The cool and quiet performance of an M1 iMac can not be experienced in a mega electronics store either. It's something you only learn from using it in the privacy of your own room during a cold winter night. I knew all about the significance of the ARM transition and was still impressed by how it felt to use it. Benchmarks can't describe feelings, but reviews and unboxings can. Just go to Youtube, don't ask an BestBuy employee. Craigslist is best to see and test an item before paying and you also get the best prices and most pleasant purchase experience from your neighbours. My last visit led me into the home of a very friendly actor. eBay auctions are hit and miss, like with stocks you shouldn't risk more money than you can afford to lose. But the prices produced by auctions are the fairest, you get exactly how much in demand a product still is despite Apple's fantasy prices.
I actually prefer my Intel MacBook Pro on a cold, winter night. It keeps my legs warm.