I typed wrong. The SCL and SDA lines are on pin 4 and 6. Pin 5 is a battery enable pin called SYS_DETECT, a "pull-down" signal to the battery to enable its output, consisting of 10KOhm connection to ground. So both pins 4 and 6 should have 3.4v when not pulsing.
If pin 6 is also 3.4v, then I'd look at the signal SMC_PM_G2_EN. This is a signal from the SMC power management that turn the system on when powered by magsafe or battery. Since the MBP works on magsafe, somewhere along the line a battery sense signal is not making it to the SMC thus it will shut down the system when ever magsafe is removed.
PS: I just re-read the message. When the battery is plugged in, pin 5 should be 0v, as it is being set to logic zero by the R6950, a 10kOhm resistor.
PPS: when you measured 11.5v on the fuse, I assume you are getting that with the magsafe unplugged, right?
Well I made a mistake too.
With or without Magsafe, I have 3,5Volts on pin 4 & 6. I have 0,3 V on pin 5.
I try to find SMC_P?_G2_EN but I don't find the U4900 H8S2117.
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