You do need to let it settle and it's a bit like your experience with your SP6 your so use to Apple usage you forget that what comes with more choice and options also comes with more responsibility
While you can be nannied using Android battery management it will take some time to learn your usage patterns which currently during your honeymoon period they are not normal
There are plenty settings you can do manually to hurry the experience along, you also have to remember while your Iphone Pro 11 did have stunning endurance it is also several generations now behind on the tech baked in to your Note and even the latest Iphones are still only 60hz screens
Android if left untethered can show poor endurance and even the SD version that most only get 20 mins more out of them can suffer the same issues for a device that costs more has half the ram and no dual sim, so the grass is not necessarily greener
Do some simple research on tips and tricks and stop watching the battery % and start enjoying IMO
PS I do not know why you find the buds uncomfortable they are not suppose to be rammed in to your ears LOL and that is part of the reason NC is not as good as full in ear headsets, they are different for a good reason IPods compared to other similar in ear headsets are poorly rated so you must do Apples to Apples LOL