Since we’re on the topic of ZFS, I spent a bit of time digging through the install packages in Builds 10A286, 10A222, 10A190, and 10A314 to find how ZFS/zpool development evolved.
In short, everything from Build 10A222 forward is no longer a UB, but Intel-only.
This becomes noteworthy when, in Build 10A286 (the furthest along Apple got with ZFS development), there are three PlugIns added to Disk which are specific to ZFS — namely, ZFS.dumodule; ZFSFilesystem.dumodule; and ZFSPools.dumodule. These plug-ins were removed by the time 10A432/10.6.0 was released for sale; in fact, these were removed from Build10A314, the immediate successor of Build10A286 available to developers.
In short, this means whatever disk formatting options available to Disk in Builds 10A96 and 10A190 will not have options for formatting to ZFS — at least not from a GUI standpoint. As to whether one can do so on an Intel Mac running 10A286 has yet to be determined.
In short, everything from Build 10A222 forward is no longer a UB, but Intel-only.
This becomes noteworthy when, in Build 10A286 (the furthest along Apple got with ZFS development), there are three PlugIns added to Disk which are specific to ZFS — namely, ZFS.dumodule; ZFSFilesystem.dumodule; and ZFSPools.dumodule. These plug-ins were removed by the time 10A432/10.6.0 was released for sale; in fact, these were removed from Build10A314, the immediate successor of Build10A286 available to developers.
In short, this means whatever disk formatting options available to Disk in Builds 10A96 and 10A190 will not have options for formatting to ZFS — at least not from a GUI standpoint. As to whether one can do so on an Intel Mac running 10A286 has yet to be determined.