Eventually (possibly sooner than later, at least as it relates to 10A96), a version of the build might make its way into some kind of an installer to post for other folks somewhere. Given @ChrisCharman ’s work on painstakingly compiling frameworks for 10A190 (I cannot imagine how hard that is to do, especially in the beta-level Xcode 3.2 build environment!), such an installer could be delayed a little once Chris makes some of those re-compiled frameworks available for community testing. I’d like to try those with 10A96 and see whether any actually of them improve system stability. If somehow I could create a working compiling environment for compiling 10.6.0 frameworks for 10A96, I’d already be doing this myself.
I would say it's still too early for me to upload most of the things i'm testing, and as some currently decrease stability i don't think it would be wise, but i should be able to upload some of the libraries and binaries as a .dmg for people to copy over to their test machines for further experimentation.