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It's nano-lag.

Phones are getting so fast now a days that we have to outrageously make do with nano second delays here and there and then act all peeved off and angry on the internets... Apparently that's all the fashion judging by almost every thread where these two phones are being discussed ;) :D

True, but once you've had a totally smooth phone, that nano lag does get kinda frustrating. 1st world probs and all that, but it does irritate me... To "totally smooth" phones I do rate the 6+ (aside from the occasional widget jank) and my trusty old 4S (even with iOS 8), and now my Note 3 on Lollipop.

My Note 2 was great but it nano-lags enough for me to get irritated these days. That said, I don't count myself as someone who gets their knickers in a twist and call it unacceptable, not by a long shot...
Lol, I know the micro stutters on the S5 whilst they may have been micro they still annoyed me.

Hopefully my Note 4 experience is nothing like Spinedocs bad luck with them though.
Lol, I know the micro stutters on the S5 whilst they may have been micro they still annoyed me.

Hopefully my Note 4 experience is nothing like Spinedocs bad luck with them though.
I thought the S5 was pretty good actually. However I think I'm more lenient as I've had a string of Galaxy devices and each has been an improvement over the previous one. My original Galaxy note was really bad. I felt that Samsung had come a long way with the S5.
I thought the S5 was pretty good actually. However I think I'm more lenient as I've had a string of Galaxy devices and each has been an improvement over the previous one. My original Galaxy note was really bad. I felt that Samsung had come a long way with the S5.

I became less lenient after I had two S4's one with TW and the other with GPE

It was night and day the experience in performance between the two, the micro stutters on the S5 (things like flicking through widget screen) was only very tiny - my main annoyance with the S5 is well documented here and is the poor memory management. The S5 really needed 3gb, even with 2gb it struggles to keep half as many apps open as a 1gb iPhone which is ridiculous.

Hopefully now TW has having major debloat (apparently) we can hope that we can finally get performance and hardware to match each other.

Interestingly I did find my Galaxy Alpha (factory unlocked / unbranded) came with very little extra bloat and despite having the same 2gb as the S5 - could keep far more apps open in the background without refreshing / reloading content.
Does anyone think the Note 4 lollipop TW build will be debloated by Samsung, or will that only happen with the S6 and subsequently the Note 5?
Does anyone think the Note 4 lollipop TW build will be debloated by Samsung, or will that only happen with the S6 and subsequently the Note 5?

Given Samsung's past - it will only be the S6 and subsequent phones. (Including the budget ones ironically).
After having had a foot in each camp for several months now (since Oct), I've decided to give up on my Samsung Note 4 and stick with the iPhone 6+.

I've run both simultaneously (one is my work account, one is my personal account), and while both are excellent phones, there are some niggling little things on the Note 4 that pushed me away from it.

Performance on the Note 4 seemed to be pretty good, but on occasion it would seriously bog down, and a reboot was in order. Normally this wouldn't be too much of a hassle, except that a reboot seemed to require Android to perform the "Optimizing applications" process everytime (I'm running ART instead of DALVIK, as I've noticed that ART seemed to reduce any signs of day to day lag). Which meant that the reboot process took forever (probably in order of 20-30 minutes).

Samsung Flipboard Briefing on the home screens was pretty good, but over the past week, it has simply refused to update it's newsfeed at all. So I've been looking at the same articles over the past week. I had rather enjoyed the Briefing screen, but given that it's refusing to update, I finally disabled it.

I liked the idea of the pen, but honestly I never developed any use for it. I love the idea in principal, but in practice I've never developed the habit of using it. So the one big advantage it has over the iPhone 6+ is a non-issue for me.

The screen, on the other hand, is spectacular. And I'm still a fan of the back and app-pages buttons on the bottom....I keep hitting the bezel to the right of the iPhone home button and keep expecting the screen to move back one webpage (or screen, or menu, etc).

I'll still miss the widgets from Android vs iOS. Apple has never embraced home screen widgets, and this is still one factor that keeps me wanting to come back to Android.

Two other, relatively minor factors. One...the iPhone still remains a better music player than the Note 4. From the general lack of headphones (except Bluetooth) that have in-line volume / media controls (Apple certainly played their cards well on this front), to the fact that the sound itself just isn't quite as (very subjectively) good on the Note 4 as it is with the iPhone.

And secondly, app development is still hit and miss with Android. Most things are pretty good, but one glaring, close-to-home example is my local cable provider, who has an app for the iPhone and iPad to control set-top boxes, schedule recordings, and even download PVR'd content to the iPad for offline viewing. No such app currently, or even in development, for Android.

It's a pretty close call. Some of the items (audio playback, audio controls, and specific apps) are show-stoppers for me, which tips the scales in my particular case.

But it's otherwise the best Android phone I've ever used, and if an ecosystem sprang up that had equivalent functionality headphones, that might be enough to move me back to Android.

The fingerprint reader is better on the iPhone 6, but the one on the Note 4 is still reliable and useful, so that's not a show-stopper for me.

Note 4 vs iPhone 6+

So here is the ole debate that I even got myself into because I own a Note 4, but I am thinking about selling it for the 6+. So here's the thing, I own an iPhone 5C, which I use frequently, but not as my daily driver. What I like about iOS is iMessaging, control centre, camera, and Facetime. With my Note 4, my battery life has dropped a lot. My tests showed my battery was weaker, but I swapped phone batteries with my dad to test my phone out.

The phone isn't the issue, rather that it's Touchwiz itself. Idk why, but my signal is crap everywhere and I do use my phone heavily, but I think that the Galaxy drains quite a lot more than if I would have a phone like the 6+ or Nexus 6, perhaps.

Now, what I like about Android. Downloading music easily, predictive dialing, multi-window, Touch Wiz UI, Lollipop features, expandable storage, customization, and Android Wear.

I feel like my Galaxy is the best phone I ever owned, but the shortcoming of untimely software updates, increasing lag with opening up stock apps, decreasing battery life, and half-assed "features" hurts. I am considering the 6+ for the screen size, battery life, timely updates, simplicity of switching between my 5C and the 6+ I would get, Touch ID, better low light camera, the fact friends use iPhones mainly, iMessaging, and more reliability from the process of the manufacturer working on updates and giving it to the end user.

However, these are my fears: antiquated hardware, being behind software wise, missing Samsung's features, and maintaining smaller storage since the 16 GB is probably what my Note 4 can net me.

Antiquated hardware in the sense of the 6S+ having 2 GB of RAM for less app refreshing, better battery life, newer cameras, force touch, new 32 GB price option, Apple's newer unseen features like Touch ID and 64 bit processor (even if not fully functional since the tech is newer), software features the 6+ may not get because the difference in SoC and RAM, missing Multi-Window, Smart Features, IR Blaster, etc.

Thoughts? I know this argument is tried and true, but my needs and desires differ from others.
I mean in my humble opinion, it is no contest. The note 4 is a highly polished handset that is built to be a phablet and as thus performs this role admirably. The iPhone strikes me as a cumbersome beast - an iPhone made bigger, only for the designers to say "now what?"

But this doesn't exactly solve your immediate issues. I know you shoudn't have to, but when Lollipop arrives, i'd recommend doing an entire wipe of the phone and starting from scratch. I did this recently with my slightly older Note 3 and it's like a new phone again.
If you have crap signal, that could explain the poor battery life.

I personally have nothing but good things to say about the Note 4, lag is nearly nonexistent, and battery is superb.
I have both...

I actually find in daily use both multitask (open & sometimes force refresh apps from background) about the same despite the big memory difference between the two. In day to day usage the speed of use between the two is negligible.

I don't use multiwindow - I've already posted my opinion on that and why I find it not very useful for me. So I can only compare using one app, opening another and using multitasking to switch between them. In this situation I find both devices perform the same in daily use. I may have a safari tab refreshing on my iPhone but can have Google Newstand or Tapatalk force refresh on my Note 4 and it doesn't as much on the 6+.

Screen resolution wise again I can't say I notice the increased resolution on the Note 4 over my 6+. It's certainly a better screen than on my Moto X 2014 but that's down to the screen itself being a better quality panel rather than resolution. I don't see the pixels on any of my mobiles, they are all over 400ppi. The Note 4 screen is certainly not as good in direct sunlight as the 6+ however.

Surprisingly many apps like Tapatalk actually show more content on the 6+ screen than the Note 4, even apps like Google Newstand.

Battery life on my 6+ is slightly better. My usage between devices is exactly the same, yet I would finish a day with a good 65% left on Battery on my 6+ and on the Note 4 it's around 50%. Not a huge difference but still I have noticed it.

Camera quality is excellent on both devices however the extra resolution on Note 4 camera helps detail but is offset when in lowlight where the 6+ captures a better image. Video wise the Note 4's 4k is excellent, it's 1080p is good too but I find the OIS far superior on the 6+ despite its inability to capture 4k.

The 6+ may seem to only offer basic phablet optimisation over the standard 6, but in all actual use its extras are all greatly beneficial over the iPhone 6. The Note 4 clearly has more bells and whistles perhaps at the expense of overall performance but for note taking directly it's unmatched. The fact that most of my apps that I use daily still seem more optimised for the 6+'s screen despite the Note 4 offering larger in size and resolution however certainly is noticeable and surprising when they include a ton of Google apps in that.

Android updates and Samsung ones are still uneven protracted horrid turdrid affairs. They were talking up Lollipop in October last for heavens sake and now we're mid way through March. At least if a new update comes out on the iPhone (buggy or not and let's be clear Samsung's android updates are NOT bug free either) you know you will get it on your device within a few days. Not weeks or months or possibly never.....

Overall conclusion...

So yeah for me both are pretty even matched in the pros and cons. Anyone would be served greatly by either device.

For me however if I was going to sell a device tomorrow it would be the Note 4, but only for a S6 Edge - as I already have the iPhone 6+. So I don't have to make that choice.
I mean in my humble opinion, it is no contest. The note 4 is a highly polished handset that is built to be a phablet and as thus performs this role admirably. The iPhone strikes me as a cumbersome beast - an iPhone made bigger, only for the designers to say "now what?"

But this doesn't exactly solve your immediate issues. I know you shoudn't have to, but when Lollipop arrives, i'd recommend doing an entire wipe of the phone and starting from scratch. I did this recently with my slightly older Note 3 and it's like a new phone again.

I already factory reset my Note 4 this week lol. I had problems with Wi-Fi or so I thought, but it turned out to be my ISP underperforming.


I have both...

I actually find in daily use both multitask (open & sometimes force refresh apps from background) about the same despite the big memory difference between the two. In day to day usage the speed of use between the two is negligible.

I don't use multiwindow - I've already posted my opinion on that and why I find it not very useful for me. So I can only compare using one app, opening another and using multitasking to switch between them. In this situation I find both devices perform the same in daily use. I may have a safari tab refreshing on my iPhone but can have Google Newstand or Tapatalk force refresh on my Note 4 and it doesn't as much on the 6+.

Screen resolution wise again I can't say I notice the increased resolution on the Note 4 over my 6+. It's certainly a better screen than on my Moto X 2014 but that's down to the screen itself being a better quality panel rather than resolution. I don't see the pixels on any of my mobiles, they are all over 400ppi. The Note 4 screen is certainly not as good in direct sunlight as the 6+ however.

Surprisingly many apps like Tapatalk actually show more content on the 6+ screen than the Note 4, even apps like Google Newstand.

Battery life on my 6+ is slightly better. My usage between devices is exactly the same, yet I would finish a day with a good 65% left on Battery on my 6+ and on the Note 4 it's around 50%. Not a huge difference but still I have noticed it.

Camera quality is excellent on both devices however the extra resolution on Note 4 camera helps detail but is offset when in lowlight where the 6+ captures a better image. Video wise the Note 4's 4k is excellent, it's 1080p is good too but I find the OIS far superior on the 6+ despite its inability to capture 4k.

The 6+ may seem to only offer basic phablet optimisation over the standard 6, but in all actual use its extras are all greatly beneficial over the iPhone 6. The Note 4 clearly has more bells and whistles perhaps at the expense of overall performance but for note taking directly it's unmatched. The fact that most of my apps that I use daily still seem more optimised for the 6+'s screen despite the Note 4 offering larger in size and resolution however certainly is noticeable and surprising when they include a ton of Google apps in that.

Android updates and Samsung ones are still uneven protracted horrid turdrid affairs. They were talking up Lollipop in October last for heavens sake and now we're mid way through March. At least if a new update comes out on the iPhone (buggy or not and let's be clear Samsung's android updates are NOT bug free either) you know you will get it on your device within a few days. Not weeks or months or possibly never.....

Overall conclusion...

So yeah for me both are pretty even matched in the pros and cons. Anyone would be served greatly by either device.

For me however if I was going to sell a device tomorrow it would be the Note 4, but only for a S6 Edge - as I already have the iPhone 6+. So I don't have to make that choice.

You prefer performance or bells and whistles? What about the most future proof device? The Note 4 is your daily driver right now or you alternate quite frequently?
I have both...

I actually find in daily use both multitask (open & sometimes force refresh apps from background) about the same despite the big memory difference between the two. In day to day usage the speed of use between the two is negligible.

I don't use multiwindow - I've already posted my opinion on that and why I find it not very useful for me. So I can only compare using one app, opening another and using multitasking to switch between them. In this situation I find both devices perform the same in daily use. I may have a safari tab refreshing on my iPhone but can have Google Newstand or Tapatalk force refresh on my Note 4 and it doesn't as much on the 6+.

Screen resolution wise again I can't say I notice the increased resolution on the Note 4 over my 6+. It's certainly a better screen than on my Moto X 2014 but that's down to the screen itself being a better quality panel rather than resolution. I don't see the pixels on any of my mobiles, they are all over 400ppi. The Note 4 screen is certainly not as good in direct sunlight as the 6+ however.

Surprisingly many apps like Tapatalk actually show more content on the 6+ screen than the Note 4, even apps like Google Newstand.

Battery life on my 6+ is slightly better. My usage between devices is exactly the same, yet I would finish a day with a good 65% left on Battery on my 6+ and on the Note 4 it's around 50%. Not a huge difference but still I have noticed it.

Camera quality is excellent on both devices however the extra resolution on Note 4 camera helps detail but is offset when in lowlight where the 6+ captures a better image. Video wise the Note 4's 4k is excellent, it's 1080p is good too but I find the OIS far superior on the 6+ despite its inability to capture 4k.

The 6+ may seem to only offer basic phablet optimisation over the standard 6, but in all actual use its extras are all greatly beneficial over the iPhone 6. The Note 4 clearly has more bells and whistles perhaps at the expense of overall performance but for note taking directly it's unmatched. The fact that most of my apps that I use daily still seem more optimised for the 6+'s screen despite the Note 4 offering larger in size and resolution however certainly is noticeable and surprising when they include a ton of Google apps in that.

Android updates and Samsung ones are still uneven protracted horrid turdrid affairs. They were talking up Lollipop in October last for heavens sake and now we're mid way through March. At least if a new update comes out on the iPhone (buggy or not and let's be clear Samsung's android updates are NOT bug free either) you know you will get it on your device within a few days. Not weeks or months or possibly never.....

Overall conclusion...

So yeah for me both are pretty even matched in the pros and cons. Anyone would be served greatly by either device.

For me however if I was going to sell a device tomorrow it would be the Note 4, but only for a S6 Edge - as I already have the iPhone 6+. So I don't have to make that choice.
I have both devices as well. I echo a lot of what MRU has said. But a lot of the reasons I like the 6+ are being addressed on the S6 and 6 Edge.
So if i had sell one would be the 6+.
Android and now the Samsung with the S6 just upped their game. Then can you imagine the Note 5? OMG!
I have both devices as well. I echo a lot of what MRU has said. But a lot of the reasons I like the 6+ are being addressed on the S6 and 6 Edge.
So if i had sell one would be the 6+.
Android and now the Samsung with the S6 just upped their game. Then can you imagine the Note 5? OMG!

What do you mean with the S6 and Edge? Less lag, better build quality, 64 bit processing (especially Exynos)?
What do you mean with the S6 and Edge? Less lag, better build quality, 64 bit processing (especially Exynos)?
Yes....all of that and
Built in Wireless charging
Builtin Samsung Pay (bought Loop Pay) works at ALL terminals that swipe.
Better camera
Fast charging 10minutes = 4 hours
I think the fastest SSD available (Samsung makes their own SSDs)
Better build and design (curved screen...its a start!)
upgraded fingerprint scanner reviews say equal to TOUCHID.
So here is the ole debate that I even got myself into because I own a Note 4, but I am thinking about selling it for the 6+. So here's the thing, I own an iPhone 5C, which I use frequently, but not as my daily driver. What I like about iOS is iMessaging, control centre, camera, and Facetime. With my Note 4, my battery life has dropped a lot. My tests showed my battery was weaker, but I swapped phone batteries with my dad to test my phone out.

The phone isn't the issue, rather that it's Touchwiz itself. Idk why, but my signal is crap everywhere and I do use my phone heavily, but I think that the Galaxy drains quite a lot more than if I would have a phone like the 6+ or Nexus 6, perhaps.

Now, what I like about Android. Downloading music easily, predictive dialing, multi-window, Touch Wiz UI, Lollipop features, expandable storage, customization, and Android Wear.

I feel like my Galaxy is the best phone I ever owned, but the shortcoming of untimely software updates, increasing lag with opening up stock apps, decreasing battery life, and half-assed "features" hurts. I am considering the 6+ for the screen size, battery life, timely updates, simplicity of switching between my 5C and the 6+ I would get, Touch ID, better low light camera, the fact friends use iPhones mainly, iMessaging, and more reliability from the process of the manufacturer working on updates and giving it to the end user.

However, these are my fears: antiquated hardware, being behind software wise, missing Samsung's features, and maintaining smaller storage since the 16 GB is probably what my Note 4 can net me.

Antiquated hardware in the sense of the 6S+ having 2 GB of RAM for less app refreshing, better battery life, newer cameras, force touch, new 32 GB price option, Apple's newer unseen features like Touch ID and 64 bit processor (even if not fully functional since the tech is newer), software features the 6+ may not get because the difference in SoC and RAM, missing Multi-Window, Smart Features, IR Blaster, etc.

Thoughts? I know this argument is tried and true, but my needs and desires differ from others.

You will miss the Note 4. I've tried switching back to an iPhone 6+ a couple of times and each time I grew frustrated at how primitive iOS is and the limitations. Not to mention greatly missing some touchwiz functions and of course the stylus. But I sure as heck liked fondling the aluminum body. IMO the only true reason to go back is if I was inextricably tied to the apple ecosystem, which I've extricated myself pretty much fully.
Yes....all of that and
Built in Wireless charging
Builtin Samsung Pay (bought Loop Pay) works at ALL terminals that swipe.
Better camera
Fast charging 10minutes = 4 hours
I think the fastest SSD available (Samsung makes their own SSDs)
Better build and design (curved screen...its a start!)
upgraded fingerprint scanner reviews say equal to TOUCHID.

That being said, I am interested in that stuff, but I don't think I want to spend $800 to upgrade to the Edge. My phone is about $600 USD since it's unlocked and a few weeks old, but it was a warranty replacement, but I have been using a Note 4 since Oct 2014. The $200 extra doesn't interest me. My phone is nearly brand new since T-Mobile only sends out new replacements for now.
That being said, I am interested in that stuff, but I don't think I want to spend $800 to upgrade to the Edge. My phone is about $600 USD since it's unlocked and a few weeks old, but it was a warranty replacement, but I have been using a Note 4 since Oct 2014. The $200 extra doesn't interest me. My phone is nearly brand new since T-Mobile only sends out new replacements for now.
There is always the S6 not Edge. It all comes down to what is important. Its all good. Can't go wrong with whatever choice works for you! :)


You will miss the Note 4. I've tried switching back to an iPhone 6+ a couple of times and each time I grew frustrated at how primitive iOS is and the limitations. Not to mention greatly missing some touchwiz functions and of course the stylus. But I sure as heck liked fondling the aluminum body. IMO the only true reason to go back is if I was inextricably tied to the apple ecosystem, which I've extricated myself pretty much fully.
Yep same here...i will force myself to use the 6+ for 2 weeks as my daily driver. It is a great phone. But man do i miss my N4 when i finally switch back! Just the little things like the back button just to name one.
You prefer performance or bells and whistles? What about the most future proof device? The Note 4 is your daily driver right now or you alternate quite frequently?

We should end that oxymoron. There is NO such thing as a future proof device.

The Note 4 may have expandable storage & replaceable battery, but software updates are a very sore point. Whereas at least on the future of IOS updates the iPhone is pretty much guaranteed. So which is future proof? Neither in reality - whatever comes 12 months down the line makes them look dated.

Heck even the latest Touchwiz (lollipop version) on the Note 4 (that hasn't even got close to be fully rolled out) is now looking outdated compared to Touchwiz on the S6. Even Samsung made a point of showing this during their presentation which was like Salt being rubbed into Note 4 users wounds as they frustratingly wait & question where the hell is their lollipop update....

I am using Note 4 as my daily driver now, next week could be my iPhone or Moto X.

I will in time replace the Note 4 with an emerald green S6 Edge.....

And in time I will replace my iPhone 6+ with an iPhone 6+s/7+
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You will miss the Note 4. I've tried switching back to an iPhone 6+ a couple of times and each time I grew frustrated at how primitive iOS is and the limitations. Not to mention greatly missing some touchwiz functions and of course the stylus. But I sure as heck liked fondling the aluminum body. IMO the only true reason to go back is if I was inextricably tied to the apple ecosystem, which I've extricated myself pretty much fully.

What do you mean more primitive and has limitations?


We should end that oxymoron. There is NO such thing as a future proof device.

The Note 4 may have expandable storage & replaceable battery, but software updates are a very sore point. Whereas at least on the future of IOS updates the iPhone is pretty much guaranteed. So which is future proof? Neither in reality - whatever comes 12 months down the line makes them look dated.

Heck even the latest Touchwiz (lollipop version) on the Note 4 (that hasn't even got close to be fully rolled out) is now looking outdated compared to Touchwiz on the S6. Even Samsung made a point of showing this during their presentation which was like Salt being rubbed into Note 4 users wounds as they frustratingly wait & question where the hell is their lollipop update....

I am using Note 4 as my daily driver now, next week could be my iPhone or Moto X.

I will in time replace the Note 4 with an emerald green S6 Edge.....

And in time I will replace my iPhone 6+ with an iPhone 6+s/7+

But that's because you like to have the latest and greatest, right? I wonder how long it will even take for the Note 4 to get the current S6 software?
But that's because you like to have the latest and greatest, right? I wonder how long it will even take for the Note 4 to get the current S6 software?

I would be surprised if it gets the same Touchwiz GUI as the S6 to be honest. I think it will be stuck with the current look it has in lollipop now.

If I honestly thought it would and if I had any confidence in Samsung's ability to rollout software updates in a speedy fashion, then i would likely just hold onto the Note 4.

But sadly I don't believe it will and the proof of Samsung's ability to rollout updates is in the pudding and the current pudding is both sadly a touch undercooked and ironically seemingly stuck in the oven....

I will however hold onto my Moto X 2014 to next year.
I would be surprised if it gets the same Touchwiz GUI as the S6 to be honest. I think it will be stuck with the current look it has in lollipop now.

If I honestly thought it would and if I had any confidence in Samsung's ability to rollout software updates in a speedy fashion, then i would likely just hold onto the Note 4.

But sadly I don't believe it will and the proof of Samsung's ability to rollout updates is in the pudding and the current pudding is both sadly a touch undercooked and ironically seemingly stuck in the oven....

I will however hold onto my Moto X 2014 to next year.

Ah okay. Well, I think I will probably put my Note 4 for sale in the next few days. I like the phone, the problem is that it really stutter with the messaging app with lag to open up the device. I would understand if my phone was filled with junk apks and the like, but my device is scanned weekly by Lookout. I just need to find my ways of downloading music without breaking any laws. That's probably a huge blow with iOS. Also, my watches would have to go on sale too. Bye bye Moto 360 and Gear, but I don't use them that much to begin with. All the things I list that I really like (multi-window, smart watches, IR blaster,etc), I hardly use, but I really like to have them at my disposal. i6+ seems more like a solid performer and I could just upgrade to the 6S+ shortly after.
Ah okay. Well, I think I will probably put my Note 4 for sale in the next few days. I like the phone, the problem is that it really stutter with the messaging app with lag to open up the device. I would understand if my phone was filled with junk apks and the like, but my device is scanned weekly by Lookout. I just need to find my ways of downloading music without breaking any laws. That's probably a huge blow with iOS. Also, my watches would have to go on sale too. Bye bye Moto 360 and Gear, but I don't use them that much to begin with. All the things I list that I really like (multi-window, smart watches, IR blaster,etc), I hardly use, but I really like to have them at my disposal. i6+ seems more like a solid performer and I could just upgrade to the 6S+ shortly after.

There was talk of android wear coming to iOS.

The thing to remember though is that the grass isn't always greener - it's often the same grass just a slightly different shade.

Basically weigh up the things that irk you on the note 4 against the things you like and aren't available on the iPhone, then look at the things that would irk you on an iPhone against all its benefits and decide which you would prefer to live with.

Both are great devices in reality. But neither is perfect.
But sadly I don't believe it will and the proof of Samsung's ability to rollout updates is in the pudding and the current pudding is both sadly a touch undercooked and ironically seemingly stuck in the oven....

That's not just a Samsung issue though. And even when a manufacturer takes care of the lastest updates, you still got to wait on the carriers if it's a branded device.
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