rover for shopping and weekend trips. :D

I have been a heavy power user on my computer. I recently switched over to iPad Pro only. I can’t wait for Wed. I do have my husband’s very slow laptop if needed. ie to set up a wireless printer, you need a PC; to set up a wireless hard drive (add files from a desktop hard drive) need a PC... That is the snags I have hit so far. I will have to get my Passport wireless Pro replaced (it won’t hold a charge). SO again I will need the PC to transfer the files. I am also a graphics designer - who I think iPPs are fantastic for.
I find it entertaining that so many people want to shout to the rooftops about how the iPad isn’t a laptop replacement, when there are folks happily replacing their laptops with iPads and not having issues. Your use case isn’t everyone’s use case. Stop assuming everyone needs what you need.


I don’t understand what you’re not getting.

What don't YOU understand? This isn't a matter of perception. Period.

Look, an SUV is a truck replacement for some. But it ultimately isn't a truck replacement

Anyone who argues differently is simply dishonest with themselves, or just suffers greatly with reading comprehension.
There seems to be a lot of people in this thread that seem to have trouble grasping this concept, both ways.

actually from what I have seen it's not 'both ways' at all.what I have seen is that those that believe that an iPad is a 'toy' that can't replace a 'real computer' are pretty firm on that view and firm on the notion that it applies to everyone full stop. and those that have very easily replaced a computer, especially a notebook, with an iPad keep repeating that it's all about the individual needs and if your needs can't be met by an iPad then go have fun with your notebook/desktop and please let the rest of us do the same
actually from what I have seen it's not 'both ways' at all.what I have seen is that those that believe that an iPad is a 'toy' that can't replace a 'real computer' are pretty firm on that view and firm on the notion that it applies to everyone full stop. and those that have very easily replaced a computer, especially a notebook, with an iPad keep repeating that it's all about the individual needs and if your needs can't be met by an iPad then go have fun with your notebook/desktop and please let the rest of us do the same

Not me, I see just as many trying to convince people because they can live the limitations of the iPad and iOS that others should as the other way around. Over and over again.
My wife ditched her laptop last year and went full time with her iPad Pro.
She can do the same office tasks that she was doing on her work issued Lenovo - she says she has no regrets and prefers the portability. So yes, it can be a laptop replacement.
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