What don't YOU understand? This isn't a matter of perception. Period.
Look, an SUV is a truck replacement for some. But it ultimately isn't a truck replacement
Anyone who argues differently is simply dishonest with themselves, or just suffers greatly with reading comprehension.
A Mac doesn’t run iOS. I guess it’s not a computer.
A Mac doesn’t natively run Windows. I guess it’s not a computer.
A Mac doesn’t drive me to the store, it doesn’t make my toast or ice, it doesn’t give my dogs a bath, wash my deck or clothes or dishes, and it doesn’t bring me my slippers or my pipe. I guess it’s not a computer.
That assumes I think a computer should do all of those things, or otherwise I would have to find another appliance or another method of having those things done for me.
An iPad has been my computer since I bought my 12.9 in Nov. 2015. And when that happened, I sold my 13” MacBook. I can do everything I did on my MacBook. EVERYTHING. And I HATE when I have to service my wife’s Mac Mini-2012 because I am so sick of the stupidity that is the bloated macOS.
Sorry, I don’t do XCode. Or FinalCut, Or use Quark or Adobe or any of the other serial-registered bloated crapware that I used to use anymore. There are alternatives, I did my work and found they work better, so just quit while you’re ahead.
BTW—I have an SUV, which I bought to replace my 1995 F-150. It IS a truck replacement, with a waterproof bed.
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