@Hughmac There is a link in the Wiki regarding a fix you mentioned for TextEdit not being able to utilise .rtf files. I can't remember what build you were running when you experienced the issue, can you remember?
On my modified build of 10A190 (TextEdit 1.6 Bundle version 251) this isn't an issue.
@barracuda156 are you able to test this on your machine please as you have modified the system to a lesser degree?
Either way, for anybody experiencing problems with the version of TextEdit on their system i have an alternative fix to using the Leopard app (Version 1.5 Bundle Version 244).
Attached to this post is version 1.6 (Bundle version 248) that i have built for PowerPC 10.6. It has been compiled for Snow Leopard but should also run on minimum system version 10.5.
@B S Magnet Could you please test this under 10A096 as i don't have a build imaged to a system at the moment?