Have you considered Quickbench? It's my benchmark app of choice. Your numbers look correct after adjusting the settings in BlackMagic. With a 512 SSUBX on Quickbench, I'm achieving 1576.3 MB/S reads and 1574.9 MB/S Writes in Quickbench, some of the highest numbers reported for the SSUBX.
Quick bench 4.0 is one of the few benchmark apps available for OS/X that exposes small file size performance for the platform.
Intech Software has been around since the PowerPC days, offering free version upgrades since 1.0 and in recent years has expanded Quickbench to the Windows x86 platform. With the holidays around the corner, why not treat yourself to a new benchmarking app and support a small developer at the same time. Platform bundles for OS/X and Windows are on-sale for a
limited time at
$14.99 or $24.99 for OS/X and windows.

I have no affiliation with Intech other than being a programmer and purchasing their tools.