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Maybe they should add a line:

Apple: Not found by a court to be infringing design patents.
Samsung: Found by a court to be infringing design patents.

Apple lost in Japan and Korea (Korean judge said that both companies used others patents). It was clear that Apple, which is based in the US, would win in US court over Korean based company - Samsung. Anyway, Apple hasn't won yet, they need to go through courts of appeals, which can take years.
The only things that are actually useful in that list are NFC, expandable storage, removable battery, and a larger screen(this is subjective as some prefer a compact phone), rest of the crap is just gimmicky and wouldn't call them features. Stupid ad IMO
Love how they don't mention iCloud or anything yet add all the rip off stuff in a big list while bundling all the apple features into "ios6"
The only things that are actually useful in that list are NFC, expandable storage, removable battery, and a larger screen(this is subjective as some prefer a compact phone), rest of the crap is just gimmicky and wouldn't call them features. Stupid ad IMO

Agreed. Except if a phone (at this point) has NFC I wouldn't buy it. Far too easy to get your information stolen. Also, I don't want that big of a phone, I don't even think the Samsung would fit in my pocket. But to each their own.
I'm bisexual, and I saw the title and thought that some people would bring it up.

Now I also live in the UK and I know guys actually use "gay" to describe objects or events which aren't exactly great - and it's not meant to be offensive.

But it is. VERY.


I am as well :D Sorry :/ i removed it asap as my friend did the posting

Step 1. Choose better mates

Step 2. Even after step 1, don't let people use your account. Even people who aren't bigoted idiots like your friend.
Don't really care for the ad myself, but I'd like to point out that if some of those features were on the Apple side, I bet many wouldn't be so quick to dismiss them as "useless." They might even go as far as suggesting that Apple is pushing new features and trying to be innovative.
It's more telling that Samsung feels compelled to even make this kind of an ad.

You ether ignore or make a small indirect jokes about the competition. Never give them equal billing in an add.

Also that's NOT an iPhone 5 and make it look even dumber.
Apple lost in Japan and Korea (Korean judge said that both companies used others patents). It was clear that Apple, which is based in the US, would win in US court over Korean based company - Samsung. Anyway, Apple hasn't won yet, they need to go through courts of appeals, which can take years.

The Korean court found that Apple used Samsung's standards essential wireless patents, not design patents.

Anyway, the US court decision is a big victory for Apple. Yes, courts move at glacial paces, but the burden of proof in an appeal shifts to the losing party. Most of it will be upheld. And no, it was never clear that Apple would win in the US court just because Apple is based in the US. You do a disservice to the jury with that kind of statement.
It's more telling that Samsung feels compelled to even make this kind of an ad.

True, I notice that they are trying too hard to advertise Galaxy S3 after they were sued by Apple.

This is of the their tweets yesterday.

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I'm just glad apple didn't add NFC - i hate that idea...i've heard you don't need to add pin to make a payment - what if your phone is stolen and made the payment fast before you find out?

Again some1 will make another device which can tab on your back pocket in public area without you knowing it?

I really had enough this fight between Apple and Samsung, simply you cant force people to buy this product just because it had more stuff then other - it is real childish!! let people decided what's best for them.
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It's a marketing strategy. Inferior companies will always do the comparison. The superior company can rely on its laurels. You never see Pepsi in a Coke commercial or Cadillac in a Porsche commercial. Flipside, Pepsi and Cadillac mention Coke and Porsche in their ads, etc.

EDIT: Several folks have reminded me about the "I'm a Mac, and I'm a PC" commercials, which I genuinely forgot about. In that case, I still think the theory holds. Apple had/has ground to gain in the desktop computer market. But in the phone/tablet/Post-PC era, Apple doesn't need to stoop to this level.
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More like

Apple: Sues over anything

Well, if you get copied a lot, you need to defend your turf a lot. Plus, it isn't just Apple going after Android. Microsoft has threatened legal action in order to extract some pretty hefty royalties from the likes of HTC and Samsung.
Wow is Apple living in Samsung's head rent free. :D. Has Apple ever mentiond Samsung sepcifically in a keynote or ad?
LOL, Apple fanboys don't even care about the facts anymore.
Samsung sold since last May (4 months) more than 20 million Galaxy 3 units:

So apple sold in one week 20 million devices? Please inform me.

Sales doesn't automatically make it a better phone.

If that was the case, the Ford Fiesta is the best car in the world.

You guys do understand it was a joke right? But sales do make investors happy and happy investors is happy money.

Moshe, I'm not sure you know what a fanboy is, probably just throwing the term loosely.
iOS vs Android

I don't like android, I love their phone features but I don't want android. I stick with iOS and their App store.

Btw, Doesn't the galaxy phones have bad battery life!?
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