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What don't YOU understand? This isn't a matter of perception. Period.

Look, an SUV is a truck replacement for some. But it ultimately isn't a truck replacement

Anyone who argues differently is simply dishonest with themselves, or just suffers greatly with reading comprehension.

A Mac doesn’t run iOS. I guess it’s not a computer.

A Mac doesn’t natively run Windows. I guess it’s not a computer.

A Mac doesn’t drive me to the store, it doesn’t make my toast or ice, it doesn’t give my dogs a bath, wash my deck or clothes or dishes, and it doesn’t bring me my slippers or my pipe. I guess it’s not a computer.

That assumes I think a computer should do all of those things, or otherwise I would have to find another appliance or another method of having those things done for me.

An iPad has been my computer since I bought my 12.9 in Nov. 2015. And when that happened, I sold my 13” MacBook. I can do everything I did on my MacBook. EVERYTHING. And I HATE when I have to service my wife’s Mac Mini-2012 because I am so sick of the stupidity that is the bloated macOS.

Sorry, I don’t do XCode. Or FinalCut, Or use Quark or Adobe or any of the other serial-registered bloated crapware that I used to use anymore. There are alternatives, I did my work and found they work better, so just quit while you’re ahead.


BTW—I have an SUV, which I bought to replace my 1995 F-150. It IS a truck replacement, with a waterproof bed.
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I feel sorry for your fashion show
Part of me does as well but we’ll see how long i last. It will be telling for sure. I think potentially the biggest issue i’ll Personally face is the lack of multimonitor support in Lightroom. I’ve pretty much come to rely on that in my workflow.
Powerful machine, limited by the phone OS. That is all that I can say.

If iMac Pro ran iOS, all those cores on that Xeon processor would be pointless. All that ECC RAM would be pointless.

Exactly this. It could have al the RAM in the world but that OS is a huge bottle neck. They need to overhaul iOS on iPad (and iPhone tbh, it feels antiquated now) , right now for me (and imo) I'd rather get a Dell XPS 13 9370 from the dell outlet for more or less the same and it will have a 8th gen i5,8gb and 256g SSD . The hardeware is there on the iPad, software however, nopes.
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My wife ditched her laptop last year and went full time with her iPad Pro.
She can do the same office tasks that she was doing on her work issued Lenovo - she says she has no regrets and prefers the portability. So yes, it can be a laptop replacement.

My other half is the opposite. She likes to use the iPad for watching Netflix in bed but if she needs to do shooping, research something or type a long email, she always asks for my MBP.

However, if the MPB dies I will not replace it and we'll make do with the iPad Pro or use my work laptop which is a maxed out 2018 13 XPS with a glorious 4K touch screen.
IOS cannot replace a laptop, it can only replace the chromebook
And vice versa. ;)

I find it fascinating, that those who suggest using iCloud as an integral part of their workflow to get around the file system limitations of iOS are the same ones who reject chromebooks because of their reliance on the cloud. Chromebooks' reliance on the cloud is diminishing in some respects with support for locally installed Android, Linux, and Windows apps.

It'll be interesting to see how many here who have been wrestling with the limitations of iOS for years, will give the latest crop of Chrome OS 2-in-1s and tablets a test drive. I think that they'd be pleasantly surprised. If their experience is anything like mine has been, it'll feel like training with ankle weights and finally running without them.
Exactly this. It could have al the RAM in the world but that OS is a huge bottle neck. They need to overhaul iOS on iPad (and iPhone tbh, it feels antiquated now) , right now for me (and imo) I'd rather get a Dell XPS 13 9370 from the dell outlet for more or less the same and it will have a 8th gen i5,8gb and 256g SSD . The hardeware is there on the iPad, software however, nopes.
I've said it multiple times already, but I honestly believe the only thing that iPad needs is an actual file system. Everything else is just gravy. The OS as a whole is fine and is very well optimized for touch gestures. It doesn't need to be as feature rich as macOS or Windows. Or at least this shouldn't be the priority yet. Let's hope that iOS13 changes that.
I'm not sure how this is still rumbling on....

If you use your laptop as a paperweight, you CAN replace it with an iPad Pro..... if you use your laptop as a tray for serving drinks to guests... you CAN replace it with an iPad Pro.....

The most clear and obvious answer to this non question is....

It depends what you do with your laptop.
Screenshot 2018-11-06 at 11.09.46.png
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A Mac doesn’t run iOS. I guess it’s not a computer.

A Mac doesn’t natively run Windows. I guess it’s not a computer.

A Mac doesn’t drive me to the store, it doesn’t make my toast or ice, it doesn’t give my dogs a bath, wash my deck or clothes or dishes, and it doesn’t bring me my slippers or my pipe. I guess it’s not a computer.

That assumes I think a computer should do all of those things, or otherwise I would have to find another appliance or another method of having those things done for me.

An iPad has been my computer since I bought my 12.9 in Nov. 2015. And when that happened, I sold my 13” MacBook. I can do everything I did on my MacBook. EVERYTHING. And I HATE when I have to service my wife’s Mac Mini-2012 because I am so sick of the stupidity that is the bloated macOS.

Sorry, I don’t do XCode. Or FinalCut, Or use Quark or Adobe or any of the other serial-registered bloated crapware that I used to use anymore. There are alternatives, I did my work and found they work better, so just quit while you’re ahead.


BTW—I have an SUV, which I bought to replace my 1995 F-150. It IS a truck replacement, with a waterproof bed.
The Mac actually can run iOS. That’s how I develop for iOS on a daily basis.

The truck/car metaphor is lacking since a truck is not needed to build the dashboard, or radio, or cluster of a car. I would say the iPad is closer to a motorcycle.

As long as a Mac or PC or even Linux is needed to build an iOS app; it is forever dependent on another computer, which isn’t the case with the latter.

I’d say the better argument is that most people who can easily replace their Laptop workflow with an iPad, didn’t need a Laptop to begin with. And that’s who the iPad is perfect for.
Read a rumour (don't ask where, as I cannot recall) that this is coming in IOS13.

I personally wouldn't drop that sort of money on the new iPad Pro based on what the new iOS is "rumoured" to bring in... almost a year's time. I think it's bizarre that people are okay with that, surely you'd wait for iOS 13 to come out and make all these magical improvements and then make your purchase?
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For those who say it’s NOT a laptop replacement, and are quite adamant about it beyond their own personal needs - is the bottom line that you’re getting worked up because you’re afraid that Apple’s powerful marketing juggernaut is so overwhelming that some people might be caught off guard and might be unwillingly sucked into a >$1000 purchasing decision on a whim without stopping to consider how said device might meet their capabilities and find themselves wanting, up a creek without a paddle?

If so, I thank you for your concern but would hope that anybody dropping that kind of cash would do their own research into the device and make a decision based on their needs.

At the end of the day, it’s marketing. The large majority of people who own an iPad either still own a laptop/desktop or have access to one. They have already decided how they’re going to use it (or how they intend to use it).

This argument is just downright silly. No amount of declaration saying “it’s NOT a laptop replacement!” Is going to convince people who ARE using the iPad as a laptop replacement to reconsider. No amount of declaring “It CAN be based on your needs!” Is going to convince laptop/desktop traditionalists to reconsider their computing lifestyle.
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I personally wouldn't drop that sort of money on the new iPad Pro based on what the new iOS is "rumoured" to bring in... almost a year's time. I think it's bizarre that people are okay with that, surely you'd wait for iOS 13 to come out and make all these magical improvements and then make your purchase? depends... if the iPad is able to replace 90% of what I'm using my MacBook for, for the time being then it's worth the purchase and then also worth the wait for the remaining functionality....

It depends what your percentage is.. and what percentage you're okay with....

No amount of declaration saying “it’s NOT a laptop replacement!” Is going to convince people who ARE using the iPad as a laptop replacement to reconsider. No amount of declaring “It CAN be based on your needs!” Is going to convince laptop/desktop traditionalists to reconsider their computing lifestyle.

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Just my 2 cents, still need a real computer to fresh restore iOS on an unresponsive iPad and as far as I know, still need a computer to develop apps for this so called laptop replacement.
I think the Venn diagram above is fairly accurate. There are actually some creative tasks that the iPad does much better, but for many things, a laptop is just easier to use. Sure, I could do a lot of my spreadsheet work on an iPad, but the mouse makes it quicker and easier to do. Maybe at some point, things will evolve to where those types of tasks are better done on an iPad, but it isn't quite there yet.
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A Mac doesn’t run iOS. I guess it’s not a computer.

A Mac doesn’t natively run Windows. I guess it’s not a computer.

A Mac doesn’t drive me to the store, it doesn’t make my toast or ice, it doesn’t give my dogs a bath, wash my deck or clothes or dishes, and it doesn’t bring me my slippers or my pipe. I guess it’s not a computer.

That assumes I think a computer should do all of those things, or otherwise I would have to find another appliance or another method of having those things done for me.

An iPad has been my computer since I bought my 12.9 in Nov. 2015. And when that happened, I sold my 13” MacBook. I can do everything I did on my MacBook. EVERYTHING. And I HATE when I have to service my wife’s Mac Mini-2012 because I am so sick of the stupidity that is the bloated macOS.

Sorry, I don’t do XCode. Or FinalCut, Or use Quark or Adobe or any of the other serial-registered bloated crapware that I used to use anymore. There are alternatives, I did my work and found they work better, so just quit while you’re ahead.


BTW—I have an SUV, which I bought to replace my 1995 F-150. It IS a truck replacement, with a waterproof bed.

Sold my MacBook Pro earlier this year, using my 12.9” iPad Pro as a laptop and haven’t looked back. Does everything I need for work and leasure.
This is a moot argument ... I work in. a business where I need to work on extreme spreadsheets ... not practical for an iPad. Most contain crazy macros and security that not even on my Mac can I do it. I need my windows computer. However, for all else, I use my Mac and or iPad. I have more access capabilities into my work system on my iPad than I have on my Mac, but not as many as my windows computer. So in the end I have all 3 on my desk at any given time, windows, Mac, and an iPad. When I run off to a meeting, I grab the iPad, take my notes do my thing then come back, dock it up and work with 4 screens all multitasking but talking to each other at the same time.

If I was in a different business without security controls, I could completely see how the iPad could be the do it all. On the evenings and weekends, I use my iPad exclusively, and I don't look back. But then again that's all the capability I need unless I work from home where I then need to scroll through the different computers. I could most certainly eliminate the MacBook from my workflow but I find MacOS very streamlined and easier to work with than Windows, not to mention quicker.

Everyone has their use case, and not one of us is the same, so the arguments here are to be taken with a grain of salt.
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I agree its a laptop replacement for some but not for others.

However regardless of that it could still be improved (not with a fully fledged MacOS) with some small tweaks.

A few tweaks would prob make it a laptop replacement for me which makes it frustrating for me personally as I would rather use this amazing hardware (ordered one anyhow)

PS - I travel a lot and carry both iPad and Macbook 12”. Hopefully after iOS13 I can ditch the Macbook
The new ipad pro 12.9 model will be my new home and travel companion as I just sold my macbook pro and ipad 10.5. For my work, I only use spreadsheets and email. I will be fine.
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These reviews are always the same - and they're skewed toward the tech audience.

We need to stop trying to call the iPad a laptop replacement but rather a laptop/computer alternative. That's truly what it is and can be for a lot of people.
Agreed. A lot of people who post/review are essentially clamoring for a touchscreen Mac, which the iPad isn't intended to be. Apple is deliberately opening up iOS slowly, as every time they do, it makes iOS more complicated. iOS 12 brought back some consistency between the iPhone and iPad (e.g. swiping down from the upper right for the quick controls menu) while enabling some "pro" features. iOS 13 may make some further steps, but it won't open it up like Windows 10 or macOS.
Read this tweet storm from former Windows chief Steven Sinofsky. Really good.

I struggle to understand why so many techies/tech writers are offended by iPad. They’re not forced to use one. If a laptop works better for you use it instead. Problem solved.

Who is offended by the iPad? Because it doesn’t work for their use case doesn’t mean they are offended.
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