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I think that the "turn over to mute," etc. that Samsung is touting is sort of just a list of gimmicks. I guess it's cool to say that you have, but all of those features really have limited usefulness. I guess Apple could cram 500 pony trick features into the iPhone, but I think that they sort of just stick to what's actually useful every day.
It just goes to show that Samsung is a lot more worried about the iPhone 5 than they are letting on. Comparative advertising is less effective since by definition it draws attention to the competition. Apple's "I'm a Mac" campaign was a little bit different since it was humorous and never actually went into a spec by spec comparison.

It seems effective for people who like to compare specs, but they would have done that anyway. Not as effective for people who have an emotional attachment to a brand, so don't really care about specs.
This reminds me of Microsoft's anti-Mac advertising. "The Mac mouse works differently, and Macs don't have Microsoft Windows Snap."

Even funnier: "Thinking about getting a non-Mac just for Internet Explorer." I think we can all agree that IE is trash. Also, what if you get a Linux PC? That's a non-Mac that can't run IE. Macs can actually run IE natively, but it's IE 5 or something.
I hear this all the time about Android.

Android Is Truly, Truly Terrible

"The hardware is laggy, the thing sometimes doesn’t even work as a phone, and the Samsung interface is confusing."

Cult of Mac, where else would you go for an unbiased Android review? :)


Also, that article is comparing a Galaxy Y (low end phone) to an iPhone (high end phone). Completely inappropriate.
Great fear I sense......

Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering......

suffering it is, you choose.....
pay.... the billion dollars fine.... you must.... sammy

Stupid made... it is
It seems effective for people who like to compare specs, but they would have done that anyway. Not as effective for people who have an emotional attachment to a brand, so don't really care about specs.

If by "emotional attachment" you mean "better OS", then sure. I doubt many people care about phone specs in the least bit since you're just using it for web browsing and some small apps.


Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering......

suffering it is, you choose.....
pay.... the billion dollars fine.... you must.... sammy

Stupid made... it is

Why are there so many "newbie" accounts here that were created just for this thread that all follow the format of "text , text ................. text..... text"?
Over 1000 comments here about Samsung being a troll and trying to lure customers away from Apple with lies and misinformation. Seems Samsung has won here, because people are talking it a lot.
I did buy a Sammy tv a few months back

At this point I refuse to buy any samsung product. TV etc.

Given this tho, yeah I think they are getting pretty crappy.

If they cannot let their phone sell on its own merits - i think they just made it a target for an injunction....

Would be funny now if apple gets one!
Over 1000 comments here about Samsung being a troll and trying to lure customers away from Apple with lies and misinformation. Seems Samsung has won here, because people are talking it a lot.

No doubt about that - this campaign is a huge success even before anyone has actually seen it in print. They most likely banked on it going viral when they made it - and now it is 'everywhere'. Great move :)
Over 1000 comments here about Samsung being a troll and trying to lure customers away from Apple with lies and misinformation. Seems Samsung has won here, because people are talking it a lot.

The ad doesn't lie, but it just leaves out a lot of key features of iOS. It's like those Hyundai ads that say that the Genesis has the same kind of paint as a $100K Mercedes (and the same exact front design, which they don't mention in words).
Given this tho, yeah I think they are getting pretty crappy.

If they cannot let their phone sell on its own merits - i think they just made it a target for an injunction....

Would be funny now if apple gets one!

New Samsung TVs are good, but my cousins have older ones from 2007. Those are terrible TVs.
doesn't help you in a movie theater - unless you flip yourself to mute the phone ;)
get shush from the play store. when you volume down to silent you get a timer for how long to keep it silent. nice free app for avid movie goers.
Man, you Apple guys are angry! What's the big deal? I'm looking at my 4S and all I'm seeing is a phone. Are you guys THAT into "phones"? Lol!
EDIT: Several folks have reminded me about the "I'm a Mac, and I'm a PC" commercials, which I genuinely forgot about. In that case, I still think the theory holds. Apple had/has ground to gain in the desktop computer market. But in the phone/tablet/Post-PC era, Apple doesn't need to stoop to this level.

While I think the Mac vs PCM ads were great and did make PCM come off as worse than Mac, jobs said himself that Mac was really the bad guy in those ads an Pc was just a victim. In other words those ads were meant to make apple look good but not to make PCM look bad. This on the other hand is just pathetic. And all it really does is point out samsungs weakness, and the gimmicks and bloat ware Samsung jams in a device that you could get an app for on iOS if you really wanted to have similar functionality. And to top it off, the s3 isn't really a very good phone, it has a lot of problems to say the least.

Edit: wherever it says PCM, it's supposed to say pc. Thanks autocorrect
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According to Samsung's logic, nobody should buy a Porsche 911, because a Ford Mustang GT has more horsepower, therefore the Mustang GT must be way better, right Samsung?

An oversized subwoofer in a lowrider car gets much louder than my Bang & Olufsen stereo, therefore that car's audio sounds much better, right Samsung?

Sorry's 2012 and people don't buy products based on specs alone anymore.

AFAICT, the only meaningful difference between the iPhone 5 and the Samsung Galaxy 3s is the screen. And those huge screens don't fit in your pocket as well as an iPhone does. Not to mention the ginormous Android screens are really easy to crack due to sheer size. Going by personal experience, several of my friends have cracked their giant Android screens but only one friend has cracked an iPhone screen.

On the other hand, Samsung has been convicted of price fixing...
<cough>Apple<cough>E-Book<cough>price-fixing.<cough>Department of Justice.

Keep Apple high and mighty. Let them continue to choke off and tie up supplier channels. Yep, good for everybody (especially us lowly consumers).

You guys crack me up. :D
There is 1 thing I agree with Samsung... It doesn't take a Genius.. to return my Galaxy 3 within 14 days and go back to my iPhone 3 and wait for the iPhone 5. suck it Samsung!
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