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I am personally waiting for the holographic 3d retina display. When I saw they had it on Star Trek the current ipad felt obsolete.
I would probably wait. The iPad 2G will most likely have the same price, but more features. Expect it having a front FaceTime camera, gyroscope, up to 128GB storage most likely, higher resolution display, wider aspect ratio, and a possible rear camera.
Please add iPad to Buyer's Guide; you have iPhone & iPod Touch

As posts show, people are seeking buying advice on the iPad. I too am trying to decide if I should buy now or wait for the version with a camera suitable for Skype video calls.

I was surprised to find no iPad section in the Buyer's Guide, so I ask Macrumors to please add this; after all, you cover iPhone and iPod Touch, and the iPad is to some extent a large version of these.

The posts here were helpful in indicating a consensus that the next version will probably not be until 2011; this is the sort of information I would hope to see in the Buyer's Guide section for the iPad.

As posts show, people are seeking buying advice on the iPad. I too am trying to decide if I should buy now or wait for the version with a camera suitable for Skype video calls.

I was surprised to find no iPad section in the Buyer's Guide, so I ask Macrumors to please add this; after all, you cover iPhone and iPod Touch, and the iPad is to some extent a large version of these.

The posts here were helpful in indicating a consensus that the next version will probably not be until 2011; this is the sort of information I would hope to see in the Buyer's Guide section for the iPad.


Probably not in the BG section because there has not been a version two out yet to base a timeline on for a new version. Just my guess though.
The posts here were helpful in indicating a consensus that the next version will probably not be until 2011; this is the sort of information I would hope to see in the Buyer's Guide section for the iPad.

There is no "probably" involved. There will not be a refresh until 2011. They haven't even finished the roll out of this NEW model. Spring 2011 earliest.

Even then you are likely going to see a minor refresh (no OLED, no new resolution) with a face time camera and I expect it will follow the Apple model of keeping the old iPad around to be the low end 16GB model, and only the higher end 32BG-64GB models will get the camera.

So is it worth waiting till spring 2011 to buy a higher end model with a camera refresh? Only you can answer that.
i have a dilemma I really want an ipad and was going to pull the trigger however I just read the release that the second generation one is coming in Jan. I have no interest in the smaller one I want the 9.7 one. are they for sure refreshing it or just coming out with smaller ones? If so does anyone know what features it is rumored to have? i'm just trying to decide if i should wait or get the current one. i have an iphone 3g so i figured i would get the 64gb wifi only as i don't want to pay for a data plan.

thanks for the input, i'm just wondering if the new one will have any can't live without features or if it is just minor stuff. will it be oled? camera? etc.


It's another "Should I buy or wait?" thread.
I was surprised to find no iPad section in the Buyer's Guide, so I ask Macrumors to please add this; after all, you cover iPhone and iPod Touch, and the iPad is to some extent a large version of these.

There will be no iPad section in the Buyer's Guide until the second generation comes out. This is because the Buyer's Guide is strictly based on the average time between past releases. Since there has been only one release, there's no time between two or more release to average.
I would probably wait. The iPad 2G will most likely have the same price, but more features. Expect it having a front FaceTime camera, gyroscope, up to 128GB storage most likely, higher resolution display, wider aspect ratio, and a possible rear camera.

If this comes true, I'll eat my current iPad.
I am SICK TO DEATH of these freaking threads.

There is ZERO evidence to suggest a January release.

Why does it need an OLED display? It has an LED IPS display which is theoretically better than an OLED display. They can't even bump up the resolution that much due to battery life and power.

It's not in the buyers guide because there is no data to help people plan when a new release will come.

JUST BUY THE FREAKIN THING. And if something comes out next year, sell up and get the new one if you want it that bad.
Wait no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy.
i have a dilemma I really want an ipad and was going to pull the trigger however I just read the release that the second generation one is coming in Jan. I have no interest in the smaller one I want the 9.7 one. are they for sure refreshing it or just coming out with smaller ones? If so does anyone know what features it is rumored to have? i'm just trying to decide if i should wait or get the current one. i have an iphone 3g so i figured i would get the 64gb wifi only as i don't want to pay for a data plan.

thanks for the input, i'm just wondering if the new one will have any can't live without features or if it is just minor stuff. will it be oled? camera? etc.

Wait no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy no I mean wait, no I mean buy, no I mean wait, no I mean buy.


Annoying, isn't it.
i have a dilemma I really want an ipad and was going to pull the trigger however I just read the release that the second generation one is coming in Jan. I have no interest in the smaller one I want the 9.7 one. are they for sure refreshing it or just coming out with smaller ones? If so does anyone know what features it is rumored to have? i'm just trying to decide if i should wait or get the current one. i have an iphone 3g so i figured i would get the 64gb wifi only as i don't want to pay for a data plan.

thanks for the input, i'm just wondering if the new one will have any can't live without features or if it is just minor stuff. will it be oled? camera? etc.

Do one now and wait for the next one. As has been stated 1000 times (exactly) on this message board, features will always get upgraded to something better the following year. Playing your strategy all the way out means no ipad for you ever. There is a large resale market for apple products. By one now, sell it later and buy again. Wash, rinse, repeat. It works...
So... how many of these threads do we see a week, ballpark? Four? Five? Ten? *rabblerabble*

Buy it if you want it. Wait if you want. Meanwhile we'll all enjoy our iPads and you can just watch.
Next Gen. iPad

Does anyone have any idea about the next generation iPad? If so, what will some new features be? I heard some stuff going around about a September release. Is this true? I realldy hope that there's going to be a FaceTime camera even if there isn't a second camera in the back.
Friscohoya said:
Do one now and wait for the next one. As has been stated 1000 times (exactly) on this message board, features will always get upgraded to something better the following year. Playing your strategy all the way out means no ipad for you ever. There is a large resale market for apple products. By one now, sell it later and buy again. Wash, rinse, repeat. It works...

+1 (why is + so hard to do on the iPad)

Seriously...let's do the math...because obviously money is an issue for you.

1. Price is only an issue in the absence of value. Clearly you do not see the value of an iPad. To me, it is of enormous value. I even sold a net book for $300 to help finance my iPad. I also sold the original wifi I bought the first week for only a $5 get to the 3G as soon as I could get my hands on one. Not bad for 5 weeks of use.

2. Definitely get a 3G version...even for a minor plan, 200mb plan make the iPad a marvelous tool. Wifi only...well, makes it kind of a brick sometimes. 3G helps even at the house, or when on the fringe of various wifi spots I visit. The gps is totally worth it also. I use mine all the time...but then I am a photographer and I drive around explorering locals. And I use the gps on a boat.

3. How much time have you spent thinking, typing, debating, talking, etc about this? How much is your time worth? How much do you make per hour? Let's say $15 an hour...because if you aren't making $15/hr, you need a new job before you get an iPad. Let's say you have spent 3 hours reading posts, reviews, weighing the facts, etc. talking the wife into it (Got a wife?) that is already $45 wasted...because you could have gone and worked...waited a few more tables, made one more sales call, and just bought the thing. I WASTED 10 hours trying to get the 3G...calling local best buy 1-2 times a day, checking their website, and calling all of the Houston best buys...but this is different...I knew I wanted one...and I had to have it...quick.

4. How much would it benefit you? Time wise, per week? That's hard for me to answer for you. For me, other than spending time like this trying to help somebody else gain the benefit of having a pad, the ipad saves me time from having to get home and get on the computer because I am able to do more while on the go. And, even when I get home, instead of going to the computer room, I hang out with the wife or go runaround with her more, because I can just pick up the pad and go. Shoot, I have even been working out more...and have even read half of my first novel in over 20 years while using the iPad and reading at running speads of 5.5-6.5 mph thanks to the huge font of iBooks. I slow down and handle client emails while working out also. Anyway...let's be conservative and say the iPad gives me 1 hr a day that was lost stuck in a computer room...or with a laptop on my lap (yuk!) cooking my you know what! And I am going to give it the same hourly rate of $15...although I make a lot more than that. So, conservatively, I realize a benefit of approximately $100 per week in gained productivity. So, to me, the iPad as a TOOL has already WAY paid for itself.

5. How much will it cost you? Lets say you buy today...and you pay $650..and you buy it for 18 mos % free from best buy. So, for around $30/mo you gain the benefits of an iPad. That is 6 lg starbucks coffees a month. I would give up the coffee and buy the iPad...and drink water. Ok, so, you don't drink expensive coffees...find something else...$30 is chump long as you pay off bb by the end of the 18 months. Most peop,e waste tremendous money each month on movie rentals, gym memberships when they could just run outside, buying soft drinks at resturants, or smoke and drink alcohol, etc. And then question buying an iPad?

6. But wait, a new version comes out...and you have to have it! So, 6 months from now, you buy the new model. You still owe best buy...but, it's only $30 a month. Let's say you put it on ebay for $ could probably sell for more locally, but I wanted to go low. So, the cost of ownership was $250 for 6 months. But wait, don't forget that it made you more efficient, which saved you time, allowing you to make more money, or at least do more of what you enjoy, which has a price, so even if your time value is only $5/hr or only $100/mo, the you still gain $350...$600 of benefit-$250 cost of ownership = a net gain to you.

See, you can't loose with something like this...unless you get it and then don't use it. For me, I am laying on my back right now resting it for tennis later tonight, while also keeping two new kittens and our older cat company and typing this to you...on an iPad.

Oh, and if you have a business, you should definitely get one, because then it could be a dedudictble business expense. And if you don't have some sort of small business, you should (consult a tax person...not giving tax advice here) because you are missing out on a lot of benefits, etc.

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