NatWest support android pay so you can use that but I don’t think you can use android pay on a Samsung watch ?Shocking really as natwest are big lol
Grumpy mum you’ve summed up exactly how I feel! I want to switch to the S10 plus but I feel trapped by Apple because of how everything works together. I’ve tried the two phone route 3 years running and it didn’t work for me. I can only use one phone and if I keep my iPhone and get the S10’s plus then I won’t be being fair to the S10.He has a very interesting take on how great he perceives iOS to be. It’s okay now, but the past few months I’ve found so many little things to be such a pain in the tail. So many little crashes and stutters. Somewhere along the line Apple fixed it all. Thank goodness. But that’s why Apple wears me out. They make it stable and then they update and stuff breaks again and is wonky for weeks or months. Misery ensues until they update with bug fixes. To some extent that happens on the Pixel, too. There might after all be some benefit to Samsung being “a bit tortoise” and testing updates before putting them out there.
And the rest of what he had to say, well it is true but just very annoying about Apple and brings out the contrarian in me. Lol, yeah HomePod doesn’t work if you go Galaxy. Can’t use Apple maps on anything but an iPhone, true. That sort of thing makes many people go back to Apple.
It just pisses me off.
The ecosystem is starting to feel like a prison. You will have bits and pieces of it that aren’t optimal but you can’t swap out those pieces for something better because the whole other parts of the ecosystem will then just not work.
Yeah iOS scrolls nice. It does. Samsung scrolling looked janky on my husband’s S10+ and on my S9+. That must be a Samsung thing. My Pixel 3XL scrolls fine.
Anyway I am listening to this fellow talk about the flawless unlocking of his Tesla that his S10 gives him that the iPhone can’t. Something like that would have me keeping the Samsung.
But he and others his age and in his profession find Instagram and other social media important. He makes a good point about Android not playing nice with those platforms. I don’t use them but those here who do feel his pain on that point.
I think he gave it a fair shot. It’s just frustrating to see the reasons people can’t break away from Apple. I like Apple and am posting this from my Xr. So I’m not rooting against Apple. I am rooting for people to feel more free to move fluidly from one choice to another and back again. I don’t like that Apple gets these hooks into people because I think it makes them arrogant and they tend to hold back from the “insanely great” products we know they can make. It frustrates me that it takes years of trickling out “S” iterations to get their best out to us. It’s not that their products aren’t good. But we know they can do better or not cheap out on a few things every year but they don’t because they know they don’t have to. We will just take what we are given and poop rainbows over it.
I hate Huawei for a lot of reasons but I like that they put it all out there as soon as they’ve stolen stuff and polished it up.They’re dressed to impress. And they really do have some good engineers now. We can’t have them in the USA so I hope Google and Samsung wake the hell up and go full on Huawei style and take a bite out of Apple where it hurts. Make Apple hungry for our business again.